Orc Tyrant

Chapter 488: Tunnel Warfare (Part 1)

"Where did you go?"

Standing on the half-collapsed outer wall of Holy Spear Fort, Guk could already see the Wushan covered in clouds and mist in the distance, where the ridiculous king of beastification was said to be sitting there.

He had better be there, Guke didn't want to waste his time on this bunch of meaningless creatures.

So he should be there, waiting tremblingly for him to pass, and then he can pinch it and its twisted compatriots to end this farce.

"I'm bored, go to warm up."

The **** Grak appeared from the stairs, and the guards immediately gave up a path.

He was still smoking, the undried blood on the battle axe was still dripping, and his battle armor and skin were stained red.

"Have you gotten everything done?"

"Some of them are shrunk underground. They hide their heads like a fart and leak their **** out."

"Let your boys clean up the bottom. Tomorrow we will blast down that hill."

"Why not now, don't care about the following things at all."

"I asked a team of boys to copy them. It will take some time. If we go now, those cowards will run away with a high probability. I want to solve them all at once."

A grinning smile suddenly appeared on Grak's face, full of expectation.

"This is good! Don't even want to run!"

"Grow such a big brain, don't waste the brain inside."

Guk lifted the mechanical claws and knocked Grak's head, the other party shook, then stood still and said:

"Thinking about it, it's too troublesome, you just need to come to the boss of this kind of thing."

"It's easy for you to jump around."


While the bosses were chatting, the main force of the Gough Corps had poured into the ground, and launched a **** fight with the remaining defenders. The narrow terrain is the favorite battlefield of these butchers who are good at hand-to-hand combat.

The nerve boy stood blankly for a while, the light reflected on the dirty water surface and flashed on his scarred face.

The green stone inlaid on the top of his metal long stick is dark and silent, and the bones surrounding it no longer pulsate. The waaagh energy is suppressed here, which is quite rare.

The boys searched the gloom ahead, holding pistols and their weapon, a jagged machete.

They have executed a group of more than a dozen stinks who stumbled on their way. They are equipped with good weapons, but they don't know how to use them, and they are so stupid to use them on the Oukes.

As a result, their blood was freezing on the swords, armor and angry faces of the recruits.

That group was not the only enemy they encountered. There were other one or two groups still running away. Many of them were unarmed and desperately wanted to leave. This originated from unprovoked madness, meaningless blood.

Underground warfare is different from the ground, and its scale is of little significance. The Legion quickly split into many small war gangs. Grak was never a boss who is good at organizing, and his boys are relatively more scattered. This is a natural advantage.

Lame Luo got his blood in the process from the three-story passage to the horizontal shaft, and about thirty bad guys were mercilessly slaughtered by his battle axe.

He is a huge Ouke, his muscles are as strong as a rock, especially his shoulders. He is as wide as two boys. His weapon is two half-human tomahawks, and his biggest feature is the right foot. Metal prostheses.

That is not a mechanical limb in the general sense, but a weapon, a pair of claws that can peel off flesh and blood.

In a conflict, he lost his left calf, but this is not a problem for an Ouke. He replaced his leg with a broken knife and killed the hostile boss.

His resume is the most normal way to rise up as a boss of Oak, constantly fighting, fighting, and then getting bigger, more boys join his subordinates, and then carry out bigger fights, fights, and become bigger.

Ambition is constantly growing in this process, but all Ouke knows that uncontrolled ambition will be destroyed, and they have a natural object of allegiance from birth.


When Lame Luo became a boss and wanted to continue climbing, he encountered the first obstacle that could not be overcome-Grak's Gough Legion.

The treacherous wasteland is the conscription area of ​​the Gough Army, and it is also the area they are responsible for monitoring. Any uncontrolled expansion of the force will receive their warning.

The same goes for Lame Luo. A leader of the Gough's regiment found him and gave him three choices.

Either join the legion and become a part of it.

Either stop expanding your power and be the boss honestly.


There are more than a dozen fresh heads hanging on the heights in the Blackstone Fortress every day. If he wants to be one of them, the Gough Legion is also happy to accept this challenge.

Lame Luo succumbed, but he did not join Goff. He believed that he was more than just a leader of the legion, he was waiting.

Waiting for an opportunity to let himself soar into the sky, his ambition is still growing, but it becomes more hidden...

Finally, he got the call he was looking forward to, and Guk invited him to join the expedition.

He led the kid under his command to join this "waaagh" for the first time. He has been waiting for this opportunity for too long.

"Boss, the front is clean."

A close friend of Lame Luo came over, carrying a bunch of **** heads on his head.

"How many dens have we cleared?"

Lame Luo glanced at those heads, they were all weak chickens, without those red-skinned stinks.

This kind of trophies has no meaning at all, and those who are not tuned like to hang on their bodies. An aspiring boss like him has a dozen heads of beastish shamans on the metal bracket behind it.

Although he didn't know the identity of these stinky guys, since he could let other stinky guys play their lives to protect, the status was naturally not low, which was in line with his pursuit.

Out of the ordinary.

"There are probably more than twenty, boss, my number is hard to remember."

The underground network of Fort St. Spear has a total of six floors. Each floor is connected by shafts and has a large number of traps. Between the passages are shelters and warehouses. The beastly people rely on the spider-web-shaped underground network to resist and guerrilla.

If there are more of them, it is still a bit laborious to clean up, but unfortunately the number they are proud of is not worth mentioning in front of Ouke.

A large number of Ouke combat teams seeped into the ground like rain, initially through larger and wider passages, and then with smaller corridors. The strength of the beasts was just a little bit exhausted between the digging holes.

"Boss, there is a big den of stinky guys ahead."

There was a kid who came over. It was the nervous kid who was stunned before. Lame Luo didn't like the nervous kid, but he had to admit that they were very useful.

As a quasi-warlord, this capacity is necessary, Lame Luo often said to himself.


Apart from anything else, he led the hundreds of old David's team and rushed over.

The animalized man occupies a space of two hundred square meters. The only three candles are the only luminous body in the entire space. The space illuminated by it on the horizontal wall is not much larger than a spoon.

A lonely statue, crudely portraying the image of a god, with hundreds of lycanthropes kneeling down around the statue religiously, seeming to be praying, even if Oke is approaching.

Lame Luo stopped at the entrance and looked around. The boys were already in place, and then he nodded.

The Oukes launched a surprise attack without saying a word. The only sounds were the boots shaking the dirt on the floor of the lateral passage and the whirring of extreme speed.

Hearing the sound approaching from the darkness not far away, the beasts immediately stood up, and clenched their shotguns and rifles.


When he rushed into the flickering candlelight sprinkled by the lighting, Lame Luo activated the chain saw axe he unlocked, and the terrifying roar of the melee weapon suddenly echoed on both sides of the corridor.

On the last day of this month, thank you very much for your support all the way! During this period of time, Lao Mo reflected on it and felt that it was too procrastinated. The progress of the plot will be accelerated next month. I hope everyone will continue to support this work! Warhammer is an unpopular background, a good background, but also a background that is difficult to write. Lao Mo hopes to pass on the charm of Warhammer to more people, so that everyone can truly understand the galaxy full of warmth and love ()

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