Orc Tyrant

Chapter 677: Breaking Bad (medium)

His weapon is contained in a small glass tube.

The main body of the dual medicine Baird concocted is the blood acceleration gel, in which there is also suspended a medicine called "Blight" which has been specially adjusted by him-this highly toxic liquid water body can drain any living body in a few seconds All the water in the organization.

When Guk announced that he would pause for half a day to rest, Baird heard the bell of fate in that words.

This is his chance, his only chance.

He focused his energy on the weapon, listening to the fading wind howling.

Guk was in that tent, ten steps away, feasting and celebrating with his adjutants and subordinates.

Very close, never before.

Baird was ready to forget the pain in his throat and joints, and all opportunities, steps, and even actions were concretely presented in his mind.

After he walked into the command tent, he would drop the poison into the hip flask next to Guk, and pour a full glass for the white tyrant and his lackeys.

Just one sip can bring them down... and he hopes that it will be fatal, but Baird has no doubt that he can't live to see the mission succeeded, he can only rely on the trust in his own skills.

Well, it's time.

He stepped out of the shadow cast by the green fortress, but a voice suddenly came from nearby.

"That's him?"

A firm and cold answer came from the smoke and dust nearby.


Baird tried to turn around, but he was already dragged off the ground by a condescending shadow, his robe clasped by the huge body in iron gray armor.

A vicious face with a grinning grin emerged from the gloom, and the angular features were written with brutality that was barely restrained. Between the crisscrossed scars and clusters of fangs, a pair of eyes with a vicious smile tightened. Staring at him.

"Where are you going, little thing?"

He couldn't believe that such a tall guy could come to him quietly.

"Boss, I..."

He opened his mouth and his throat was as dry as a gale, and the robes caught his neck with the opponent's iron fist.

Baird was struggling to breathe—but not struggling too frantically, lest the guard thought he was trying to make a senseless resistance to fight back.

"Hush, hush..."

Another voice sounded, and the figure emerged from the smoke, appearing larger and more deadly than the first.

Baird's gaze suddenly fell on the pattern on the guard's chest. It was a red Ouke smiling face with a dagger, which indicated that the opponent belonged to the more rare "Ting Guard" among the guards.

However, he didn't need to look at the many emblems at all, just by the smiling face and the iconic two silver fangs, he could immediately recognize this soldier.

Kundera Ka, the owner of the court.

"We don't have to make a big fanfare."

Kundera Ka continued, he unconsciously moved his right hand-the unarmored arm was exposed, allowing everyone to see the skin made of shiny brass and oxidized black steel.

It is said that he was deeply wounded in the battle of the Great Rebellion, and the court owner proudly used that wound as a badge of honor.

Baird's gaze flashed back to the soldier who grabbed him and found Tingwei's sign, but he didn't know the opponent's name, and knowing this was of no help to him.

He tried to speak again.

"Boss, I'm just performing my duty—"

But his words seemed to get stuck in his throat, and Baird coughed heavily.

After grabbing his guard, a third guard emerged from the sand and walked the same route as Baird to bypass the green fortress anchored here.

The assassin didn't know this Ok.

Scarlet armor like dry bloodstains, gloomy face like thunderclouds, and a vicious face that you can't look directly at.


Kundera chuckled.

"This is not a lie."

His voice was so rare that it was almost soft, and could barely overcome the howling wind.

Baird blinked, feeling the tide of panic gradually filling his mind, his fear suddenly increased, and the cold certainty instantly grabbed him.

Kundera knew who he was. Somehow, Oke seemed to know all the time. All his cautious actions, every poisonous killing without any regrets—the swaying posture of the court guard showed to the assassin that all this was ultimately Meaningless.

"I'm sending it to the overlord—"

He blurted out, eagerly wanting to delay another moment.

"be quiet."

Kundera warned, stopping him from speaking more.

Then the court master glanced at the command tent.

"There is no benefit to disturbing the overlord, he will be... unhappy."

Tingweikdal turned Baird around in his hand, like a fisherman examining a disappointing catch, and then throwing it back to the sea.

"Too weak."

He commented.

"I guess there is no fart to beat."

The other Dirie embraced his arms, looking at the dead, worthless prey like a tired hound.

"how is it?"

Later, he turned to Kundera.

"Boss, do we really need to torture this weak chicken?"

"This is a killer,"

Kundera explained patiently:

"Don't pay attention to his appearance, he can be said to be a weapon."

Baird finally realized that they were all waiting for his reply.

"I...just an ordinary kid..."

He gasped, his limbs had begun to lose feeling, and Kedal's clenched iron fist gradually blurred his vision.


The owner of the court briskly accused the other party of loopholes.

"Where is your gang? What is the name of the guard you know? The boss's wine has always been the bird in charge."

The panic broke Baird's remaining defense line of will, and his determination fell apart.

He felt that he had lost all reason and was controlled by fear like a beast. His training, the self-control that had been imprinted on him since he was a child, was completely dissociated under Kundera's cold eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Baird's wrist moved slightly, and the glass tube immediately slid into his palm.

He began to struggle frantically in Kelda's hands, making the court guard slightly caught off guard, and then he slammed the glass tube out.

The sensing device in the glass tube obeyed the command and opened a small opening, allowing a loop of hair-grade fine needles to protrude from the blunt tip.

These needle tips, which are slightly thicker than hair, are enough to penetrate Oak’s tough skin.

Baird tried to kill Kelda. He swung the glass tube towards the scarred face, but it missed, so he swung it again.

"Greenskin go to death!"

He does this without thinking, like a machine that runs too fast and loses control.

Kelda slapped the assassin with his free palm, and the heavy force shattered Baird's chin, making one side of his head sunken.

The assassin's right eye suddenly went blind, and the shock reverberated throughout his body. After a while, he realized that he was lying on the ground, and blood was pouring out of his broken mouth and nose, quickly gathering into a pool.

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