Orc Tyrant

Chapter 468: Beast of Steel (8)


The captain of the Razor shouted loudly.

The chariot had not yet entered its state, its engine wailed in protest at the speed it demanded, and when it rushed towards the Hammer, mud and dirt splashed out of its tracks.

The gears screamed as they accelerated, because of this **** fog they had to get closer to have a chance to shoot.

The commander ordered the fastest and most direct route to approach-directly through the quagmire, rushing directly to the trapped Hammer, and rushing directly through the enemy's killing zone.

So stupid, so stupid!

The commander of the Razor cursed in his head.

"Carat, are you ready to fire?"

"Not yet!"

"how long it takes?"

The increasing roar of the engine and the roar and noise of the Razor were filled with pauses in speech.

"Three seconds, or you can't shoot at all."

The captain put his face on the periscope. On their left side, the enemy had separated half to follow them, and the Razor was making a large-angle roundabout, dragging the trail left by the heat and sensors.

In a few seconds, it will be able to go behind them, which will be a fatal blow.

"The one on the left, free to fire!"

He waited for a while, but did not hear a response.

"Have you heard? No matter who your **** twitching brain is, you can fire when you see the target."


A second later, a trembling and cringing voice replied, this is the **** who controls the secondary gun, it is obviously frightened.


The Razor’s captain roared, and then switched channels.

"The razor calls the hammer!"

His ears are full of static interference.

"Miviman, can you hear me?"

The enemy has begun to attack the Razor, and if they fail to kill it, they will die.

He smiled to himself, it was too late to have this idea, and now they had no choice.

"Carat, fire!"

The first monster walked over to the Hammer and climbed on top of it.

Accompanied by the hiss of oiled joints and gears, the steel monster stood up straight, and no one could survive the heavy rain of auxiliary shells from the dirty Okko car.

But this creature in iron armor is not a human being-it is a modified monster, and the armor that envelops it is made to pass the flames of war and the coldness of the void.

The head of the warhammer on its right arm shone blue in the heavy air.

Just looking down for a second, the electronic green eyes stared at the armor plate of the reconnaissance vehicle, and it raised the warhammer.


The next second, the plasma stream hit it from the side, knocking it down.

The steel monster twisted wildly as it fell, and its armor remained in its original shape for the moment before it dissolved.

The pipeline was heated and exploded, igniting the air when it fell, and in its armored cage, the flesh and blood twisted by the cyan flame turned into smoke and steam.

The thick plasma of the trunk swept through the air, peeling off the black bubbles from the hull of the Fury, the enemy closest to the chariot disappeared, and only a cloud of diffused gas and heat remained in their armor.

Some lived longer, trying to escape the plasma storm with heavy footsteps, and their bodies slowly deformed with their footsteps.


The light filled the observation slit of the Hammer, hot white and shiny blue, and the top armor began to glow.

Miviman heard the scream from the plasma burst, static interference filled his ears, and the light outside gradually brightened, changing from white to orange.

He put his hand back on the control lever and started the engine of the tank.

In the low roar, it accelerated out of the rubble, and plasma flames burned in its wake.

When he turned the car to the south, away from the destruction zone, he heard a distant sound in the microphone again.

"Damn it! It's aiming at us!"

The Razor himself was in trouble after saving the Hammer. Their main gun needed a long time to cool down, but the enemy was not completely wiped out. At least four guys focused on it.

"We drive back."

Miviman finished speaking, then paused. He didn't need to look to know that the main gunner's face was distorted by confusion.

"That's it, let's go back, as close as possible to Razor."

As soon as Miviman saw that the Razor started to move, he knew what the other party wanted to do and what he had bet on for it.

He cursed, took a breath, and shook his head, half angry, half admiration.

"Okay, boss."

The Hammer began to move with a click, and its tracks rolled slowly, then gradually accelerated as it rushed into the open area in the dense fog.

Miviman attached the eyepiece to the periscope and switched between the infrared field of vision and the basic field of vision. The fog was thin enough to allow him to see enemies passing through the water vapor like sharks through the sand-raised water.

"you are here."

He whispered into the microphone:

"Let them notice us."

The muzzle of the dead cannon spewed flames, and for a while, a cloud of mud and smoke covered an enemy.

When Miviman saw them again, they had changed directions and turned their bodies together. At the same time, the missiles on the shoulders also turned, and the magnetic cannon on the left arm began to rotate.

One of Razor’s tracks had been hit before, and he was struggling hard to help Hammer.

Damn it, it's too close--

Miviman felt almost so close that the striped metal almost filled his vision.

He could see the laser's red light aimed at by the missile passing through the fog, while the enemy was entering the firing position against them and the Razor in the distance.

As long as they are not all killed, they may be able to kill both the Hammer and Razor vehicles.

The Razor knew this for a long time, roaring through the muddy ground, exposing itself as a target.

The only situation that can survive is when Miviman drives the Hammer out to attract the enemy's attention.

This is a very brave and extremely stupid behavior.

The aiming firepower turned to Miviman, his ears were once again full of Ur's curses, and he was trying to keep the main gun stable so that he could shoot.

The cannon bolt opened next to him, spitting out the still smoking shell, and the loader had already raised another cannonball and loaded it in place.

The firing lock was closed with the impact of an anvil from the brass shell shell.

Miviman kept his sight on the front horizontal line, very close, too close, this was not an armored battle at all, but a face-to-face fight between the explosion and the steel fist.

In this kind of battle, only one side can win.

The red light diffused from the sight became a point in Miviman's field of vision. He didn't know what kind of eyes were looking back at him behind the cold steel.

"Play the middle one, try to cover all four."

Miviman can only choose to believe in Ur.


The other party responded in a low voice.


The enemy opened fire a moment slower than the Hammer, and the rumble of shooting and the sound of impact overlapped in the roar of metal.

The four enemies disappeared from Miviman's eyes.

A second later, the metal shards hit the shell of the tank, and the sound was like a thousand war hammers striking.

The loader cheered and slapped the bolt, while the main gunner Ur remained silent, watching the flames and smoke rising from the burning corpse, listening quietly.

Click, click, click.

"They hit us."

Then they all heard the sound of a metal that was broken in half, like a broken metal rod knocking on the car body.


Miviman finished speaking and separated the power from the track.

The Hammer hobbled to a halt, and the metal click disappeared. They all knew what had just happened.

Miviman slowly took a breath of muddy, dirty, and sweaty air.

His technical deputy broke the silence.

"The track is not broken."

He seemed confident when he said so.

"If it breaks, it will be thrown out or stuck."

"It's broken in half."

Miviman added that his voice was inattentive, as if he was talking about how to win a hand.

In the field of vision of the periscope, the enemies had all fallen to the ground, but there were two still alive, but it was not important, because the Razor was running over their bodies.

"Miviman, you did it, you are such an amazing cub!"

The voice of the captain of the Razor rang in the microphone, and he could hear the joy of being alive in his words.

Miviman closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"You are a cub."

He finished speaking, then laughed himself.

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