Orc Tyrant

Chapter 684: Nutans' Confusion (Part 1)

Not a single window remained intact, every inch of the floor was covered with dust and debris, the cathedral's wall hangings were all removed, and many of them were burned beyond recognition.

The altar tables were also destroyed. They were used to build stone or wooden roadblocks.

The confessional screens between the central hall and the corridor were pushed in. They blocked the entrance to the upper floor, and grotesque statues were scattered on the floor.

At the end of the hall stood a statue, as tall as four adult men, glaring blindly at all this.

It was an image wearing a gorgeous armor and a hood. The face was hidden. A huge sword was held tightly in both hands. Its tip stood on the base of the statue. This image came from the founder of the Kaimon Church. ——Father Kaimon.

But the folds of the robe had been shattered by gunfire, and the white marble was covered with dust and blood stains.

During the occupation of this area by Ouke, the green skins may have lacked color on this statue, so they painted a lot of symbols and red paint on it.

Nutans didn't care about this thing that survived the battle intact.

He has been busy fighting for control of the church since the Oukes first attacked the church three days ago.

There was no time to eat or sleep at all. During this time, he was supported by faith and willpower, and he did not even show any signs of fatigue.

The battle damaged several fiber bundles in his armor, especially the places where the technicians helped him repair them before. As long as he stretched his elbows quickly, it would cause an annoying delay.

There is still a bitter smell in his helmet, which indicates that the filter system needs to be cleaned and maintained.

One of the leaders of the night blade, there are still stimulants injected a day ago in his blood vessels, which makes his internal organs aching, mainly because the organs in his body are trying to get rid of impurities in the blood. He has always resisted using this Very addictive things, but I have to admit that they are very useful in fierce battles.

Despite some discomfort, Nutans was as sharp as usual.

He scanned the destroyed porch and windows, constantly paying attention to the signs of the next attack by the Oaks on the west side of the church.

Later that day, the night blades had decided not to clean up the corpses first, hoping that these would serve as a deterrent to the subsequent Ouke attackers.

Many flies have begun to gather above the bloated, **** corpse.

For the past two days, the ammunition inventory has been at a dangerously low point, and now that is no longer a problem-the Lake Morton team from the underground passage arrived here, and was ordered by the Shadow Prince to bring supplies and the latest news.

The main force of the Black Legion has successfully blocked the footsteps of the Ork Black Fire Legion and the Twin Snakes. The most important thing now is the defense near the city of Tyre. Admiral Yushikin hopes to be able to be in Witt, which is two hundred kilometers outside Tyre. There is a critical battle in the Grand Canyon of Lier, but the time is very tight. The Goff Legion and the Blood Axe Legion are approaching. The only reason that can slow them down is the main guards led by the white tyrant Guk. Haven't arrived yet.

The shadow prince asked him to stumble Guk's footsteps as much as possible. This may be difficult, but it must be done, and at least 5-6 days must be obtained.

After making great sacrifices and hard work, nearly 10,000 regular soldiers and 30,000 militiamen, including Nutans and his night blade, did it. Now he only needs to stay in the church for a few more hours.

"Do you think the Okers will give up here, sir?"

In the darkness, nightblade member Andrell asked, his helmet was open, and there were blood stains on his face, that was the result of a fight with an Ouke leader.

Nutans led the special mobile squad, the most elite squad in the night blade, but did not undergo any physical modification. There were 652 people, and only 131 people remained after the **** battle of three days. , They were deployed in the upper copy room and chanting table.

"Maybe, but it's unlikely."

Nutans replied briefly:

"I don't think their tactical observations are so stupid that they can't recognize the threat this building poses to them."

Suddenly, the sound of nearby rubble aroused the alertness of all the soldiers, and several weapons were instantly raised to aim at the doors and windows to the west.

The noisy sound stopped, and with a hoarse roar that resounded throughout the cathedral, a large number of Ouke in simple protective gear poured into the building.

They are like a rushing river, passing through the streets and broken doors, and there are many crawling in from the broken windows.


"Fire at will! Fire!"

Ok's battle cry was responded to by the roar of fire from the night blades.

Nutans used his modified long-barreled pistol to shoot at a large number of green skins that had invaded from his left window, and at the same time a rushing flame spurted from his right, sweeping a group of enemies entering from the porch.

Most of the night blades of the special mobile unit have the power of witchcraft, some of which are born, and some of them are derived from some kind of mysterious transformation. Nutans does not like the almost depraved body transformation of the Blurred Blade. He could only accept some minor modification operations, and he has always believed that human nature is the fundamental force against evil.

This also made him more separated from his former friend Silas. He was dazzled by hatred, and he would rather turn himself into a monster.

Seeing the flames of witchcraft raging in the hall, the feeling of deja vu shocked him.

This scene has been staged more than a dozen times: sometimes the greenskins force the Yabana to retreat; sometimes they are repelled after they have just stood firm.

Victory is close at hand, but far away, just like this war without much hope at all.


As more green skins poured into the hall, Nutans kept firing, and each armor-piercing projectile hit the target until it emptied his magazine.

At the moment he quickly changed the magazine, he thought about how many green skins there were. The reality disappointed him. They realized the threat of this solid building, but planned to submerge them with a lot of cannon fodder, the really elite ones. Soldiers, none of the soldiers in heavy armor that made him lose many siblings.

These are just the idle war gangs following the Guards Corps, but the number is their largest and most terrifying advantage.

Although the firepower of the night blades caused them to bear a heavy price, the greenskins rushed to the bunker, and the monsters and the humans once again fought **** battles between the rubble composed of rubble and broken wood.


Nutans avoided a chainsaw axe that was snarling at him, and his hand-clad fist smashed the attacker's face, instantly cracking the opponent's skin.

A stream of blood flowed from the wound. The green skin took a step back, licked the viscous liquid flowing to the edge of his lips, and then roared at the leader of the night blade.

When the opponent's screaming weapon met his recurve saber, Nutans shot the enemy in the abdomen with his pistol.

When Green Skin fell, blood and intestines splashed from his broken belly. Nutans walked to where the guy stood, hit his war knife on the head of the other Green Skin, and crushed his skull.


A splashing stray bullet hit his shoulder armor and knocked him aside.

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