Orc Tyrant

Chapter 685: Nutans' confusion (part 2)

"Damn it!"

Nutans tried to adjust his pace to keep his balance, the rubble deformed under his weight, but stepping on a small **** caused him to fall backward.

He twisted his body when he fell, and at the same time stretched out his right arm.

But when his joints whine and stuck, he secretly cursed this instinctive action, and his entire arm was trembling when he fell to the floor.

Being dragged down by the discontinued armor joints, when he was struggling to roll, the tread and blade of the green leather rained down on him, and it seemed that something hit his head and blurred his vision.

He kicked as hard as he could and knocked the three green skins to the ground, all the bones of their legs were kicked to pieces.

Following the grunt, he moved himself to the right, and used his left saber to fend off the other Oukes.


Suddenly, a heavy chop was inserted into his left wrist, and the self-sealing armor was deep to the bone.

Nutans' hand loosened his weapon due to convulsions, and the weapon decorated with flashing emblems clicked on the green skin's feet.


Andrell arrived just in time, holding a sword with a blue halo in his hand.

His slashing slashed his neck and limbs and knocked down all the green skins that were going to hurt the killer. When he arrived at the side of the leader of the fallen night blade, he had already chopped down half a dozen Ouke.

After a few seconds of breathing, Nutans could already straighten his upper body.

Afterwards, he grabbed Andrell's back and pulled himself up from the ground, but his right arm fell silently to the side, only the pistol was still in his hand.

He twisted his body to aim the weapon at the green skin and fired the last three bullets in his weapon.

The flesh and blood body is indeed too fragile. I heard that the warrior of the Blurred Blade can easily defeat a handful of green skin, and he will be in danger of facing a few-because he is still an ordinary human, a mortal.

But the price of that power is too heavy.

He witnessed many evil forces lurking out of nothingness and lodged in their bodies, even though the Shadow Prince repeatedly claimed that it was controllable.

But since the fall of Cusconar, Nutans no longer believes that there is anything else that can be controlled.

"Sir here!"

Two more members of the squad arrived, carrying continuous-fire rifles and combat knives, and drove the green skin back to the porch.

Nutans concentrated on driving his right arm to hang it down, his eyes scanned the ground for his saber, but he saw nothing but the ruins.

The leader of the night blade and his subordinates slowly walked along the hall towards the statue.

Suddenly, a burst of gunfire engulfed them, and Andrell fell to the ground immediately, and a bullet exploded the weak armor joint at his neck.

When Nutans stepped forward to pick up the sword of the fallen Nightblade, a grenade landed not far from him.

"Fell down!!"

As soon as he roared, the explosion threw the leader of the night blade towards the base of the statue and bounced the weapon in the opposite direction.

In a puff of smoke, Nutans found himself out of touch with the others, with one arm broken and no weapons on him.

A burst of witchcraft firepower from the unit penetrated the greenskins, and the white-hot energy group evaporated their bodies. Taking this opportunity to distract Ouke's attention, Nutans slid behind the statue base to assess the situation.

The detachment was trapped under the corridor, and no more greenskins entered here on the street. Now it seems that this is the last batch, and there are more than a dozen of them hiding behind the pillars and rubble and fighting with the night blade.

On his right, Nutans saw a green-skinned team sneaking through the dark, trying to get around the fire storm.

He recognized the energy flashes from the metal rods in the opponent's hand—these must be the Ouke wizards who caused great damage to the unit a few days ago.

The leader of the night blade instinctively took a step in Ouke's direction, but then immediately stopped himself.

Even if both arms were intact, he would not be able to subdue them with bare hands. He looked around for combat knives or pistols or anything that could be used as a weapon to see if there were any discarded combat knives or pistols.

But nothing was gained.

Suddenly, his gaze was attracted by the huge statue. There was only a narrow space between the statue of the Holy Father and the wall.

Nutans pushed himself into it, using his intact arms and legs to lift himself up a few meters.

He put his shoulders on the wall, tucked his waist and raised his feet, and then stepped on the back of the statue.

"The Father forgives my sins..."

He concentrated all his strength on his legs and pushed out his feet with the greatest effort.

Ye Blade tensed every muscle in his body, and a thick layer of sweat soon appeared on his forehead, and the armor sounded a warning because of its fiber bundle against the weight of the statue.

A few seconds later, when the statue was separated from the pedestal, a loud noise reverberated in the hall, which swayed forward and then came to a standstill.

"For humanity!"

At the last moment, Nutans shouted with all his remaining power.

It was slow at first but gradually accelerated. The statue fell down, with a heavy and elegant posture. It slammed into the sneaky Okemad wizards, smashed them into the rubble, and shredded the splashed stones. Those guys who survived the impact.

Without support, Nutans fell and hit the pedestal with his head against the wall.


Tinnitus, half-blind, the leader of Ye Blade dragged himself to stand up.

He supported himself on the base of the statue and limped through the rubble to view his masterpiece.

At this time, the remains of the statue were covered with crushed bodies, and several green skins were dragging blood and trying to crawl out of the dust.

There was a crackling sound of witchcraft fire from a distance, a group of purple flames engulfed the surviving Ouke, the surrounding gunshots gradually ceased, and silence fell again.

"All enemies have been eliminated, sir."

In the communication channel, his deputy's voice was calm and hoarse.

Nutans looked towards the central hall of the church. The rubble was filled with green corpses, and the head of the broken statue rested on the crushed remains of Ouke.

Smashed windows, scorched and torn tapestries, and burnt wooden frames were filtered out in his mind.

He imagined the restoration of the church, lit by thousands of candles, echoing the solemn recitation of the priest and his servants.

On these damaged floors and chanting stands, scribes will once again transcribe the great chapters of the Father, narrating and passing on the wisdom of the saints.

Suddenly, Nutans realized what he was confusing.

No matter how weird and depraved his former colleagues have become, they are doing the same things as themselves.

Sometimes, you have to bring something to the brink of destruction to protect it, so that it can be rebuilt from the ruins, just like themselves...

"The glory of the Father will endure on the earth."

With a light sigh, after Nutans finished chanting, he gave orders to the remaining less than a hundred Ye Blades.

"Assemble all, we should go."

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