Orc Tyrant

Chapter 611: Ending (on)

How many soldiers are left who came to Eternal Fury with him?

Bruce was fighting physically, but his eyes were staring blankly.

The feeling is gone again, which is worse than before...or better?

Lactic acid made his muscles sore, and the pressure behind his eyes almost pierced his skull, but with each heartbeat, the enemy's movements became slower and slower.

He blocked the particle sword with the mid-section of the claw blade and grabbed the gap for a round turn, piercing the claw tip into the samurai behind him wearing a blue-gray armor, and then turned back to resist the howling Ouke's attack.

As he did this, he saw the slightest correction in the balance of another attack angle of his enemy.

Before the action even started, Bruce pierced the opponent with one claw, and while facing the checkmate warrior, the other claw also pierced the internal organs of the other warrior.

His eyepiece was surrounded by darkness, and it took him a few seconds to realize that it was not the blood stain in his helmet, but the dirt directly covering his eyes.

Something, like a moist, explosive jet of liquid bursting from his skull, and the reading on the goggles was as distorted as the previous inner anger.

He could hear his soldiers calling him now.

They thought he was injured, and he was not sure whether he could refute them.

The warlock's warning appeared in his heart, as if his words were burning on the flesh and blood with flames, rather than just the sound of memories.

"You will kill yourself this way, Wayne."

"You get enough power, but you don't have the ability to control it."

"Once you do it, you can't look back. If you liberate this power... some doors can't be closed once they are opened."

Ridiculous warning.

He staggered, knelt down on one knee, and used the inertia of the fall to cut off the legs of the closest enemy.

It was an Oak, screaming, Bruce pierced his chest with his arm and died after a heartbeat.

I may be dying.

He thought, and began to laugh.


Someone is yelling.

"Sir! The sir is down!"

He turned his head and saw a black soldier standing above him, a soldier in pitch-black armor, and the crow was waving his claws, bursting with deadly electric lights when colliding with Ikron's particle sword.

Then the sword pierced his throat, and the warrior fell quietly, because everything was silent.

Bruce's unstable life monitor no longer flashes warning sounds, and his world is no longer a storm of boots treading on the ground, weapons roaring, and armor colliding.

Now, somehow, it became quiet.

The black knight vomited blood in his helmet, and was forced to drink his blood because of the unstoppable gasping and choking.

Then he went home.

Home, Arkham, the roof where he is always alone.

The gray world has not been burned by the ugly and angry Ok. He stands on the highest edge of the clock tower, like a gargoyle looking up to the sky, standing in the rain at the prelude of the approaching storm, and in his head The pressure is the same as when I was a child.

Wayne, Wayne, Wayne...

They call him.

He turned around and faced them hanging upside down under the stone eaves, flapping their disheveled wings.

Boy, boy, boy...

They giggled and screamed, as if mocking.

The boy poked his pocket and took out a little crumbs.

bring it on.

He said so, he said to the bats, this is the food for tonight.

Wayne, Wayne, Wayne!

They respond.


He laughed at the dark animals hanging on his shoulders and outstretched arms.


He agreed, and soon there will be flesh and blood, now only breadcrumbs.

We want flesh and blood now, we want it now.

He let them complain while eating rotten crumbs as hard as rocks.

The boy remained silent while they were eating, listening to the sound of the black wings flapping, letting the dirty fluff touch his cheeks with enjoyment. No other sound could smooth his heart, and there was no feeling before he fell asleep. Take away his headache.


A sharp voice sounded.

Then there was a tearing sound, and blood spewed out suddenly, as if a leather bag full of red wine had just burst between them.

Ikron, who was about to intercept those who were dragging the black knight to retreat the black army, sensed a certain familiarity with this voice. When he turned his head, Risk was making a faint sound, like the scream of wet fingers across the glass.

Guruji was behind him, his shark teeth were buried deep into the chest of the Son of Dawn, piercing the armor, muscles and strengthened bones.

The pierced Rask twitched, his feet were off the ground, his arms were tucked to his sides, his head slumped back, and he trembled.

The particle sword slid from his palm and bounced on the deck.


Ikron roared and could only leave the black army behind to save Risk. Although the relationship between the opponent and him was not enough to make him so excited, the loss in this battle was already great enough, and he had to give it to the council. An explanation.

He alone cannot afford such a heavy responsibility.

An Ouke was standing in front of him, bluffing and holding his astonishingly large axe. This action exposed the weakness in his defense.

Without hesitation, Ikron's long sword pierced in.

After a breath, the vibrating blade cut off Ok's right helmet.

The fangs, cheeks, ears, and part of the skull were severed, and the Ouke staggered, bewildered by the pain.


Ikron rushed forward and slammed it into another Ok, blood splattering.

Then he leaned over the blade of the third enemy, before beheading it.

Guruj looked directly at Risk's eyes, his dark purple lips twitched. The shrimp blinked sharply, and saliva gathered around his trembling mouth.

With a low growl, the boss drew out his weapon, with a broken heart hanging on it.

The Son of Dawn fell on the deck, and the bitter black blood spread around him. He vomited, leaving a puddle of dirty acid on the ground.

Guruji raised his hand, preparing to chop off the opponent's head.


A violent explosion almost overturned the entire deck. Everyone on it fell to the ground. The explosion of the ammunition compartment finally brought the Eternal Fury to its end. The explosion was ordered by Niels and he has moved to On the Night Veil, all he had to do was to destroy all the enemies on the flagship.

When Guruji raised his head, the entire deck was already in flames.

Flames and smoke quickly filled the line of sight, and the remnants of the black army were quickly retreating towards the bow. They were closely surrounded by the injured black knight, and a speedboat had been parked on the sea waiting for them.


The boys also found him, and brought a few bubbles Skog, but Guruji stared at another group of people.

"These dried shrimps..."

He could see several surviving Sons of Dawn. They carried Risk's blood-stained body, and the shrimp survived even though Guruj pulled his main heart out of his chest.

The children of dawn began to flicker.

The frost that came out of thin air gathered into a ring at their feet, and the electric light coiled around them, and they disappeared instantly in the burst of energy.


When the curtain came to an end, Guruji didn't hesitate, and jumped into the sea with the remaining boys.

Under the surface of the water, a few shark tamers were already waiting, and when they saw them, they handed out ropes and led them to swim towards the Wild, which was moving towards the port.

On the surface of the sea, the remains of the Wrath of Eternity are sinking, carrying hundreds of lives that have not yet left, including Ouke and humans, but they will be buried in the cold underwater iron coffin forever with the vortex of war. ...

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