Orc Tyrant

Chapter 487: Metamorphosis (Part 2)

The warlocks used long spider-like metal fingers to remove the arm armor of Diego’s forearm. Between his pale lips, a painful exhalation sounded. A piece of skin was torn off along with the armor, and the area where the skin still remained was also covered with oozing. Pinhole of blood.

There are tiny spines on the inside of the arm armor, and he is gradually merging with his armor. This situation is worthy of vigilance.

The humpbacked Gogugu bowed to the noble master, and awkwardly placed the blood-stained armor on a piece of purple velvet cloth, with his handguards and gloves next to him.

Diage clenched his fists and looked at the bloody, pitted arm muscles, feeling a bit strange.

Francis led [Blade of Blurring] in a terrifying, monotonous chant, the sound resounding through the open, accompanied by the rushing rhythm of piston drumsticks beating the metal drum.

The hustle and bustle of worship was mixed with the terrible screams and howlings of the restrained engines. At the same time, the voice of the ceremony would also be transmitted to every corner of the city through the communicator accompanying the slave team.

Diego stood on the altar, bathed in the sound of worship and raised his **** arms.

The lit brazier illuminated the altar, and a thick incense rose from the mouth of the bronze beast head.

Some distance behind him was the rapidly rising shadow spire, and a hundred slaves knelt in front of the altar, adding their own music to the mix.

The slaves' wrists and ankles were tied together behind them, and they stared at the gathering of these black gods of death, their expressions distorted because of fear, pain, and despair.

Shadow Warlock Faramond Merovinga walked past the kneeling slave team, grabbed one of the slaves’ hair, tilted his head back, and cut his throat with the ritual long dagger, that dagger Hundreds of throats have been cut today.

The slave let out a moan of blood, and vitality spattered from the wound. Two Ye Blades who were lucky enough to be selected pushed him off the altar and fell onto the pile of **** corpses in the metal trough.

The humpbacked overseer dragged another slave to take the place of the original one. The Shadow Warlock walked to the next victim, cut his throat and pushed down the altar, neatly.

The blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled in the metal trough, concentrated and flowed through the pumping motor and pipeline to the big water basin behind Diego.

The warm blood bubbled, and he soaked his bare hands into the basin.

Francis was the first to come forward, still chanting in his mouth.

Diego's **** hand stretched out in front of the former secret guard's forehead, drew complicated lines, and injected the power drawn from the slave into his body.

The tall soldier closed his dark eyes and let his thumbs rest on his eyelids.

"The meat on the plate of death, the fear of the wine in the glass."

After Diego finished chanting, Francis turned and retreated. The next person in the team was Silas, with dark hair scattered beside his handsome face, and he knelt in front of Diego.

The shadow prince also drew an alien symbol on his forehead, and held his eyelid with his thumb.

"The meat on the plate of death, the fear of the wine in the glass."

Silas stood up, turned and retreated, and the whole team of [Blades of Blurring] was marked as such, becoming more powerful and terrifying fighters.

They are all the most loyal and ruthless warriors in the night blade. In order to be able to fight against increasingly powerful enemies, they have accepted crazy physical transformation, but as mortals, they are facing the risk of physical collapse.

Therefore, they must use this evil to the extreme ritual to fundamentally transform their physique.

Now, they are no longer humans, but the sharpest blade in the hands of Diego, a murder weapon that can slaughter thousands of people in an instant.

In the next hour of the process, the Shadow Warlock cut the throats of hundreds of slaves, and their sacrifices will be dedicated to the empire.

The stench of death and blood was extremely strong, but the monotonous chants of the battle group were not affected at all.

After the last battle had wiped his mark, Yalid slowly walked onto the altar, soaked in blood, gently stepping on the stairs, and a cloak made of human skin fluttered behind him.

After witnessing the many atrocities committed by countless enemies, the warrior abandoned all his mercy and weakness. He was determined to use the most terrible means to repay those who attempted to destroy the empire, whether it was humans, or ok, or beasts. Or arcanists.

For this reason, he would rather turn himself into an equally inhuman monster.

Deep in his heart, a certain belief has collapsed, and a new concept is being formed-only monsters can defeat monsters.

Arid walked towards Diego, the Shadow Prince resisted the chief warblade's chin, gently raised his head, and then drew a symbol on the opponent's forehead, pressing the blood fingerprint on his eyelid.

At the moment when he was stained with blood, Yalid felt his skin begin to burn, beating with energy and strength.

Opening his eyes, the color in his eyes became more vivid, and at the same time he clearly saw the shining aura surrounding the Prince Shadow like a erratic shroud. Although in the past I could always feel that power accompanied by the existence of Diego, it was very It's hard to see it with your own eyes.

"Your journey is far from over."

Diego chanted softly, and Yalid got up and followed each other back to the altar in front of a group of warriors.

Solemnly and silently, the two stepped onto the steps of the altar and then stood still.

A gut-gut master shuffled forward, and a few hump-backed figures in robes dragged a platform behind him.

The platform was placed in front of Diego, Yalid lay down, a burst of steam burst out, and the platform rose to the height of Prince Shadow's chest.

He began to work. The blade and stinging fingers pierced the flesh and blood of Yalid's chest, and the pointed claws fixed the skin, allowing the doctor in the black robe to cut the tight muscles under the skin.

At first, blood flowed from the wound, but the mysterious power stopped the blood immediately.

The Hooker came to his side, holding a metal disc in his hand, and then handed it to Diego.

The shadow prince lifted the red cloth covering the disc, and raised the blood-stained twisted organs in the air so that everyone could see it.

It is like an octopus wriggling constantly, with open mouthparts and tentacles full of suckers. Just looking at it makes people feel very evil.

Immediately, the sound of the mechanical drum ceased.

"Do you still need time to think about it."

"Give me... glory."

Yalid's voice easily spread throughout the assembly. Diego put the struggling flesh and blood into his chest, and then his breathing gradually became low, and finally he lay quietly on the platform like a dead body.

But the wounds on both sides of the chest cavity have begun to heal, and his skin will be smooth and flawless in less than a day, and even scars will not be left behind.

Diego lightly pressed the button next to the platform, and it sank into the altar with the low sound of mechanical transmission. At the same time, the large water basin filled with blood began to dry up, and all the liquid was transferred to the other along the funnel below. local.

Faramond Merovinga walked to Diego, his pale face covered with faint bluish-gray bloodshot eyes, as if some kind of parasitic plant had entered under his skin.

"The lycanthropes provoked Guk, will they succeed?"

Diego raised his thin face, his lips curled up with a sneer. Under his long black hair like thick ink, his old image no longer exists. Now he is completely inhuman, although his appearance is similar to that of a human.

"Lilin is an idiot. He thought he had caught the killer, but it was just a dead end."

"But you still agreed to him?."

"Lilin is an idiot, but the other one is not, see."

Diego cast his gaze to the west, piercing the rising evil mist, reaching the depths of the rain forest shrouded by the fire of war.

"It will surprise us."

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