Orc Tyrant

Chapter 678: Breaking Bad (Part 2)

"The boss is right."

Kelda said, although he was close in front of him, his voice seemed soft and distant again.

Baird didn’t know if his hearing was still intact, but he still put out a hand, scratching the gray sand and smooth stones, through the visible eye, he saw the glass still containing the poison The tube was still lying where it was.

He reached out with difficulty, and his strong inner obsession allowed him to overcome a lot, such as the pain that was almost dismembering him-the effect of the transformation potion was too strong, which was originally designed for Ouke’s physique and used by humans. If you do, you must keep the blood flowing slowly. Once you are too excited, the components that break down the muscle tissue will make people feel painful.

"I... can't... fail..."

"The boss is right."

Baird heard Derry responding to his colleagues with a sigh, but he wasn't sure if he had auditory hallucinations, because Occitan was very difficult to master.

"He always seems to be right lately."

The assassin raised his head and saw dim figures through the blood and thick fog. This simple action had already caused extreme pain, his limbs began to spasm, and his strong willpower could no longer control his body.

Soon, cold eyes fell on him, despising him, nailing him to the ground like two daggers.

"Kelda, stop him."

Kundera pointed at the struggling kid on the ground, his robe had been peeled off, revealing a smooth and unmarked skin.

This is the biggest flaw. No kid can be so "clean". Although the medicine has turned him into the appearance of Ouke, a large number of scars cannot be simulated, and he can't engrave on the body by himself-in order to ensure the effect of the medicine. For the duration, he didn't take it until he reached the incubation point alone, when no one could help him anymore.

Facing the court master's instructions, Kelda hesitated unexpectedly. He considered other things, such as capturing the assassin alive, and then handing it over to the overlord.

"Boss? Shouldn't he be—"

"Do as I said, Ting Wei."

The sound fell, the wind and sand stopped abruptly, and a figure in the blur became huge and gradually approached. Baird saw a giant hand covered with iron armor picking up the glass tube, but did not crush it.

"I don't know what effect this has?"

After checking the glass tube in his hand for a moment, Kelda swung down the assassin's weapon and poured everything in the glass tube into Baird's bruised arm.


Kundera witnessed the assassin’s destruction in a well-informed slouchy posture. He watched with interest, hoping that the death of the other party would be different from the many killings he has experienced so far-to a certain extent, indeed so.

When the boy's body shrank rapidly in the convulsions, Kelda covered his mouth with one hand and lowered his screams.

In the war against the lycanthrope, Kelda, who was once the leader of the war gang, drowned a stinky guy in the cold lake. He pressed the deformed monster under the dark water until it stopped struggling.

At this moment, he watched the assassin poisoned and died, and he couldn't help but recall the killing at that time.

The stronger-looking boy drowned unbelievably out of thin air. On all the exposed limbs, Kundera saw that the sick skin and flesh became as gray as a corpse first, and then became amorphous again, as dry as paper. Tight, and the bones and muscles underneath quickly wither.

Even the blood flowing on the black ground volatilized, leaving only a mark without any moisture. In the end, his mummy was fixed on the outline of a human being.

Kelda finally shook his hand away, allowing the dust left on his fingertips to be swept away by the wind.

"This is a painful way to die."

Ting Wei inspected his hand and said.

"See these?"

He pointed to a faint nick on the knuckles of his gloves and said.

"It was bitten by him before he died, although it's useless."

Kundera glanced at the command tent. No one came out to check what was happening outside. He guessed that Guk didn't even know the killing that took place outside.

After all, he has a lot of business, so many plans and strategies need to be planned...

"I'm going to tell the overlord."

As soon as Kelda took a step, Kundera raised his hand to stop him.

"Do you think this is necessary?"

He hummed and pointed at the corpse.

"Xia Mi tried to assassinate him, so yes, boss, I might be interested in Xun Si Overlord."

"You are not so naive as to think this is the first assassination attempt on the boss?"

Di Rui on the side also said:

"I thought this was the closest time."

"After a few more steps, he will enter the tent."

Kelda murmured then, but he didn't go any further.

"It's not very important."

Facing Kundera's attitude, as the two court guards under him, he did not continue to insist.

"I don't know who sent him."


Kundera responded immediately.

"A similar situation occurred in the last major rebellion. This is why the boss wanted to eradicate this group of shrimps. They are too mean to face us on the battlefield."

"Boss, have you seen those deformed shrimps?"

The court master smiled slightly and shook his head.

"Those are not worth mentioning."

He then took a deep breath.

"We wiped out this threat before it became a real problem, and after that it doesn't need to be a problem."

Kundera lifted his chin and motioned to the tent.

"The whole world is waiting for the overlord to conquer. There are already too many things that require his attention. Should he use this little thing to distract him?"

Then he stabbed the corpse with his boots, and now it was as brittle as the bark of a dead tree, and it fell apart with just one light touch.

"I wonder—"

Suddenly, Derry pursed his lips in a while of thought. This expression rarely appears on his face, but when it appears, his wisdom will surpass most of the boys. This is also General Kundera. The reason for his income.


He stopped talking suddenly, was silent, and cut off the thoughts that were forming.


Kundera repeated Ka, and he caught the word directly, as if he understood what the words were following, but in fact, no one could guess Derry's thoughts.

"Just say something."

Derry looked down at the corpse that gradually dissociated and turned into dust in the wind.

"An idea."

"What do you mean?"

Kelda asked, he is not a thinking Ok, because that is too tired.

"suddenly think of."

Di Rui did not raise his head, but continued to examine the dead assassin.

"If a certain method can be used on us, then it can also be used by us."

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