Orc Tyrant

Chapter 494: Herd (4)

The flames of the muzzle hovered all around, and the flashes of countless barrels of different calibers illuminated the half-dark sky. A soldier next to Grak was hit in the chest by a large number of deadly bullets, and the hot metal tore apart. Blood splashed out of his armor.

Then he twisted and fell to the ground, his heart and internal organs all ruptured, but more Ouke rushed up to take his place.

"Blow them up!"

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, but the Gough Corps is not a brainless brat, they also have their own war wisdom.

With an order from Glak, the boys in the back row pulled out simple grenade launchers and grenades from behind their waists, and immediately a dense hail of metal fell in the sky.

Boom boom boom~~~!

The formation of the evil orcs was shattered by explosions, a large number of corpses were thrown into the sky, and Ouke’s explosives displayed their powerful characteristics as always.

Immediately afterwards, they fought back in the same way, and smoking wooden grenade flew out of the crowd and fell straight into the dense formation of Ouke.

Boom boom boom~~~!

There were also many boys who were blown up halfway.

Both sides are already blushing at this time, just want to make a bayonet to each other as soon as possible.

But the ordinary lycanthropes who fled in all directions suffered. When the evil orcs tried to shorten the distance between them and the enemy and seized the advantage, the ordinary lycanthrope soldiers could only follow closely, and then they were chopped down by a battle axe or shielded. Knock over.


The Burning Boys are not far behind, they are concentrated on the edges of both sides of the team, using hot heat to destroy the momentum of the enemy's charge.

But their own danger is the same as the fuel in their hands. When a hapless guy is hit by a stray bullet, it explodes directly into a bright yellow-white flame.

The fiery pillar of fire rushed into the air, like ink in the water, and at the edge of the shock wave, a kid was thrown away like a broken rag doll.

Even through his armor, Glak still felt the heat of the explosion blowing on his face, and the bullet rained on him, but he remained standing, shouting and directing the charge.

They approached, and a dense wall of darkness filled Oak's sight.

"Let the nerve boy work quickly!"

Grak made the adjutant around him sound the snail. The long sound was a unique signal, followed by bunches of dark green aura and lightning, shattering the deep darkness in front of him.

The howling enemies appeared behind, long bone spurs grew from their joints, and a little more bone cavity appeared on their rickety backs, and the black smoke was ejected from their hollow bone cavities.

In an instant, the familiar enemy became unfamiliar.

"Flip them!!"

Changing to be any commander will cause a little hesitation, but Grak is unique, his style and temper are like the jagged battle axe in his hand that roars more than just.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Twenty meters...

As they advanced, Glak took the lead, and suddenly a huge shadow enveloped the sky.

Instinctively, he raised his head and looked up, and saw something hovering in the clouds, at least five or six hundred meters away from them.

Immediately afterwards, lightning and metal storms hit them like raindrops.

A standard-bearer was distracted, there was a slight sluggishness, and he immediately paid the price for his slackness.

The hot plasma blasted a hole in his torso, roasting Ok in his armor.

Accompanied by a loud clang, he suddenly fell to the ground, his wounds burning before he fell.

Oak beside him immediately picked up the fallen battle flag and held his corpse in front of him, choosing to use it as a temporary shelter instead of meaninglessly admiring their dead comrades.


Grak roared, and the Oukes immediately felt the volley of fire from the artillery who obeyed the order behind them.

The effect of the volley was cruel. Rows of lycanthrope soldiers wearing rough armor fell under the fierce attack, and the corpses fell head-on among their comrades, twitching and spinning under the blow of the cannonballs, blood spattered, and the corpses looked like fleshy flesh. Stacked like sandbags, tripped the people who followed.

Using long-range firepower under such close-range conditions, Grak's madness as always made many of his enemies unable to adapt.

This was a one-sided attack, and then the first batch of cannon fodder from the elites of the Gough Corps, who had long been unable to restrain it, approached and clenched their weapons.

A brutal evil orc with scars like weathered rock and covered in stains took the lead in rushing to Grak with a bladed axe.

The warlord greeted the roar with his screaming chainsaw and cut it into the big man's chest.

In just an instant of confrontation, the leading evil orc fell.

Grak twisted the weapon in his hand without pausing, and threw the poor bug away, so powerful that the corpse spun in the air and crashed into his humble kind.

The warlord strode forward and chopped down the second attacker with a flat sweep.

Roger, a Gough leader, came to Grak's side with enthusiasm and cruelty to join the melee.

When he rushed into the enemy group, his stumped arm fell like raindrops, and his face without a helmet showed a terrifying smile.

Out of the corner of his eye, Glak saw another Roger’s kid beheading an evil orc officer who was trying to rush over, arousing greater enthusiasm among his soldiers, and the others disappeared into the red mist. Then came the terrible noise of the sharp blade tearing the bone marrow.

However, despite the ruthless and wanton slaughter, these humble scumbags refused to retreat, and this land of slaughter was being soaked with blood.

"These gangsters have not been hit at all."

Rogge murmured, turning his blade to face the oncoming enemy.

"Kill them all! We are going to be the first to rush up!!!"

Grak gritted his teeth and shouted, using his axe to knock over an enemy. When he was about to kill the opponent, seven or eight evil orcs rushed to him.

They seem to know that the biggest is the enemy's general, and they want to destroy it desperately.

In a frenzy, Grak pressed the chain saw acceleration button.

In an instant, the plasma rushed to the sky for more than ten meters, and he cut through the bones and flesh and blood to liberate himself, but the evil orcs caught him until they died and tried to drag him down.

When he tried to wipe off the thick plasma on his face, the bullet hit his armor, and an evil orc hung on his shoulder roared in pain. His lower body had been torn, and his internal organs were **** like tentacles. Creeping at the incision.

Grak pulled it off and stomped it with his foot.

The warlords also became a little curious in their fury. This is not the way stinkers fight, and they rarely die willingly, even when there is something worth doing.

This is why Ouke is a deadly warrior. They are incomprehensible to any enemy who will be infiltrated by natural fear, because an Ouke rarely has a sense of fear due to battle, only some special Reasons will make them retreat.

For example, this is probably the only way to get rid of their boss.

But now, another kind of enemy appeared, an enemy that even Glak could not defeat.

"Damn it!"

He squeezed two words between his teeth and got rid of the other guy while being splashed by the rain of blood from the stinky guy that Roger had opened his mouth.

"We have to kill them all!"

Moving on, when a sharp blade or a bullet pierced one side of his armor, Glak felt a slight burst of pain, followed by a group of stinky guys emerging from the black mist, their cry of death. The stench of the horn and the cut corpse filled his senses.

These black smoke gushing from their bodies, as if they are constantly growing their courage, even the ordinary beasts have become crazy, their eyes have turned into obsidian-like shiny colors, and they have no scruples when attacking. , Even no longer afraid of pain.

They no longer cry, no longer fear, fighting like moving corpses until they are completely torn apart.

They become so weird.

Thanks to Lao Luo from the class next door for your reward! Tomorrow routines add more! Another thing to say……………………ig awesome! ! lpl awesome! ! After so many years, I finally saw an s champion.

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