Orc Tyrant

Chapter 499: Herd (9)

Passing through the tunnel that changed from light to dark, Truf gestured to Queso at the other end of the clearing.

All their actions are carried out in silence, which is not easy for a group of Ok, but only in this way can it be ensured that the nasty stinker will not disrupt the original plan. Truf is a qualified sneaky The boss is even more proficient in this.

The boys behind alternately covered and quickly passed the light, and then hid in the dark to observe the surroundings.

This is a secret passage that leads directly to the royal court on the summit of Wushan Mountain. It was originally reserved for the big men to retreat, but Truf captured a group of stinky guys and pried the secret passage out of their mouths. So there is a follow-up plan.

When the offensive is launched, he will lead the kid from the secret road into the stinky den, then open the door, put the bosses in, and show the gang of stinky guys a good look.

It was a perfect opportunity, a perfect opportunity to show his methods.

But since they entered, they didn't encounter any defenders, which is a bit unusual. Even the **** knows that he should keep his eyes on his eyes. There is no reason for the stinky to ignore such an important channel.

From the beginning, Truf had never thought of getting in without disturbing any enemies. All he wanted was speed, to end it before the smelly guy could react.

Puff puff~!

As the special warfare boys were cautiously moving between the rocks, the whistling small metal came from the front, and the air was suddenly filled with the sound of hitting the armor. The boys immediately rushed to the nearest rock body to try to find cover.

But there is no dead end of firepower, the enemy's firing boundary covers the entire passage.

"Smelly guy?"

Truf was not surprised, on the contrary, he was still a little curious, what kind of weapon the other party was using, the sound made was the same as farting.

"It should be, boss!"

The adjutant hiding by the side answered hoarsely, turning his head slowly, searching every shadow carefully.

"how many people?"

Truf drew out his fighting knife, and the black blade was shining with bloodthirsty light.

"Two, I thought about it."

The adjutant's gaze fell behind a rock a hundred meters away, where there was a very faint flash.

"Two stinky guys."

Truf turned sideways and exposed his right hand, raised his gun and pointed at a shuttle there.

The bullet neighed and flew towards the target, instantly smashing into pieces of shale, but the two lycanthropes had already ran away.


Soon, the enemy's counterattack ensued, and Truf kept tilting his head to avoid it, and the bullets fell on his shoulder armor one after another, creating the illusion of stinky guys everywhere.

He could not find them.

The adjutant took a look and raised his pistol. Another rock was crushed, but he let out a frustrated cry.

"Damn it!"

A painful wailing attracted them to turn around, just in time to see a special combat team being torn apart by the fire attack.

There are tiny holes in his abdomen, and it looks like all his major organs have been penetrated.

The injured boy knelt forward on the ground, blood pouring from the gaps in the armor, from the edges of the broken coat, and from hundreds of small wounds on his body.

"be quiet!"

Truf shouted and continued to search for any traces of movement in the shadows.

Bang Bang Bang~~!

Suddenly, a heavier string of fire suddenly struck across the ground where Truf was standing, lifting a small piece of turf with each shot.

They are heavy weapons!

Truf immediately made a judgment. He turned his head and looked at the back of the passage. A group of evil orcs wearing black armor and black mane rushed out with roaring machine guns and rifles.

The sneaky boss finally understood that this is a trap. They waited for the Ouke team to pass by in the pre-hidden cave, and then flanked back and forth.

But they also underestimated Truf.


Behind the black evil orcs, Ok's roar also resounded everywhere, and a group of boys painted in yellow camouflage came out with big guns.

This is a habit that Truve has developed for a long time. When entering a narrow space, he will definitely divide the team into two shifts, one shifting away from the front and the other shifting away from the back. The distance between each other is at least three hundred meters to prevent being overwhelmed.

"Fuck them!"

The Ouke in the front immediately began to counterattack, turning their guns at these new targets and tumbling behind the rocks, using them as shelter.

Truf also snarled relaxedly, at least this was an enemy he could see-and an enemy he could kill.

The two sides continued to exchange fire in the dim passage, the flame of the muzzle turned the surroundings into daylight, and the bright and extinguished flashes illuminated the faces that were agitated, distorted and angry because of the war.

"Go on!"

After emptying another magazine, he didn't even think about the explosive bombs whizzing past him from all directions. Truf began to run, while the battle knife was tightly held in his hand.

"Turn over them!!!"

He roared, and the boys responded to him.

Seven or eight boys followed him to speed through the crossfire of both sides, and they would not hesitate before launching an attack, even if they risked the possibility of sacrifice.

The sneaky boss rushed to the front of the lycanthrope in an instant, and the sword was chopped down with a vicious hatred with the howling of a beast, and the head of the nearest guy was directly opened.

The lycanthropes were also fighting bravely. A volley of bullets passed through the gunpowder and hit the Ouke’s shelter, but their shelter was very solid.

Two evil orcs had been chopped in the neck under Truf's blade, leaving fatal wounds, and a dozen of them fell under hail-like fire during the confrontation.

The Oaks were not completely free of casualties.

A certain evil orc used a rifle to accurately hit the eye of a special fighter who was poking his head from behind a rock and trying to fire. The opponent immediately wailed and fell back. The sight of these deformed creatures in the dark is not lost to that of Ok , And compared to their red compatriots, these black fighters are more disciplined and tactical.

Although failure is doomed, they will drag as many green skins as possible to die together.


As the officer of the evil orc issued an order, he drew his long knife and rushed towards the sneaky boss who was hacking his soldier, and at the same time shot a series of bullets at a guy with a probe behind the rock.


Just a few steps away, a burst of explosion hit the officer's back, blasted him into the air, and fell to the ground at Truf's feet. The long knife happened to fall out of reach.

Something passed through the armor and injected his blood, and he could feel the flame pumped into the blood vessels, as if the body had been infected by something.

After another soldier screamed, the passage suddenly fell silent, and he was convinced that he was the only one left.

"It's sad, scumbag."

Truf stepped forward and kicked the opponent to his back and lay on the ground with his spiked boots.

"I have been expecting you to do better, but I quickly made a mistake."

Truf bent down and picked up the evil orc officer's knife, playing with it in his hand.

"I've heard that some of you will do some acrobatics, play with fire or something."

Unknown energy rushed in his blood, causing the evil orc officer to nearly faint, and also depriving him of his last wish-to vomit hatred on Greenskin's face.

"I must have misheard it quickly."

After Truf finished speaking, he held the hilt of the knife and thrust his backhand into the chest of the evil orc who fell under his feet.

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