Orc Tyrant

Chapter 752: Fighting Wolf (Part 2)

The enemy engine was fleeing at maximum combat speed, but the previous damage caused it to run and limp.

It was walking along the road when it came, through the ravine ploughed in the rampage, and rushing to the breach of the defense line, and many of its green counterparts were trampled to death in the middle.

Fighting Wolf also took a big stride and rushed into the jungle formed by the bunker and the broken barbed wire from a hidden position, and smashed a path from the fierce fighting front.

The wall and wreckage blocking the way broke apart, and the entire row of barbed wire collapsed like dominoes. The fighting wolves moving in parallel routes squeezed the energy provided by every minute of the reactor, and pulled down close distances under the suppression of the enemy’s artillery fire. The shield shimmered constantly.

Dimejel Sonan was never a good-tempered person, let alone let his prey slip away.

The intersecting trajectories of the two swift engines converged slowly, but Fighting Wolf relied on the speed of the crawler to grab a head-to-head position, and there was only less than two drainage grooves left from the other side.

The entire upper body of the enemy plane struggling in the line of defense is clearly visible,

Mao Gezhan turned the rudder to the right and started firing the laser cannon, still sprinting forward, and then Fighting Wolf turned his erect torso to the left and began to fight back. Its arms each had a revolving Vulcan cannon.

Two engines running side by side were kicking all the way along the edge of the river valley, and barrage pouring over each other during their busy schedule.

This wild firefight drove the buildings sandwiched between bricks and mud, shattered and disintegrated. Three long roads full of smoke and dust appeared behind them. Two Titans each stepped out, and the middle was indirect destruction. The mess is messed up.

A low hill to the north appeared in front of them, taller than the Titan.

They circumvented each side, and neither side had any intention to cease fire. The two engines blasted the entire hill from head to toe as they walked, and the entire mountain shuddered like a dead leaf rolled up by a storm. It disintegrated, and the Ork artillery and mechanics stationed above were bad luck. Not only were the artillery destroyed one by one, but the martyrdom caused almost no living things on it.

When the rock crashed to the ground, it stirred up pale dust, as if it had been swallowed by the earth.

They crossed the hills and continued to bombard, spreading like ribbons in front of them was a wide gray river, with houses, warehouses, cranes and moist soft riverbeds from the reservoirs to the north scattered on the bank.

"Its shield is almost out of support!"

Dimejair's roar even overwhelmed the roar of the autoloader.

[The integrity of the enemy’s shield is reduced by 69%]

Dimejair selected the missile to aim and fired his third round of the bomb. It caused a huge fireball with a slam under the armor rib of the starboard protrusion of War Commander Mao, and then it suddenly seemed to be hit. Involved in the savage countercurrent of the typhoon, he panted and convulsed--the Fighting Wolf pilot was very satisfied with this picture.

The shield of the enemy engine has been scrapped and completely reimbursed. It is the air pressure fluctuations it induces that distorts the flames like headwinds.

Mao Ge Zhanjiang staggered amidst the screams of the gyro stabilizer. The armor on its right side had mostly shattered, leaving only some fragments hanging on the prestressed steel cable.

The smiley flag symbolizing Oak is now burning out, and more secondary blasts paralyze the body on its right side a little bit, constantly biting red hot fragments from the inner armor.

The stumbling enemy engine finally could no longer maintain stability. He stepped into the chalk platform of a small reservoir, knocked down a tower crane and broke the overhead transmission line. The wave-prevention platform was caught in the spark of the broken cable. Its weight is crushed.

It turned to face them, its body hung weakly to the right, and the smoke from its torso covered the entire cockpit.


Dimegyel ordered.

For a moment, the two engines just face each other quietly, the stern and strong fighting wolf bends over to keep the raised weapon arms locked, and the warrior Mao will sway like a boxer who has been beaten up and down. Dangling, the smoke blown from the sparsely beaten mountain blew past them

Come to witness the end of this war.


Suddenly, the engine howled defiantly.

"You have said it once,"

In the next second, Dimejel fired with a charged main cannon.

A headshot.

The cockpit of the enemy war officer exploded, and its heavily armored skull was lifted off all over, and it bounced back on the towering shoulder armor, and the power lines exploded like blood vessels around the shoulders and elbows.

It fell backwards and kept falling, and it was impossible to get up again.

Brother Mao slowly retreated his huge body, fell to the bottom of the river in the burning flames, and took away a row of cranes.

Under the impact of the fall, the sewage rushed into the sky with a rumbling sound, as if someone had just caused a big explosion underwater, and then a huge wave suddenly flooded the platform and retreated in the blink of an eye.

The aftermath shocked the entire reservoir, violently submerging the dam and wave breaker at the end of the river. The engine stubbornly continued to explode when it sank, and the undulating surface of the water still had rising bubbles spewing out traces of steam.

"Turn off weapon insurance, recharge and reload."

Dimejel said with a smile:

"Fight Wolf, let's find the next one."

"Get out of these bastards!"

Jackson, who commanded the center position, shouted that he shouldn't have been in such a high position.

But the enemy army is far from collapsed, although they have been retreated by the onslaught of the rapid reaction force of the Citizens Temple. The enemy soldiers crossed the gravel mine rails in an attempt to regroup.

The Citizen’s Temple had deployed twenty self-propelled cannons and eight modified suspension tanks in front of it in advance. These dark blue painted long guns and short guns have completed the target solution for the main line area and acted as the enemy’s protection. The teaching army came into view, and the commander of the rapid reaction force immediately asked Jackson for permission to fire.

"hold on--"

He replied to the other party like this.

"Stay steady, steady... my friend, you can fire when you're ready."

Soon, those weapons immediately turned the branch road of the kneeling line into a wild storm of explosive overpressure, ashes, fire and dust.

The enemy army that drilled out of the defense line was hit by the howling projectiles. The firepower composed of heavy shots and heavy laser weapons ripped off the debris from the road, blasting broken bricks and mutilated bodies into the air.

Hundreds of lives died within a second.

The enemy army refused to face the deadly shelling again, and rushed back to their starting place like a fast retreating wave-the hill that was almost flattened, but a small team had firmly occupied there.

The second wave of fierce infantry charges exploded the enemy's chaotic formations crowded in tracks and paths.

The enemy who had no way to escape and could only meet with desperate momentum turned and rushed towards the defending army's battlefield. Cruel hand-to-hand combat broke out at the foot of Mihir Mountain at this moment.

Then the engines showed up.

Transmi's love machine, the [ghost spider] who focuses on mid-range confrontation, stepped closer to the ruins of the smelting factory that was blasted down.

[Fighting Wolves] commanded by Dimeji El also came from the south.

At the same time, Dimeji El sent a letter to Jackson asking his soldiers to retreat, and the soldiers retreated in an orderly manner under the order, using repressive heavy firepower to provide cover for themselves.

The roar of the Titan's reactor broke the dull silence. The enemy troops trembling in the abandoned factories and roads finally realized that it was all over. Some Okees tried to escape, while others chose to resist to the end.

These two giants are not magnanimous tempers.

The ghost spider issued a long howl from its engine, and then the wrath of fighting wolf joined in.

The deafening sound of unison frightened the enemy troops who had been huddled in fear, and the boys rushed in all directions, fighting each other and squeezing into the so-called escape route.

The massacre started in an instant.

The human forces closed their eyes fearfully when the two Titans sprayed their dazzling fire: the blazing cone-like flames, the spears of the scorching beams, and the hurricanes rolled up by countless hard-headed bullets.

The invaders who had nowhere to go were reduced to ashes by the coming anger, as if the sky above them had collapsed.

A dirty car tank suddenly sprang out from a bunker in the distance, intending to escape.


Suddenly, a volley of missiles from the ghost spider limped its legs and knocked it across a wall.

There, dozens of tons of tanks spun, and flames began to emerge from their bodies.

Fighting Wolf's main gun locked it, and then used bombardment to tear it to pieces. The tank's turret was blown off the base in the heavy hammer-like interlaced fire, and it flew over the sky in the shock wave and rolled into the ground.

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