Orc Tyrant

Chapter 774: Advance (5)


Oak's charge met with the defense line of the Eleventh Step Corps, sending a shock wave into Turk's orderly array.

For a period of time, the human soldiers remained motionless like a dam in front of the flood, but the pressure on the enemy forces increased rapidly.

Hundreds of Oukes flooded in and gradually piled up in front of the line of defense.

In the broken gap of the stalagmite fence, these green leathers dressed in simple protective gear rushed up and attacked the human soldiers.

One by one, the soldiers were beheaded by the spinning battle axe, or drowned by the enemies behind.

The rifle fired at close range with no accuracy.

The large number of dead and wounded in the buffer zone between the two armies forced the soldiers to retreat. They tried to maintain the formation, but the bodies of both sides formed a horrible ridge, and Oak was hurriedly climbing over.

"Draw a knife, draw a knife!"

Turk gave the order immediately.

Unlike ordinary legions, the bayonet of the black legion is only aimed at the enemy, and when facing Ouke, they are more accustomed to using improved combat knives.

For a while, the rubbing of the long knife out of its sheath resounded through the surroundings.

"Hear it? Quickly—"

Captain Foau, one of his veterans, was turning around to give orders, but a stray bullet shot through his head, and the veteran immediately fell face down to the ground.

At this distance, the gun in Oak's hand was no longer a toy, but a genuine murder weapon. The huge caliber bullet suddenly covered the position of the Eleventh Step Corps like a torrent of rain.

Everywhere in Turk's vision were people who were hit.

"Cover! Look for cover!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Turk felt a bullet across his right leg and another grazing his helmet.

"Damn green skin!"

He rushed up with a roar, waving a dagger in one hand and a gun in the other.

Reason is replaced by instinct.

He fired a shot and saw an Ok's eye pop open.

Then Turk swung his dagger, cutting off the head of a short ass.

Suddenly, something gave him a tummy, he turned around breathlessly, and pierced an Ouke's neck with a sword.

Afterwards, Turk used his own speed advantage to smash into the other one, then sturdy shot the **** in the face, and turned around to pierce an enemy's chest, and then twisted the blade to pull the weapon out.

With the influx of Ouke, the war situation quickly became chaotic.

Within twenty seconds, Turk had shot out the bullet.

He hummed a pistol and threw it on an Ok's forehead, then drew out a spare weapon, a pistol with a revolver like a pepper bottle.

But several officers found him and dragged him back to a relatively safe position.


A **** officer yelled at him:

"I can't hold it here!"

Roar! ! ! !

At this time, a team of Okek riders broke through the dense crowd in the fierce battle and appeared, using their swift momentum indiscriminately to trample Okek and the Imperial soldiers under their feet.

The Skug riders swayed and twisted over the infantry's head, like knights driving their mounts across a rushing river.

Heavy machine guns killed some of them and picked them off their saddles. The beasts that lost their riders continued to rampage with their fangs and claws.

At this time, the first monster-like behemoth slowly stepped into Turk's sight from the smoke of the battlefield.

He has never seen such a huge animal: the head with cloudy eyes is as big as a bathtub, the body is like a tank, and the tail is like a long whip.

Those farts and mechanics stand on the platform of these monsters' huge spine, shooting waves of bullets with various weapons, and beside them are those crazy shamans dancing and dancing. Their howling makes the surrounding Ok even more. Warlike and crazy.

In a sense, this behemoth is simply invincible.

It ignored the light firepower, the stalagmites broke off on the black armor, and anything blocking the way was easily trampled under its feet.

Turk put away his dagger and took aim with his pistol in spite of the officers' dissuasion.

He felt that the clothes on his back were heavy, and understood that it was because the cloth was soaked in blood, and then he sent all six bullets into the platform on the back of the nearest giant beast.

Six bullets knocked down a few farts and a green leather operating machine gun, and the shrapnel also injured the beast.

The dull painful response made it slowly shake its body. Turk opened the magazine and let the smoking shells eject automatically, and then filled six new bullets with trembling fingers.

"If you can't keep it, you have to keep it! Die! You have to die here!"

The giant beast turned to him and threw the soldier to the sky with its huge jaws.

Turk closed the magazine and retargeted, with the base of his right thumb resting on his face.

He fired again, and the tiny bullet exploded the creature's throat and right shoulder in the flying flesh.

Suddenly, it fell to the ground, its huge mouth plowed across the ground, its hind legs twitched and kicked, its huge tail flicked, and dozens of bodies that were unfortunately hit flew away.

But Turk was not the one who defeated it. These bullets were just tickling to the Skug Monster. The real fatal thing was the flames gushing from the ground, which almost burned through the beast's stomach.

The wizard who had done all this made a gesture to Turk, and then, before his next move, a few sudden green lightning wiped the wizard from the place.

"Damn it!"

Turk wanted to find the beast that made it all, but he didn't get a chance.

A few Ouke rushed to him, a few soldiers stepped forward to stop him, but were quickly knocked down, Turk rushed up too, he threw down the gun and fought with an Ouke.

The green skin yelled at him and tried to bite his neck, but Turk pierced the opponent's right chest with a sword, dragged it in front of him, and broke the bridge of the opponent's nose with a hammer.

Green skin slumped a little, and Turk used the handle of the long knife to twist the guy aside as a meat shield.

Another Ok had already swung his battle axe at Turk, so the axe blade cut into his comrade's back instead.

He immediately withdrew the weapon from a pair of dead hands and spun at the second Ouke.

The slender blade plunged in from the guy's left face and penetrated from the back of his head.


Hearing the approaching roar, Turk drew his weapon and waved frantically to the third Ok, who was approaching him from the left. He did not hit the opponent with a stride, but that Ok still fell to the ground and died.

The deputy commander grabbed Turk by the shoulder. It was the bullet from his pistol that killed the green-skinned fear.

"Retreat, sir!"

The deputy commander shouted hoarsely.

"We must retreat!"

Turk knew that the opponent was right. In this melee, all formations and order no longer existed, and the continual flooding of Ouke was cutting the soldiers apart.

The mortar positions had been abandoned, and on the right flank, the Great Corps troops seemed to have completely collapsed.

The tumbling dust cloud that followed Oke like a shroud was slowly drawing into the position of the Eleventh Step Corps.

They have tried their best.

Turk felt like they had been fighting for several hours, but in fact it was less than thirty minutes.

"Just do it!"

Turk shouted to his legions.

"Get out of the war, retreat!"

He fantasizes that his own people will be able to evacuate from the front line and use guerrilla tactics to interfere with Oak's flank after the reorganization. There are many mines nearby, and they do not lack hiding places.

But the dust gradually enveloped them, and there were green skins everywhere.

Only then did Turk realize that they were lucky to leave alive.

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