Orc Tyrant

Chapter 496: Herd (6)

The Captain of the Janissary Guard, Tans, was the first to see it, and immediately focused all the firepower on the deformed monster that was passing through the south gate.

"A big iron bump!"

He shouted to the people behind the underground bunker.

This giant, stomping machine almost blocked the gap alone, its clumsy mechanical arms pressed against the wall to maintain balance, and the artillery on both sides protected its armored belly.

Through the narrow front window, Tans can see the ugly face of the Ouke driver.

The other evil orcs turned their guns at the same time, giving up a large number of smaller targets that stepped on their compatriots’ corpses into the bunker. When this huge and heavy Ouke machine stepped through the ruins of the city wall, bullets continued to explode on it. The block of masonry was knocked into the air by the arm it swung to balance.

The impact of the bullet shook the striding mecha slightly, but it finally settled and turned its gun to the enemy.

Boom boom boom~!

The flames and rockets flew into the formation of the evil orcs, and the flames from the flamethrower flooded the surrounding bunker. Tans felt the armor soaked in the flames, so he immediately turned over and rolled into the trenches, avoiding the result of being completely scorched. .

But the shaman did not step back. He raised an invisible barrier to separate the flame from the middle, and walked a few steps forward against the flame, just stepping on the green skin that was gradually being roasted, and kicking them in. Rough rubble.

Others continued to shoot bullets at the armored canister.

Suddenly, three rockets pierced through the flames in front and grazed Tans's newly exposed head.

Without even looking back, he knew that Harry was hit by the big explosion behind him. He just angrily hit the buzzing long knife into the chest of another Ouke not long ago, and then he was torn by scattered shrapnel. broken.

The shaman is still wrestling with Ok's machine gun.

The energy hit the side of the mecha, just breaking the balance so that it could not aim, and then the brave shaman approached the opponent, slashing the mecha's leg with a war staff and shooting lightning from his fingers.

Just as Tans rushed into the gap from the hellfire of the bunker, the shaman had already stuffed his wand into the rough, bare knee joints of the Ork machine.

The huge machine used its weapon to track the trajectory of the evil orc imperial army's charge, and as its center of gravity moved, the shaman took the opportunity to shoot a javelin-like energy against its chassis.


As the machine was slightly lifted into the air, Tans leaped high and took off to its side. The large-caliber revolver in his hand hit the rough riveted armor head, centered on the Ouke inside.

The Dreadnought Mecha swayed under the heavy blow, and then its legs began to collapse and hit the ground with one head.

"We killed it!!"

Tans stood proudly on its fallen body, blood and pus oozing out of the machine.

The victory was short-lived. With a row of explosions suggesting the arrival of another machine, he turned around decisively and saw a larger Ouke machine stepping into the gap. On both sides were a group of green skins holding shotguns. All are equipped with heavy weapons.

"We must guard the gate!"

He felt a sudden cold in his waist just as he was about to jump off the corpse of the Ouke machine.

Tansi looked down and found that a huge iron clamp was deeply embedded in his body, and blood slowly overflowed along the rusty metal.


He coughed twice, and blood began to spill from his mouth, he wanted to move but couldn't move.

The machine that was originally "dead" stood up again, Tans turned his head, and there were two hot red lights in front of him...


A deep roar came from the square iron-clad head. At the moment when his consciousness was about to dissipate, the scene in Tans's eyes was a large cluster of sharp steel teeth and questions that kept echoing in his mind.

"Isn't it dead?"

Isn't he dead?

Awakening is a worse thing than death.

The mist swirled in the green darkness in front of him. Rangefinders, infrared sensors and bird divination arrays began to cover his field of vision. He can see the enemy now. The small spot-like heat signal in the distance becomes brighter and brighter as the opponent approaches.

"The overlord issued an order."

A voice broke the mournful wind.

"I heard."

He said that the machine took the words from his mutilated throat and played them into the microphone.

"Capture that bunker."

The voice continued.

WACKER is really silly, he has complained more than once.

Observing the chaotic current from his mechanical perception in his field of vision, all the war machines he commanded were already in place, scattered among the ruins around him.

"Long face? Rotten teeth?"

Wiken said their names, but did not respond for several seconds.

"I woke up, boss."

After a while, the long-faced, flat, metallic voice sounded, like the mirror image of Viking's own voice.

Rotten Teeth's answer was a roar of static electricity.

With a total of eight boys, Viken sometimes feels that he is probably the worst boss, but eight of them are enough to fight a thousand boys, and he also has such confidence.

Now, this is their first opportunity to appear on the battlefield.


He said, there was a pause, and there was a short delay in his thinking, and he vaguely felt the cartilage in his throat that he had removed trying to shape the next word.


"Go on."

His boys responded.

Then, with the piston pumping of the machine, they began to move forward on the battlefield full of bullets.

But the rotten tooth quickly got out of control. It was dazzled by the intense hunger, and began to rush forward desperately. Viken couldn't stop him, so he could only speed up his pace to keep up.

Obviously, the mechanics applied more red paint to the rotten tooth when it made the legs, which caused them to be unable to keep up with the opponent's speed. They could only watch the first gap where it rushed into the bunker.

The enemy's resistance was quite tenacious. When Viken finally surpassed the many obstacles outside the bunker, he was greeted by a burst of bullets and explosions.


A grenade exploded on his right hand, and it suddenly became difficult for him to see and hear.

The thunder of metal rolled over his brain, he could feel every surface of the shell vibrating, and the roar of numerous engines and the roar of shrapnel and rumbling explosion mixed together.

His eyes were always fixed on the ground in front of him. He was using his own eyes, and the infrared vision lost its effect a few seconds after the exchange of fire.

As he tried to maintain steady observation, various shapes, shadows and lights filled his eyes.

He can see a goal.

It's a rotten tooth, it's down!

"Rotten teeth!"

He began to move toward the place where the rotten tooth fell, and the rapid-fire cannon on his left arm roared in anger, joining the ensemble of the battle.

A shell hit the front of a machine gun bunker and tore off its side. The frightened stink inside was immediately exposed.

Wiken didn't even look at it, and stepped on it.

The third one is 8 o'clock in the evening~!

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