Orc Tyrant

Chapter 479: Day of No Light (1)


At first the commander and the soldiers thought it was a greeting, then they guessed it was a curse, and then they realized that it was neither.

This phrase was spread word of mouth among the beasts in the refuge, and they whispered the word to each other when they met.

Officers would say this to their soldiers, as if it were a cure for fear.

Old friends will shake hands and say it before parting.

But none of the beasts would ask the priests what it meant, and the people who asked were shook their heads and looked at them with a melancholy look, as if they were just asking why people were breathing.

After that, just as the curiosity of the defenders was fading away, the waiting reinforcements emerged from the hidden underground network.

At first there were only a few people, brave men in ragged clothes.

After that came more-young people, young people, and old people, gathered together and walked into the corridor outside the bunker command level.

When the officers showed up, the ragged volunteers would say that they came spontaneously to fill the vacancies left by the sacrificed soldiers, and they are willing to go to any post and obey any order.

At first, the officers scattered everywhere refused, many of them not even fully developed.

But with every attack on Ouke, the loss of weapons and personnel is on the rise.

They can replace machines, and unused munitions are scattered in forgotten corners and bunkers in the bunker.

Most equipment is old and damaged, or new but incomplete, but the damage can be repaired or replaced with found parts.

What can't be replaced are those who manipulate machines, control guns, and press the trigger.

So, in the end, the terrible arithmetic of the war gave the last defenders of Fort St. Spear what they wanted-they would launch attacks on their lost land and kill those who took it away from them. enemy.

Those who are too severely injured during the reinforcement process will be killed directly.

The rest were taught how to control machine guns, how to load artillery, how to aim, fire, and how to use grenades.

As a training, this is too short and too insufficient. Soldiers know it, and volunteers know it.

Most people know that the world above will either teach them or kill them, but no one talks about it.

What's the point of telling the truth out loud?

After several hours of training, the volunteers were assigned to the unit that suffered the loss.

A small part of them, those who are talented and mastered the skills, are granted machine guns to control.

Later, only after realizing that they would live and die together, did the soldiers ask their new comrades in the war.

What does "Lephusos" mean.

This is an old phrase, the priests explained, beginning in an era that no one can remember except the stories passed down.

It has many meanings, but here and now, it has only one meaning.


They say so.

"It means revenge."

In any case, the above command is for them to guard again, then they can only guard to the end, with the last bullet, guard the last tunnel.

But everyone understands that this is just a struggle in despair. The complete occupation of Ouke is only a matter of time and willingness. They have begun to talk about guns at Oshan. A new attack may be launched soon, and they will be lost. All retreats.

Death seems to have become a necessity, and only hatred is what drives them.

"Did you see it?"

The words spread to Adal's dark dream, pulling him back to reality.

He opened his eyes. Just now he fell asleep when he put his head on the cold rock. In his dream, the sky shed tears of fire, and the crop yard he worked so hard to cultivate was destroyed.

He looked up and saw a big man with tattoos walking, his colorful skin crawling like a nest of snakes.

This is his captain, Kasson, who was once the headhunter of the hunting team. After the king disbanded this ancient military organization, they were scattered among the various troops as low-level officers.

Adal vaguely remembered that his team was preparing to enter the underground fortress of Fort St. Spear with weapons and join the defenders inside, but there were so many patrols in Oak, and they could only wait on the spot.

Then the dream hit him, and now he woke up, his skin pressed against the clammy leather, trying to re-adapt to the world around him.

"what's happenin?"

He blinked and made a vague questioning sound. Captain Kasson was already lying behind a cluster of bushes, as if observing something. Most of the comrades around him had just awakened from sleep. They had been trekking for three days, but they were in the enemy I got a rest under my nose.

This is really ironic.

"Are you stupid farmer blind? Didn't see what happened?"

Kasson did not look back, but his words were as sharp as a knife, and Adal was used to such irony.

Since he broke away from his mother, the task he has been given is not to fight, but to farm, which is to use a **** to dig in the dirt day after day.

Many orcs can't stand this kind of high-intensity labor, but the overseer’s whip will drive them, because from birth, their identity has been fixed-serfs.

Lilin divided the land into many parts, rewarded those obedient clan chiefs, and tied a set of class frameworks to them, thereby disintegrating the ancient social system of the beastly population for thousands of years.

The benefits of this are obvious. The clan chiefs have become loyal, the food problem has begun to ease, and the number of off-production soldiers has increased.

Adal didn’t know this. He just heard from the old people. In the past, life was very free. If you want to eat, go to the woods and find a place to sleep instead of working day and night on a piece of land. .

All this seems to have changed since the invasion of Ouke. The landlords and priests said Ouke was the worst thing in the world, and Adal also hated Ouke.

It's not them, maybe you don't have to live this kind of hard life, maybe you can live a very free and easy life that the old people said.

The root of all misfortune is Ok, and Adal has always believed in this.

"Captain, do you want water?"

He got up, fumbled over and handed a water bottle.

The former hunting team member glanced at him, then took a sip from the water bottle, and pushed it back into the opponent's arms.

"Don't waste resources, the ghost knows how much is left after entering."

"Yes, Captain, you just said...what happened?"

The other party pointed to the front impatiently, but did not speak.

When he saw the first flash, Adal was looking away. He stared at the sky and blinked. At that moment he was sure he saw...

It flashed again, and was swallowed by the distant thick fog at the bottom of the hazy horizon.

After that was another time, another time.

"There is...Holy Spear Fort?"

"We must hurry up and call everyone on."

He slowly withdrew from the bushes, then paused

"We will leave in five minutes."

ig awesome ~ tomorrow will be added as usual, the first one is at 10 o'clock

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