Orc Tyrant

Chapter 489: Tunnel Warfare (Part 2)

"Fire! Fire!"

The most recent lycanthrope only managed to fire a shot with their new rifle because of unfamiliar operations. The useless physical bullet slammed into Lame Luo's breastplate, and those behind did not risk hitting their comrades. It is impossible to shoot if it is dangerous.

But they still fired, and even before Lame Luo could reach them, he turned the leader into a broken puppet of blood and flesh.

Boss Oak accelerated through the trash, slamming it against the rock wall of the corridor with a terrible cracking sound.

Still, he made no sound.

Lame Luo made his precious chainsaw axe roar for him.

In more than ten seconds, half a dozen beasts were cut into a river of blood from the death jagged phantom of Lame Luo.

A bullet hit him, and the guy behind waited for the opportunity to stagger back and opened the distance between himself and the butcher frantically, but none of the scarred armor that penetrated him, the buzzing of electric discharge in the narrow enclosed space The sound can only make the animalized people dizzy and confused.

The spacious and huge room allowed other Ouke boys to stain themselves with blood, tear them with axe blades, and split armor, flesh, and bones with contemptuous ease.

The dirty internal organs smeared the ground, walls and roof with dripping and steaming red, and it was finished within a minute.

This is not the case. When Lame Luo's iron feet cruelly cut the throat of a beastized man and blocked the opponent's final scream, the rock wall at the back of the shelter suddenly exploded inward.


The kid holding a heavy weapon was shredded by sharp stones because he was too close to the explosion, and his flesh and blood along with the deformed and broken iron armor were pounded with meat sauce.

The other members of the Zhan Gang stumbled, and the shock wave of the explosion and the dust and gravel on the entire wall forced them to squint their eyes.

In an instant, new screams filled the underground space, shadows pierced through the curling dust, their hateful red eyes flashed hot in the gloom, and the flames of the muzzle lit up the dirty dust blocking the lateral passages.

A burning kid, who was closer to the blast behind Lame Luo, fell immediately in a intensive fire.

The fuel tank he was carrying suddenly exploded, and the turbulent tongue of flame spread along the rock wall, and the enemy's face was also clearly photographed.

The red skin, jackal-like long and narrow head, not inferior to Ok's sturdy body, the elite force among the beasts, the evil orc, howling of hatred in the fire.

"Turn over them!"

In response to the ambush, Lame Luo was not afraid, and after a loud shout, he was the first to step into the re-shrouded darkness and **** ruins.

This kind of shadow is nothing to the boss of Oak, he eagerly rushed out of the approaching turn where the blasting blasted the gap, looking forward to a short and **** hunt in the dark, and activated the chainsaw tomahawk.

The roar of the blade in the narrow corridor was enough to conceal the real hunters approaching.

"Go on! Go on!"

There is no reason for the boys not to follow the boss. After a short shot, the evil beasts also abandoned the large-caliber shotguns and machine guns in their hands, and drew their long knives from their backs.

In a chaotic sway of light and shadow, steel and steel violently collided, and the cruel chain saw teeth shook the attached rock wall, the soil broke away from the rock and the only lighting candle behind shone and shattered.

It's too late, the animalized people realize this.

They thought that the enemy would be confused because of the ambush, but they actually exposed themselves in reverse.

The other squads of the Lame Luo Fighting Gang spent nearly an hour traversing the soil and rocks above the third horizontal passage, dug a mouse hole, parallel to the larger corridor below.

They knew about the appearance of the red-skinned stinks who used ordinary stinky guys as bait, and used them to detonate their bombs at the moment they exploded in the nearby corridor, and then went through the exploded cave into a deeper horizontal corridor.

Lame Luo's counterattack led the evil orcs into the corridor, with their backs to the newly arrived Ouke team-they had already heard their boss roar.


Two minutes after Ok's ferocious counter-ambush, the evil beasts understood what was going on. They realized that they were stuck in the middle by enemies they had underestimated, and they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

But they fight fiercely like stubborn jumping, back-to-back, armor rubbing the sides of the narrow cross, attacking and attacking, and blood for blood responding to the Oukes.

They have been driven to a dead end, so they struggle more fiercely.

But the Okers will not be defeated, not this time.

The teams on either side slaughtered every stinker until the last one was surrounded by them.

"Leave it to me."

A blood-stained lame Luo walked out of the boys, and the boys naturally separated a path, and the evil orc man whose back was leaning against the rock wall and panting violently had no strength to even look at it.

Under its feet are layers of corpses, submerged to the knees, its long knife has long been broken, like a piece of scrap iron, it does not remember who it has hit or who it has hit.

This is like a chaotic nightmare, and its brain is still a cloud.

Lame Luo walked up to it, stared at it for a while, then threw the two battle axes into the pile.

He strangled the opponent's neck with one hand and lifted it up, and then held the opponent's right hand with the other.

With a muffled sound of cloth shattering, the evil orc's body trembled suddenly, and then there was another...

Under the gaze of the boys, its limbs were torn off one by one, like a strip of meat being torn from a bone.

It wasn't until the metal glove clenched the neck was squeezed sharply, and the sobbing screams fell silent, and the corpse that was distorted and lost its human form fell back into the pile of corpses on the ground.

From beginning to end, the boys made no sound.

Major witnessed another elite destruction on the surveillance screen of the central command post.

With his paws open and closed, his anger was boiling.

The Oukes systematically destroyed every tunnel, intersection, shaft, and ramp they passed by, but he still saw enough to know the first wave of attacks against underground fortifications.

Although frontline officers may refuse to take any responsibility, the reason for such a rapid failure is simple and obvious.

They underestimated their enemies.

By past standards, most of the evil orcs were young-the earliest batch was only born for one year.

But their arrogance is as difficult to control as their power. Marjor has warned them not to be overconfident, but few are willing to listen.

So Major is more willing to appoint those experienced ordinary orc veterans, at least they can understand the real tactical intent, rather than attribute everything to their own muscles and witchcraft.

The sad thing is that ordinary orcs are only a little better than slaves in front of evil orcs. This is both a law and a fact.

In fact, he felt that he had been abandoned by Lilin.

His fighting style is not recognized by him. If there is any reason, it is probably because he is more inclined to human military dogma.

Sometimes he would think about the difference between Ouke and the evil orcs. He found that the bloodthirsty of the green-skin monsters was bound to some extent. While obviously eager for melee combat, they seemed to maintain a complete tactical awareness.

At some point, their melee anger will succumb to discipline and self-control.

This sounds incredible, because the chaos and disorder of Green Skin is a consensus, or something that everyone can use to comfort themselves.

The actual situation is very complicated, and their changes make Major uneasy.

Maybe he can't support it for a day.

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