Orc Tyrant

Chapter 753: Ghost Spider (Part 1)

This night is cold and cloudless.

The fast-moving engine lit up the darkness with flashes, and the giant missile bay on its beetle-like carapace continuously fired screaming rockets toward the north amidst malicious footsteps.

According to the conversation in the previous communication channel, Jackson finally saw through the enemy's tactics.

The big battle against the western fortress was a feint attack, the purpose of which was to divert troops away from the more vulnerable Mihir Peak.

This is really a rough and stupid strategy, a trick played by a three-year-old child, and this move is in the arms of Admiral Yuhikin, who has carefully considered the offensive on the west side.

This is why ghost spiders are here waiting for their arrival.

The Titan dragged his heavy body to climb several steps in the sunset, then turned his back to the side of the cliff face to the foot of the mountain passed, just like a sentry standing with his back against the wall.

The original design of the ghost spider is actually to fight under complicated terrain. For this reason, its lower body has become a spider-like arthropod shape. At the same time, it has abandoned the long-range main weapon that is beyond the visual range, and replaced it with a more adaptable mid-range. The weapon matrix, and its fire control system is in all five

The best of the old Titans,

He has ordered a quarter-hour downtime for rest.

Transmi is considered an old guy by any human standards, 68% of his body is biochemical parts, and the remaining flesh and blood have also undergone a lot of grafting and transformation.

To this day, he has been coherently linked with the consciousness pulse unit of the ghost spider for forty-two cycle years, and the time when the highest machine length has been recorded in the history of the temple is only fifty-three years.

Unlike most people imagine, operating the Titan requires extremely rich knowledge and long training. All official Titan drivers are not young. Only the drifter can let a young man come because of the high degree of automation. control.

In the next sixteen years, he kept beating the bad-tempered former captain.

It was a long life, but it was equally fulfilling. The only thing Transmi feared was the final loss of his independent personality.

He can tolerate the gradual loss and replacement of the body.

No matter how to maintain physiological functions, under the erosion of time, the atrophy and decline of muscles and bones is an inevitable result.

But almost no captain would be afraid of this slow and decayed future.

Compared with the trembling footsteps of a major earthquake, the vision of a thousand kilometers away, and the power of crushing the city in a single thought, the loss of exercise capacity or the muscle atrophy of one hand and one foot is worth regretting in comparison. ?

No, what the captains really fear is the loss of personality, they know that this moment will finally come.

This is a dark secret belonging only to the upper levels of the temple.

The monkey version of the AI ​​involved at the time actually has a huge flaw. This flaw will cause the captains to gradually integrate their brain activities into the main brain when they are mentally connected with the Titans. This is something that cannot be reasonably explained. Phenomenon, although future generations have always wanted to improve, but the original

After the death of those engineers, no one can pry into the secrets of AI manufacturing.

Early human colonization activities relied on the STC template for its production. It was a foolish knowledge output system. Simply put, raw materials could be directly turned into finished products, and users hardly need to know any knowledge.

Humans rely on such equipment to colonize the stars, but it also makes knowledge something that does not need to be deliberately recorded. Only those idle upper-class people will be keen to "learn", and civilians only need to exchange services for industrial products. can.

And the evil consequences of this model are undoubtedly exposed in the long night. The entire human knowledge system collapses. Without STC, even chairs cannot be made, and all natural science knowledge is completely blank-because the civilians did not at all. Need to learn those to be able to live back

Not bad.

With technologies like AI that were also very sophisticated in the past, after the death of the first generation of temple people, no one can pry into the truth.

The fear of the captains of the Titans came from this.

As the body gradually declines, their consciousness will be further combined with the complex matrix, and their personality will disappear again.

Transmi has already begun to fight this ruthless fall by trying to regain his sense of self as a human being.

He tried to establish interpersonal relationships with his logistics staff and fellow captains, calling them by names, and trying to understand their material needs and physiological limits.

He talks directly to them whenever possible, using his own voice to talk, and he strives to ensure that the communication takes place as a human rather than making himself a master machine that gives orders.

He struggled to maintain his personality, even though he was not much different from a brain that was floating feebly, because he was too busy.

A burst of darkness had begun, quietly devouring the outer part of his consciousness. In the past two years, Transmi's superficial personality seemed to have been corroded.

He hates the invading dark shadow, he doesn't want to get lost in it, don't want to die like this, or at least let him go to the end in the name of Transmi.

He knows what that picture looks like.

Transmi witnessed the last moments of the old captain, uttering madly in his cockpit until he was forcibly disconnected.

At this moment, he has an urge to open the cockpit to experience the taste of the evening breeze.

But the battlefield regulations do not allow this. The temple cannot withstand the sudden departure of any captain. They are gods in steel, but once they leave the Titans, they are just a group of fragile old people.

Transmi could feel the satisfying laughter of the huge autoloader, the heat and high pressure of the plasma reactor, and the residual temperature left by the firing of the laser cannon.

He sighed when the missile launcher opened the baffle like an eye open, and he could also feel Dimejair's anxiety.

Perhaps he should confess the truth after this battle is over and tell Dimejiel about his fear.

But, as the captain, will he understand this worry, or will he further deepen his anxiety?

"Sir, there is a new signal."

The investigative team belonging to him sent a message.

"The signal display has two goals."

Transmi responded with disapproving tuts.

"Thank you to check the signal again, sir, it's very cold tonight, which will cause the echoes to gather and display larger than normal readings, and correct transmission errors."

"Wait... sir! Now you can see three smaller targets, rushing towards here at full speed."

There was a smile on Transmi's face, recalling his peace of mind in the past, an experience of fighting against a living monster in the mountains, and it was also an ambush in the night.

"Separate those tracking signals!"

Oak's raid theory was full of loopholes as much as their clumsiness.

Compared with the misleading assumption of treating people as idiots, the noise theory of any shield in the cold night sky is comparable to singing in the open area. Transmi can now directly see all three giant machines from the field of vision. They are advancing while ejecting white-hot rays, in the dark

The blue glow is particularly conspicuous.

In any case, they are indeed sabotaging.

All three airframes are equipped with bloated multi-tube missile bays on their backs, and two of them are even equipped with additional weapons on their legs. Their combined attack should have razed most of the roadblocks to the ground.

Rockets flew out one by one, projecting spears with raging fire, cutting through the darkness and hitting the mountains and fortresses, and the communicator was full of the roaring noise of Oak.

It's time to fight back.

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