Orc Tyrant

Chapter 467: Beast of Steel (7)

Miviman turned his gaze back to the screen, and the heat mark of the destroyed enemy flickered in the green static interference. There was no signal around. Maybe the rest had left, maybe they ran out of detection distance, maybe this thick fog...

He stopped thinking about it.

Three enemies were destroyed—it should have been destroyed. His squad has lost part of it. Somehow, he never thought that his first actual combat would turn into such a **** equation.

But it doesn't make sense anymore, at least it doesn't make sense for now.

It will take a long way to get back to the assembly point. What his team has to do now is to move away and disappear into the thick fog as soon as possible before more enemies come to look for them.

"Razor, razor."

He spoke to the microphone, realizing that the voice was still calm and firm, a little bit unlike his own.

"I'm going to move to your left, and when I see us, drive towards us and stay at a distance where I can see the icon of the car body."


The other party simply answered.



He switched to the channel of another tank.

"Red eyes, let's go and go to the right."

The other party confirmed the order, and the hammer was very close in his red eyes and could be seen with the periscope, which made Miviman a little relieved.

He felt the lantern's engine running at full capacity again.


At the moment Miviman's mind was lax, something hit the Hammer at an extremely fast speed, and accompanied by a scream of broken metal, it knocked the left sub-cannon into the air.

He tried to breathe, but the warning lights came on in the wailing of the engine, Udo was yelling at the microphone, dozens of thoughts squeezed into his mind.

Where did they come from? Where are they? Has the armor been penetrated? Are we going to die now? They were about to drive behind us, they had to turn, they had to fight back, they had to—

Something hit the front armor, as if being kicked by a giant, and the body of the Hammer rang like a gong.


Miviman's head hit the gun mount, and he felt a little black at the edge of his vision, and the force hit his back like a ragdoll.

There was blood in his eyepieces and tinnitus in his ears, and he felt darkness in his mind.

"Enemy attack!"

The nerve boy yelled, but the hammer was shaking with the warning light, and he could only hear Udo yelling what he saw.

"right now!"

Miviman's brain started to turn instinctively, and he awoke silently.

The roar turned into metal rubbing against each other, and the piercing scream of power came out when the engine exhaled exhaust gas.

"Go ahead! Full speed!"

They drove forward, slower at first, and then accelerated.

The turret turned amid the hiss of motors and bearings. The enemy had already seen them, and there was no need to consider any concealment.

"caught you!"

The roar of the commander of the Razor came from the microphone, and Miviman could even hear him smiling.


Something exploded, and a cloud of fire burst out in the fog, still carrying a large piece of armor.

The weapon was blown up like leaves in a violent wind, and in an instant, the dense fog was stained with blood and molten metal.

Then the flames gradually extinguished, leaving only the black smoke covering the wreckage.

But Hammer’s situation did not change. It hit something **** its left side, and its chassis slipped and rotated.

Miviman pulled the brakes, and the hundreds of tons of tanks stopped abruptly.

His head rushed forward and hit the infrared device, feeling a smell of iron in his mouth and throat when he was breathing.

Udo stopped cheering and blinked. He felt his eyes were wet and blood splashed into his eyepiece.

"no no……"

Miviman panted and grabbed the lever.


The engine roared, but the Hammer was swaying on the spot, getting stuck on the thing it hit just now.

A feeling of icy emptiness suddenly appeared in his heart, which spread to his body and brain like ice.

"No, please, don't..."

Beside him, Udo was pressing the eyepiece on the scope, staring at the flames and smoke.

Miviman pushed the joystick forward and then reversed it sharply. The clenched gears and tracks screamed as the engine power increased, and they could not move.

"They are here."

Udo shouted.

Miviman put his face in front of the almost scrapped lens of the periscope, and he also saw something moving, gleaming dimly in the flames.

For a moment, Miviman wondered if the enemy was as vulnerable as before, but the burning figure rushed out of the thick fog.

There are ten, ten nightmares made of flesh and blood and brushed steel.

Chainsaws, battle axes, and drills emit lightning in their hands, and curved armor plates bulge on their shoulders. Each of them is at least four meters high. When they run on their two feet, they are like a pile of muscles made of iron plates. .

At first Miviman just stared at them. His eyes were locked on the flashing eyes on their faces made of metal. He felt that his mouth was moving silently, saying something he had heard before. I have been there but now I realize that I never really understood words.

Damn it.

Suddenly, a beam of energy passed through the narrowing gap-Miviman didn't have time to close his eyes, and the outline of an armored figure shone on his retina.

It was screaming, but it couldn't stop itself at all. There was an explosion in the attachment, and the laser cannon fired again and again.

"I killed one!"

The captain of the red eye panted and said:

"I thought about killing one."

But his voice was quickly drowned in the sound of the explosion of metal.

Several rotating missiles flew out of the backs of those two-legged steel behemoths and hit the rear armor of the Red Eye.

The smoke and flames exploded outwards, and the huge chassis leaped like an angry beast. The rear of it split in a cloud of smoke, and the laser cannon group flew into the sky with trembling.

Miviman forced himself to open his eyes. The enemy had already reached a hundred meters away and opened fire while advancing. The ground under their feet churned with their steps.

His vision was full of explosions and muzzle flashes, and he yanked the joystick back, metal screaming as the tank swayed into place.

After a pause for a second, the Hammer struggled to regain freedom, the joystick trembling in his hand, energy inputted into the track, leading them back.

The enemy continued to advance, and now he could see the light cyan crystals gleaming on their chests and the shells dropped from the multi-barrel machine gun.

Udo fired another shot, but missed it, too close.

Miviman braked the left track, and the chariot slid and rotated on the right track.

After that, he slammed the levers on both sides, and the Hammer rushed forward.

Now he couldn't see the enemy. There was a cold rubble and ruins in front of him. They knocked over a pile of wreckage and moved on.

Udo left his seat and hurriedly turned to the back to observe the seam.

"where are they?"

Miviman shouted.

"I can't see them."

Miviman turned around in his seat, looking back instinctively.

He happened to see a small **** when he turned back, and they were about to hit it.

The Hammer smashed through the broken plastic chalk, slid up, and then rushed down.

Miviman fell forward, and for a moment, everything fell silent except for the sound of his own breathing.

He realized that they had stopped.

He reached for the lever and said:

"You can see him—"


The impact sounded like a gong shattering inside the car, and the top armor immediately bent inward, and Miviman could hear the armor rubbing against each other.

A current flashed, Udo shrank into a ball behind his seat, and Miviman thought of the lightning attached to the opponent's electric drill...

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