Orc Tyrant

Chapter 610: The Sea of ​​Conquest (7)

"hug me."

Guruji heard a sizzle in the wind, he looked up and found that the world had darkened, and the figure in front of the upper beam had become a silhouette with terrible spikes.

His eyes burned in the terrifying darkness, exuding Nian's uncontrollable hatred.

"Embrace your death."

The world began to close in his eyes, and Guruji felt the cold touch binding his limbs, making him frozen in place and unable to move.

"Green leather."

He uttered a low growl like a bark, and the shadow-shrouded giant raised the giant claws of his hands, burning and emitting his own unnatural light, and the tentacles of the blue flame entwined his evil winger.

"Boss! Back, back!"

At this time, a stumbling voice dragged Guruji out of the sinking darkness, and the light pierced his retina again.

The neuroboy jumped out of the bunker, releasing the energy gathered in the metal rod.

The invisible arc wave hit the shadow at the top, it was a natural and unstoppable force of turbulent waves.

The darkness fought back violently along the corridor, rushing into the far floor with the crackling sound of metal splitting.

Guruji quickly ran away from the impact area, leaning heavily on the side of the railing, he could feel the blood dripping from his ears, flowing in his helmet.


At the moment when the ground under his feet tilted sharply, he heard a scream, and hurriedly turned his head to see the shadow hitting the nerve boy.

The claws tore the curtain woven with waaagh energy, and the dark pus and blood splashed on the wall.

"I'm here!"

Guruji yelled, letting his weapon penetrate a large area of ​​pitch black, and rushed to the beating wings and biting claws.

The black knight turned around without hesitation and flew to the beam, standing still again.

In the sun, Guruji saw him clearly for the first time-a monster with huge wings, whose flesh hung on his armor and turned black due to the newly condensed blood.

"Boss, the ship is sinking, we have to go."

The neuroboy leaned on his cane and came to Guruji. His left shoulder was almost cut off, but he still held the metal stick and tried to lift it.

Guruj glanced at the sea. Now he is getting closer and closer to that place. Obviously the ship just leaned in their direction. This is not good news, because when the ship sinks, it will bring up a huge vortex. No matter how good the water is, it will be absorbed to the bottom of the sea.

It is indeed time to go.

But obviously not everyone wants them to leave.

"Kill all these greenskins and trust bastards!"

When all the participating parties were preparing to retreat, Bruce shouted and issued the order, because just now he received the news that the assault on the flagship of the Mist Fleet had failed.

Obviously, the enemy did not show all his cards as he expected. The opposing commander still kept something more terrifying on the flagship. The shadow blade of the jump gang hit the iron plate. Not only did the soldiers lose more than half, but even the congressmen also lost more than half. After being killed on the opponent's flagship, they could only try their best to bring back most of the corpses.

This result was unacceptable to him anyway, and the anger began to burn his sanity.

"Kill! Kill!"

With a howl, he swooped down towards Guruji, and the shadows grew uncontrollably on him, like parasitic vines crawling all over the surrounding space.

The neuroboy stepped forward to face the enemy, and the hallway trembled when the huge claws collided with the metal staff.

For a moment, the two psychics were twisted together, their will and body were in a stalemate, and their limbs trembled and made a harsh rubbing sound.

Invisible pressure swept across the real space, the beams above the head began to burst, and the ground under the feet bent and cocked.

After a few breaths, the two sides eased down, and when a thunderous impact rebounded along the corridor, they separated sharply.


The black knight regained his footing and rushed towards the neuroboy with his burning giant claws. He screamed, spit out dark words, grabbed and pulled the shadow behind him, entwining his bat-like silhouette.

The nerve boy with his whole wound cracked, struggling to prop up one knee, and clenched the metal rod with both hands.

His body was trembling, and he felt that his skull was torn into a thousand pieces. He tried to pinch the broken pieces of his brain together and threw them at each other. The aura above his head digs deeper into his own. Power shakes from time to time.

As the accessories on the belt exploded, the nerve boy released another wave of invisible psychic energy rushing towards the black knight.

But this time, the other party just made a strange laugh like a night owl, and then cleaved the surging wave with one claw.

The shadow that entangled him grew horribly, transforming him into a vague and grimly grinning evil spirit, quickly pressing on the nerve boy.

"Eat my gun!!! Ah!"

When Guruji raised his pistol and fired at the opponent, the black knight just made a contemptuous gesture, and the crude weapon in his hand exploded, exploding his right hand to **** flesh.


The nerve boy also howled, the mental power in his body burned to the extreme in the final squeeze, and the green arc and flame formed a whirlwind around him.

The next moment, the shadow fell, and he lost consciousness.

"Um... ahem!"

Bruce staggered back, a few drops of blood spattered from the helmet's speaker grille, and his claws were strung with green arms, but his arms were already bloody, and the armguards on them were covered with cracks and gaps.

He just acted like reaching for a coin in a hot oil pan, but he was obviously not skilled enough.

The sound of a collision of weapons pulled him back to reality, and his gaze shifted to two figures who tried to kill each other and interlaced with sparks.

One of his men, the warrior named Crow, is fighting against the leader of the Sons of Dawn, that is, Ikron.

But he was obviously no match for this elite warrior dominated by fury. The opponent's long sword swung a heavy maneuver, dotted with ionized air screaming, blood hissing on the tip of the sword, and the energy field above it. All flesh and blood burn into unpleasant vapor.

Every time the crow's claw is swung, it will be opened by the opponent, and then the long sword will carve a wound on his body, and each wound is getting closer and closer to his neck.


Seeing that the nervous boy fell, Guruji didn't care about the boy's call to let him jump into the sea, and rushed towards the black knight with his shark teeth.


But he cut an empty space.

Bruce drew an arc in the air, jumped to another floor, and kicked into a close fight in which his men were overwhelmed by the number of children of dawn.

As for the Oak just now, he completely forgot.

The first enemy fell and was beheaded by the black knight's giant claws, the second was chopped off with one hand, followed by most of his face, and the third and fourth were pierced by his left and right hands.

During the killing, Bruce's heart gradually became cold.

Here again, is he faster than the others? Or are others slower than him? Every enemy he encountered died from the slightest mistake.

He can see the tightness of the opponent's armor joints, each of which represents where the opponent's next blow will come from.

He blocked these attacks as easily as every soldier who could see the opponent's movements, and launched a counterattack before the opponent had a chance to regain the situation.

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