Orc Tyrant

Chapter 495: Herd (5)

Although the evil beasts' counterattack was very fierce, the battle situation still showed a one-sided trend.

Ordinary lycanthrope soldiers on the two wings were first defeated. The boys shot and chopped, and many soldiers in the shooting range were knocked down.

Grak took advantage of the situation to exert pressure on the middle, the chainsaw and battle axe in his hand whistling with death.

The formation no longer exists, and the surviving evil orcs are scattered everywhere, fighting to the death.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Glak led his soldiers into the center of the enemy group, targeting the largest and most fierce one. He intuitively believed that the opponent was the boss.

This huge evil orc dragged the shiny iron claws that were still dripping blood, and held a huge shotgun in the other hand, constantly blasting the approaching kid back, and using roars to inspire the nearby beasts Soldier, a black battle flag is flying behind it, with a golden serpentine logo with wings printed on it.

Glak dodges a ferocious scimitar, and slashes the legs of the evil orc beside him who dared to attack by dancing the chainsaw and battle axe.

The warlord strode towards the boss of the enemy, he was going to make a decision!

On the other side of the battle line, the nervous boys burned with green energy flames, and the leading abnormal boys waved their wands into a huge crescent, releasing energy to a group of screaming beastly shamans.

With a javelin-like lightning throbbing in his left hand, he chased the fleeing alien enemies, and burned them into charcoal when they were looking for shelter in vain.

The boys took advantage of the chaos when the enemy tried to reorganize the defenses, fighting in shattered fortifications and trenches.

The boss Rogge had already lost his gun, and was fighting an evil orc with his bare hands, using his fangs against the fangs and muscles against the muscles.

Relying on a more brutal force, he grabbed the opposite direction and rolled back, slamming it over his shoulder.

Then he stood up, picked up a fallen machete, and slashed into his skull before the wounded evil orc tried to stand up.

The machete stuck in the thick skull, and the evil orc's eyes bulged from bloodshot, like a goldfish. There was a painful cough in his throat, but he couldn't say a whole word.

The next second, as the hilt of the knife broke, the evil orc fell headlong into the blood-soaked soil.

At the same time, Glak had resolved all the disruptors on the road, approached the leader of the evil orcs, and almost easily repelled the smaller enemies who rushed with an axe or a club.

Nothing could hinder him now, the evil orc boss saw him coming, his dark black eyes burned frantically, and he raised his crude gun and shot a string of bullets.

Ding Ding Ding~~!

The bullet hit Glak's armor projectile and fell to the ground, digging out several small holes in the armor and scraping off the bright red paint.

One or two bullets penetrated the gap between the nails and shot into the flesh and blood. There was a shallow pain in his limbs, but Ouke’s tough nervous system immediately shut down the transmission of pain, which led to more Of fury.

"Eat my axe!!!"

He speeded up the distance of the last few steps and jumped high towards the evil orc, the blood dripping from the chainsaw and battle axe drawn a corrupt arc.

The creature flicked his claws in both hands to counter Grak's attack, making a deep cut in the warlord's breastplate and throwing him aside.

Grak stood up on the spot, dancing with the chainsaw axe, without hesitation, he attacked the orcs again, the fast-rotating sawtooth crackling in the endless fierce stabs.

But the leader of the evil orc was equally agile, using his giant claws to fend off Ok's weapon, and counterattacked with a series of fierce fist attacks.

waaaaaaagh! ! !

The boys who were fighting nearby were shouting and cheering for the boss, but no one would come forward, because this was a hunt that belonged to Glak alone. Anyone who intervened would end up even more terrible than defeat.


He stepped up the offensive with a monstrous killing intent, and tried his best with every blow. The evil orc seemed to fall into slow motion, and Grak blocked his attack with great ease.

The air seemed to open his mouth begging him to slaughter the nasty stinker.

Glak watched the evil orc commander sway the giant claws, but the speed was pitifully slow, and there was a completely unprotected gap in the center of the violent claws-Glak could see clearly, as if there was something. Is guiding him.

However, when he took a step forward and slashed at the enemy with a chain saw and battle axe, there was a sudden cry in his mind, and the light around him seemed to be stained with blood.

Grak yelled and pierced the evil orc's chest, then pressed the roaring teeth of the chain saw into the creature's abdomen, and cut it completely with a fierce upward swing.

The evil orc general was split in half under the heavy blow, and died completely before falling to the ground.

All over the front, the remaining evil beasts suddenly wailed in grief. Their morale finally collapsed. They turned around and tried to escape, but were shot and killed easily by other boys.


Rogge came to him, and he looked at the dented and scratched armor.

"Are you okay?"

Glak also looked down at his armor, noticing how much damage it had suffered for the first time.

The paint was scratched, and the nails were covered with depressions, cracks and holes. He no longer remembered when he suffered such an attack.

"Nothing shit."

When he finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the front where the lycanthrope had collapsed, but in the depths of the darkness, something was beating his nerves.

Grak stopped and turned his head abruptly to stare at the castle shrouded in mist in the distance.

There was something there, something that didn't really exist, and there seemed to be a whisper in the darkness, trying to find a space in his mind.

After staring into the mist for a while, Grak withdrew his attention to the burning bunker and fortifications, the enemy had been dispelled, and he had enough time to find the source of the sound.


While shooting at the green skin pouring in from the entrance of the fortification, Tanyas the evil orc smashed his long knife into an Ouke who was brandishing a frightening machete and tried to flanking the machine gun bunker.

The heavy blow instantly smashed the green-skinned skull and even crushed the spine, causing the creature to fall to the ground and become a ball.

But even the elite guards could not close the gap. Tanyas and his brothers resisted the ocean of green muscles and the continuous rain of bullets. The advanced shotguns in their hands burst into flames due to uninterrupted fire. Smoke, explosive ammunition burst into countless deadly shrapnel at the gap.

The Oukes fell down one after another, torn by continuous fire, but they continued to flood in trying to submerge the underground bunker.

"Go to hell! Scoundrels!"

Ed Shaman was also in the breach, standing on a pile of rubble, waving a bone staff with a vague and indescribable energy.

The flash rushed out from his fingertips, scorching Ok, who was trying to rush towards him, his wand was shining and spinning, and the crow-like decoration on the top shot out rushing blue energy, smashing Ok's skull. , Tear open their abdomen.

He is a boulder blocking the opening of the green ocean.


Suddenly, a burst of fierce artillery fire swept across the ground, blasting large pieces of gravel into the sky, and blasted towards the shining shaman in a straight line.

The explosion caused by the shell hitting the bunker threw him back into the bunker. A back-roll and stood up. He stepped on a flat-end war staff and released a terrible javelin-like blue flame, scorching a bunch of them with him. The shocked green skin.

But soon, the heavy and loud footsteps told him that something bigger than Ok was approaching the breach.

The second one is at 15 o'clock in the afternoon~!

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