Orc Tyrant

Chapter 775: Advance (6)

"This kind of shrimp fight, you have a silly eye, two wires and a ditch, it's like this every time, purely jumping your head!"

Glak looked at the front that was slowly being swallowed up by the Legion, and cursed:

"Fighting with these shrimps is really embarrassing to Lao Tzu, to lose the faces of those guys in their hands, to be honest, pure jump."

There are still bandaged marks on the warlord's arm, but this does not prevent him from using the huge ripper, but it has been this kind of offensive and defensive battle for several days, and even the warlike he has lost his appetite.

Human beings have absolutely no intention of taking the initiative to attack. In his eyes, he simply shrinks behind the fortifications and waits for death, or throws cold guns everywhere through those tunnels.

"The boss said yes!"

Grak's words caused a round of applause from the surrounding bosses.

The warlord sniffed, reached out his hand and pushed his deputy Kro to the front, then said:

"You come to fight today's battle, I'm leaving first, it's meaningless."


Crowe obviously hadn't reacted yet, and when he recovered, Grak had already turned and left.

"Boss, where are you going?"

"Go to the overlord, and then go to Lao Luo Na for a drink, and have a hot and sour fried skug."

When Glak left his commanding mission to go on a desertion, Guk was still on the front line watching the development of today's war.

To his surprise, Xiami's giant machinery hadn't appeared for a whole day, and he didn't know where there was an ambush or if he had already escaped.

For this he even made a test.

"Come out..."

From the telescope, Guk could see a fan-shaped piece of armor coming across the valley from the west, and their rolling tracks lifted up their respective sand and dust.

That is the full force of the Iron Fist Legion, advancing from the assembly position of the C3 depression.

They seem to have reservations, but the warlord Namath has always been accustomed to throwing fast armored units into enemy infantry groups like cannonballs, and now they have clearly gathered enough numbers to crush everything, but they seem to have been One kilometer west of the enemy's front

Stand still.

The reason behind this behavior then appeared.

The huge dim figure appeared in the gunpowder smoke to the west, slowly rising from the depression.

The bright beast is like a god, and the Mao Ge of the Iron Fist Legion has come to the front line.

There are three of them.

The dust that whizzed by was so heavy that their distant bodies disappeared from sight several times, and Guk could hear the occasional metal screams of their large and heavy frame.

The giant machinery stepped unstoppably across the waiting armored front, overlooking heavy tanks and weapon platforms, and then stepped side by side toward the human central defense line. A few kilometers away is the heavily guarded Mihir Mountain.

Soon, one of them opened fire.

Guke immediately put down the telescope with a distorted face, and the pulsating light emitted by Mao Ge's arm and weapon was dazzling, leaving a bright afterimage on his retina.

"Next time I have to let them have more guns, not this kind of bells and whistles."

Large and radiant energy beams ejected from their muzzles, followed by huge meteor-like light balls, and black heavy artillery shells.

Those Mao brothers seemed to be smoking from head to toe, but it was just the dust falling from them, and the intensive tremor produced by the recoil of the weapon array would all accumulate the heavy sand and dust on their huge steel-covered bodies. The shock went on.

Guk can hear the scream and roar of their laser weapons, and the short thunder of their artillery.

Those sounds and the flashes of explosions rolled in unmatchedly, and he had witnessed the battle between General Mao and the human Titans. That kind of sight has always made him unforgettable.

He was surprised by their amazing shooting speed and the colorful beams that gush from their arms and shoulders like a torrent.

The ground in front of their slow pace began to waver and twist, giving birth to clumps of forest-like scattered yellow sand, flying dirt and tumbling fireballs.


The tremors and flashes of destruction spread out in front of them like a carpet, sending dark smoke and vaporized sand into human defenses. Everyone and Ok could feel the ruthless shock caused by their strong attack. One's own internal organs. The earth trembled.

The surrounding Oukes began to cheer and shout, the roar of the overwhelming mountains even overwhelmed the roar of the explosion, but Guke could feel their panic too.

This kind of scene is not something that any kid can watch without fear.

He wondered how many screaming humans disappeared in the first second, second or third second.

He couldn't see clearly even in the telescope, he could only see the tumbling smoke and dust, the frantic impact without stopping, and the sudden burst of chain fireballs spreading and overlapping everywhere, burning everything.

In an instant, he caught a glimpse of a wreck that might have been a bunker rising from the flurry of blasting, and then crashing down like a sunken ship.

The smell of gunpowder smoke has disappeared.

Replaced by the pungent smell of ultra-high temperature gas, fuel, molten sand and burnt flesh,

Brother Mao will continue to advance, stepping on the scorched earth left by their devastating firepower, just like a few people walking in a low-hanging mist.

Their bombardment did not stop. Behind them, the armored forces of the Iron Fist Corps began to advance, and Gu Ke could hear the distant roar of the tank's main gun fire.

And those giant machinery of humans never showed up, and Gu Ke was able to be sure that they should have been far away from here.

"Give Namath an order to continue the attack and attack with all strength. Before the sun sets, I want to see his tank drive down the mountain!"

After making such a judgment, Guk gave an order to the guard on the side.

And this instruction, as the nerve boy passed on, quickly arrived in front of the warlord Namat.

Immediately, more armor drove out from the assembly point, and General Mao began to accelerate.

Since dawn, the ominous smoke mask has begun to roll and shrink, as if the three huge war machines were a gust of breeze from the desert, slowly blowing away the dirty clouds.


Suddenly, Glak's voice came from behind, and Gu Ke put down his binoculars, turned around and saw that the guy was walking with his axe, and the guards made way for him one after another.

"Why are you here, who is in charge over there."

"They are enough! These shrimps are boring, they just squat in the ditch and get beaten."

Looking at Grak's indifferent face, Gu Ke really wanted to beat him up, this bastard, as the master of a legion, even left the war and went out to hang out.

"Can't you wait until the fight is over?"

"Ahhh, it's okay! Can the shrimp turn the sky up? Walk around, go to Lao Luo for a drink, I'm so tired today.

Guke knew that Lao Luo, whom Glaker was talking about, was a restaurant-runner. He and his gang of people were very good at making seafood. They had a good reputation recently, but Guke hadn't been there because he had his own. The dedicated chef, and there are many kinds.

"If you want to go, I have a lot of things to do."

Guk rejected the opponent without even thinking about it. What a joke. Although it is Ouke's nature to be loose, but this kind of occasion is not the time to be loose. Several legions need him to coordinate, and millions of boys need his command.

"Tsk, look..."

"Boss Gerak, can't you just call Lao Luo over."

Suddenly, Kundera on the side clicked in, and his proposal made Grak's eyes shine.

"Yes! Just do it! Let's order a takeaway!"

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