Orc Tyrant

Chapter 480: Day of No Light (2)

They trudged across the dry plains, forming a loose triangle formation in the cold moonlight.

All walked at a normal walking speed without making any noise.

In front of them, a thick yellow-brown fog was slowly approaching, blocking the moonlight like a wall.

Carrying a heavy water-cooled machine gun on his back, Adal panted heavily, raising his angle of view from time to time and looking towards the night sky.

Those false stars and comets, as well as the line of fire through the night.

what does that mean? Reinforcements? rescue? retreat? death?

He hopes to believe that his first war will end soon. The life of a serf is very hard, but at least there is no threat to his life. He has gradually become accustomed to that identity, including the feeling of whiplashes.

"We will be back in the mist in a few minutes, and we will be at the entrance in two kilometers."

Kasson said to everyone, and then clenched the spear in his hand. Although the rifle has become quite popular, he is still used to using his own weapons in the past. This is a primitive pride.

Soon, the low sound of the machine once again surrounded everyone, shaking their nerves in the noise.

A few minutes later, as Casson said, the fog swallowed them.

At first, it seemed that there was a cliff composed of gradually expanding thick fog above them, and then it surrounded them and quickly passed over their retinas, rolling like sand deposited on the bottom of a river.

Adal controlled the fear he had caused by instinct. For a moment, it was as if they were sinking rapidly in the deep, dirty water.

He focused his attention on his comrades in the vicinity, watching the light green armor representing the kingdom approach him from left and right, barely finding a trace of comfort.

Under normal circumstances, they would spread out, relying on sign language and ciphers to keep in touch, but due to reduced visibility, they moved as close as possible to each other.

They advanced for another half an hour, crossing the road littered with vehicle wreckage, crossing the burning frame of the building, and crossing a pond full of solidified sludge.

All the traces disappeared in the thick water vapor like pus, no one spoke, the only noise was their hissing sound because of their carrying heavy objects.


Kasson raised his arm, and his voice made everyone vigilant.

"there is a problem?"

"A little change."

He said so, his voice full of exhaustion.

Then Casson squatted down, fumbled for a moment on the ground, and then stood up again.

"The entrance is missing, it may be blocked from the inside, or it may be... from the outside."

"Found it?"

Adal swallowed his tiredness, his mouth seemed to contain sand, and there was pain in the back of his eyes.

"It should not be. Let's change the entrance."

Casson blinked and shook his head, trying to regain his attention.

After staying outside for so long, they may not be able to go back, just waiting to find an entrance according to the instructions.

"Everyone, rest for five minutes, and then continue walking."

Thirty soldiers confirmed the order, and Adal also breathed a sigh of relief, and put down the machine gun that almost broke his shoulder.

Although he is very tired, he must find a way to stay awake. Cassson is trying to distinguish where they are. The fog can't completely cover his senses. He is very familiar with the environment here. Finding a new way is nothing. problem. .

Three minutes later, Adal found that his eyelids were shaking, and they hadn't eaten anything so far.

Must stay awake...

have to……

Adal's eyes widened, his head suddenly lifted, and he hit the machine gun on the ground.

The severe pain drove away the afterimage of a dream. His head felt pain from the impact, and he swallowed, trying to clear the smell of bile from his mouth.

The ground trembled.

Adal was stunned, is that true? It was not like the vibration when the gunfire fell, but like the deep ground below them shaking.

He slowly turned his head to his comrade-in-arms, and he sat on the ground and dozed off, as if he was having a dream.

Maybe it's not true, maybe it's just an echo of his dream that hasn't completely disappeared? But he felt like someone had driven a nail to her forehead.

He carefully pushed the people around him.

"Do you feel it?"

The other party did not reply, so he repeated it again.

Then, the tremor came again, the guy immediately jumped up, and everyone reacted.

"What's going on!"

"Who is shooting here?"

"Get down! Be hidden!"

Adal came to Casson, who was squatting on the ground, staring, or listening?

But the outside world has not changed much. It is still a high wall made of rotating thick fog, exposed to a somewhat faded field of vision. It opens and closes in the dark, as if opening a door briefly, revealing the corridor behind the door.

Somewhere in the distance there was a spot of light bursting with heat, spreading and disappearing in the dense fog.

A second later he heard a rumble explosion, and after a heartbeat he saw an orange light forming, leaving snowflakes on the horizon.

Adal shuddered.

The explosion was far away from them, but it happened to be on their way to Fort Holy Spear.

Ok's attack?


Long-range artillery or giant rockets? But the mist remained still, and something else was shaking the earth.

The shock came again, and then again, as if responding to his thoughts.

This slow rhythm made him feel like he was alone in a dark forest, listening to the invisible scary sound hovering at the edge of his field of vision.

"Captain, do you feel it?"

Adal's voice sounds tired and cold

"Yes it is."

He nodded and said:

"There was an explosion in the southeast."


"But the vibration and explosion are not synchronized, and it takes longer for the shock wave to pass through the rocks and the ground.

Adal doesn't understand this kind of advanced theory very much, he only knows that the captain's expression is very solemn, more solemn than when he set off.

"Tell everyone, we will go right away."


When everyone packed their things and was about to leave, the earth shook again, and then again.


Kasson squeezed his hand violently, trying to give a command to covert everyone, but he couldn't finish it.

I saw a giant Titan stepping out of the dense fog in front of him, like an actor walking across the curtain to the front desk.

A few meters thick curved spiked armor plate covers its shoulders, its head looks like it is bent under the weight of the rocket it carries, and its orange paint covers its raised metal skin.

Its arms are all weapons, a cannon with a huge caliber, and a pair of iron tongs like scissors.

The barrel-shaped shell flashed like oil in the dense fog, and its eyes flashed with electronic green light. The scanning beam shot in front of it, and the thick and thin pistons as thick as a tree trunk made a hissing sound as it moved forward.

It is the representation of Brother Mao, the **** of Ouke, a terrifying war machine.

The second one is at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Don’t forget to vote when you watch it! ! !

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