Orc Tyrant

Chapter 498: Herd (8)

As the battle expanded to the entire mountain, rockets and artillery shells continued to hit the outer wall of Wushan King City, and a large number of lycanthrope soldiers opened fire on the enemy on their weak front.

A team of harpy screamed and flew over, raindrops of explosives were thrown all over the castle, and the Ouke boys on the ground raised their weapons and cheered after seeing the flying banshees. ——Then shoot the bullet at the friendly army.

The main guns of the tanks lined up at the foot of the mountain burst into flashes intermittently, and beams of fire cut into the top of the mountain, descending on the heads of the beasts and scorching them in groups.

In the center of the enemy's front, with a muffled metal collision and a hissing sound of gas released, a dazzling flash of light distorted the surrounding air.

Guk jumped down from the center of the twisted vortex, his whole body shining in a dim gleam.

The demon killer turned into a phantom in the rapid dance, the large assault gun on the mechanical claw was continuously fired, and Guke directly flashed into the center of the enemy's line with the teleportation.

Mogdrogen followed him closely, and as soon as he jumped onto the ground, he began to look around the surroundings, and then raised a long spiked metal rod to send out a circle of energy to the surrounding enemies.

The dazzling aura directly crushed the fire-spitting bunker, covering the members inside under the ruins.

Then there was the scrap iron block Viken. The weight of the mecha directly crushed the rock when it landed, and his team followed.

The vanguard exploded with powerful firepower, and the mechas that were much taller than most Oukes used automatic cannons to throw out a shower of bullets, and at the same time they used chemical flames to engulf the approaching evil orcs.

They screamed and rushed to any place where there was water, but they were immediately killed by the firepower of the boys in the distance.

The assault on the center of the position was beyond the expectations of the beastly people, and even some of the teams that were charging towards the enemy column stopped halfway in confusion.

Part of them turned around, trying to retreat temporarily, but the soldiers behind had already charged their compatriots and pushed each other feverishly in an attempt to fight the enemy first.

For a while, they seemed to be fighting each other, Ouke immediately seized this advantage to advance towards the main gate of the king city, attacking the opponent's heart like a spear.

At the same time, the banshees returned to the air and hovered on the battlefield. After they threw the explosives, they had no means of attack. Although they could get close and shoot with pistols, everyone knew that they shouldn’t participate in the Ouke’s battle. with.

Because when they are fighting, they will attack anything that is not green, or anything, no matter what color it is.

Below, the Ork mechas stood still to face the rushing waves, using continuous heavy firepower and simple but powerful melee attacks to reduce the number of lycanthropes.

In the center of the battlefield, Guk is using extreme brutality and superb technique to eliminate the evil orcs that surround him like pockets.

Since the big tutu gun seemed to be stuck, he only used the demon killer and mechanical claws to impart the kindness that belonged to Ok, while Mogdrogen exuded a hot and frantic brilliance on the side, using a metal rod with a force field to constantly swing Cut and burn the enemy, as if being guided by some kind of power.

By this time, Guk finally felt the vitality he hadn't had in a few months.

It was like a kind of crazy dance. He fended off the attack of the machete with one hand, and pierced the ear of the stinky guy who disgusted him with the other hand, and plunged into the hilt of the knife.

The various non-human screams and roars produced by the battle gradually faded out of the faint hearing, and replaced by a beautiful single syllable that is beyond expectation.

The sound gradually superimposed into a chorus, the light filled his soul and rendered all the movements around him, making them look clumsy and slow.

Guk is like returning to the time in the desert a few years ago. He cleanly chopped off his limbs with his weapon, pierced every fragile and vulnerable part of the enemy’s body, took out his internal organs, and Ribs are torn and the spine is torn apart.

Artillery fire continued to explode around, and Guk realized that the knife was stuck in the neck of an evil orc.

Kicked the corpse away with one foot, he turned around and put the mechanical claw into the roaring mouth of another evil orc, holding the demon killer with his backhand and slashing it into an arc with all his strength, and opened the six guys who tried to approach him from three directions. Broken belly.

Behind him, he could feel Mogdrogen waving his metal staff, and every burst of energy in his eyes and throat knocked three or four enemies away.

The two Oukes abruptly cut a path deeper and deeper in the enemy group, getting further and further away from the scrap iron team.

However, a very faint whisper also kept asking in his ears when Guk was fighting the lycanthrope.

kill! kill!

It is your responsibility to let them shed the last drop of blood.

We all look at you

Irrigate the earth with their blood

kill! kill! kill!

Suddenly, this sound was shattered by the screams of the tortured soul, and Guk ignored the sound that seemed to exist or, at the same time, Mogdrogen’s metal stick rubbed his chest and smashed the machete up to hack his head. Evil orcs.

"Withdraw from the city! Withdraw quickly!"

Unable to stop the hot sharp knife of Guk, the lycanthropes finally realized that it was an illusion to stick to the outer line of defense. They could only abandon the broken fortifications and bunkers, and began to retreat to the last stronghold. At this time, most of the defense lines of Wushan Has been breached. that

The royal city built with red bricks is like a blood-stained gem that can be held in the hand at any time.

But Guk was not in a hurry.

As he walked through the ruins, he could still hear the continued sporadic fighting. Most of the stinky guys had been defeated, and the pungent blood from the corpse lying in the valley stained the river water.

As the boys tried to clean up the remaining lycanthropes who fled to the underground bunker, the heavy footsteps of the mechas and the roar of their automatic guns were clearly audible.

The demonizations gathered into countless small groups to make the final resistance, some hid in underground fortifications, some still fought in the bunker, desperately trying to pull a back before death.

These are trivial things in Guk’s eyes. The only thing that makes him a little curious is that in such a huge enemy army, there is not a guy who is big enough to be the boss, that is to say, he did not see the head of the stinky guy. , This is unusual.

There is another thing worthy of attention-a team of special warfare boys he sent have disappeared. Originally, their mission should be to blast the gate from inside, but until now, the heavy pure iron gate is still closed.

Where did they go?


Batka ran quickly from a clearing in front, his face full of discouragement and visibly upset.

As he ran over, Guk noticed that he was holding a rough hemispherical object in his hands.

"In the tunnel, it's a special warfare kid."

Batka said breathlessly, pushing things to Guk.

Guk stretched out his hand to take the shoulder armor, his expression became serious. Truf is the leader of the special warfare kid he sent. This is a trustworthy guy, but the current situation does not seem to be optimistic.

The moment he took it, he felt a hot heat, but it quickly disappeared.

The back of the armor is covered with a thick layer of charcoal, as if it was used as a bowl with meat in it.

"what happened?"

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