Orc Tyrant

Chapter 676: Breaking Bad (Part 1)

Jiggot is a small city after being slaughtered, already covered in dust and embers.

Around the camp, porous brown rocks spread out under the shroud of low-hanging smoke, and the smog itself originated from the old cities that were turned into dust by heavy artillery bombardment.

Many engines of war have all put the whole city on the guillotine, and now the dead body of this town with more than 50,000 residents is gradually cooled by its own shroud, suffocated in the cloud created after the burning.

In the grand canyon where the invaders first poured into, the steep rock walls tried their best to block the gale that swept through the broken wasteland.

Those soldiers who escaped in the rain of bullets tried to reorganize their defenses on the broken line of defense. The Empire invested nearly 80,000 troops in four divisions here, just to stop the main army and the forefront of the Ouke overlord. The Gough Legion converged.

But most people also live less than an hour on that nightmare battlefield.

However, the intruder is far less vulnerable.

The deadly environment they created with fire and steel is insignificant to them. After the business here is over, they will go to the already destroyed city to join the Gough army led by Grak, and remove the dirt and stench of these ruins from the armor. It is like washing away dry mud spots on dirty boots.

They will not be moved at all, and will not stop and carefully consider the dust in the surrounding air. They were every man, woman and child who once called Gigert their home.

The city is completely dead, and it has achieved a goal through death.

In front of the wave of destruction, there are more than ten other cities and towns. They are more precious and rich than this city. They will focus their attention on this dying ember.

Why only attack this place?

When many people received this news through the radio and newspapers, this was the first question they raised in their hearts, and now they have got the answer-in order to kill the chicken and the monkey.

Baird's thoughts did not hesitate at this point. He bypassed the temporary pergola near the giant tracked armor, listening to the rude conversation of Oak around him in the sound of the rope and cloth being beaten by the wind.

News came from afar.

The city of Irvine has surrendered, and this populous ancient city gave up resistance and freedom without hesitation.

Oak's actions were quite effective.

The conquest of the province of Gramatia was extremely quick and almost effortless.

There is no doubt that after decades this war will turn into a footnote in the history books. Oak has not suffered any loss worth mentioning. This is only a trivial component of that magnificent conflict.

On the expedition road that winds through the Great Plains from the Biltéville Mountains to the heart of the empire, Giggert is just a stepping stone, a fleeting footprint, and the blood of tens of thousands of people has not left any trace.

According to the usual logic of war, the invaders should rest after the victory and wait for the establishment of the supply line. After all, even more massive crossbow arrows will slow down after they are exhausted. However, Ouke’s chariot is getting faster and faster, which makes many People cannot understand.

Baird covered his mouth with the hood of his heavy robe, lowering his cough.

He tasted the smell of blood in his mouth, and when he injected the shape-shifting potion, the fire of life was already extinguished.

He might die before sunset, but this is a price worth paying.

In that dim and small cave, Baird prepared himself a potent stimulant, and the rest was used by him to make another mixture, and it was placed in the small glass hidden in his wrist at the moment. In the tube.

He tried his best to destroy the remaining materials, but he was still worried that there would be any clues, and the effects of the stimulants were not satisfactory.

His time is running out.

He bypassed the noisy group of Oak, and saw the huge leather tent through the thick fog.

In an instant, the violent wind opened the entrance of the tent, allowing him to have a glimpse of it.

He faintly saw the bright armor reflecting the pulsating fire, and many huge shadows.

Then the wind faded, making him unable to continue prying, but the confusing sight still made his whole body tremble.

Baird hesitated, he needed to pass through the open area between the giant crawler machine and the tent, and he must not be blocked.

He has reached the final stage of this long task.

He can't make a mistake, no one has ever come this far, and he can't risk failure.

Baird tremblingly took a deep breath of dry air.

He sacrificed everything in this task, and for this reason gave up his five-year teacher status in a noble family, but he willingly put aside the elaborate disguise because of this new task. The significance is extremely significant.

Through careful steps, with a dose of secret or vicious drugs, Baird successfully entered the heart of the Ouke Empire.

It has been two weeks since Ouke’s large-scale invasion. During this time, the steady march of Guk across the empire has become more and more unstoppable.

As evidenced by today’s events, every piece of land covered by the Legion of the White Tyrant either bowed its head or fell into flames.

Everything that Baird in the Central Army can see shows that this huge army is gradually accumulating strength in the atrocities. Guk’s iron fist has seized strategic points. Anyone, even if not a military strategist. I can also realize that the white tyrant is really preparing for the march that is bound to come-the march to the capital of the empire.

Guk must not be allowed to take that step!

At first this was an impossible goal.

Guk, the cursed white tyrant, the overlord of the Ouke Empire, a giant beast that is said to be about six meters tall, some people even claim that he is a demigod, an iron whip sent by the gods to punish mankind. It is war and slaughter. Incarnation.

Baird is just a mortal, even though he is a killer with superb skills and patience, even though he is the best assassin master in the night blade, he is still a mortal.

The assassination of the white tyrant among the Armies is an impossibly crazy act. After Baird transformed into Ouke, he worked for nearly a month before witnessing the honor of Guk for the first time-and the stalwart existence he saw made him It was difficult to hold on to himself, and it caused a strong doubt in his heart.

How do I kill this behemoth?

Based on so many years of experience, people know that conventional poisons are of no value to Oak's physique: they can ingest the most potent toxins, just as easily as a sip of wine.

But Baird is here precisely because he specializes in poisons.

It can take its lives quickly, and it can also be extremely patient, imperceptible, and dormant for a long time.

He is one of the best poison masters in the empire. During his training, he was able to formulate deadly stimulants with the most common materials. He ended dozens of targets without leaving any traces.

He gradually believed that he could achieve this goal, as long as fate provided him with an opportunity.

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