Orc Tyrant

Chapter 816: Conspiracy (Part 2)

The **** death of the wizard sent the slaughterhouse-like stench into Guk’s nose. The tyrant rushed into the cave, then stopped abruptly and sipped in annoyance.

"What's this?"

Seeing the planner's broken corpses slide down from the killer's claws and piled up at the feet of the scarlet monster, Guk felt a little inexplicable.

The messenger of the Wendigo Church hoped that he could come to this place to see what Hannibal wanted him to see-even stranger is that Guk actually agreed.

"Head, this is..."

Kundera followed with the guards, and when they witnessed the massacre in front of them, they were also taken aback.

All Ouke noticed the countless mouthparts emerging from the whole body of the evil demon, and they greedily licked the steaming remains of the planner.

The assassin, the biological weapon of the Trust Council raised his head and sensed the existence of Guk-now it has only one choice.

"Don't worry about it."

Guk flicked his right wrist, letting the warhammer fall into his palm, and then rushed towards the monster. At the same time, he raised the mechanical claw with his left hand and pulled the trigger, causing a spreading wave of bullets to flood the soul drinker.

Da Da Da~~!

The scarlet-skinned monster slid away from the edge of the metal impact, and then dodged backwards, rolling through clusters of fire and beams of gray sunlight.

The soul drinker may be very flexible, but the terrain in the cave greatly limits its trajectory.

"Target, capture, and destroy!"

With a low growl, a tooth-like thick butcher knife stretched out from the hole in the forearm of the soul drinker. Accompanied by a fierce jump, those sharp blades slashed past Guk’s head with a scream, leaving a scratch on the helmet. .

But the bottom-up slash of the mechanical claw also left a short wound on the shoulder of the soul drinker, but it healed itself in an instant.

Seeing the hopeless attack, the soul drinker opened a huge mouth and sprayed a cloud of black rot into the air.

The sporadic droplets were splashed on Guk's helmet, and it was immediately denatured and dissolved, turning into countless tiny spiders crawling around, and began to bite with sharp mouthparts.

Before they gnawed through their visors and threatened their soft eyeballs, Gux hurriedly tore off his helmet and threw it to the ground in an exasperated growl.

"You **** bug!"

Gu Ke's anger gradually rose, and the aura halo on his body became more and more distinct.

But the soul drinker had no fear, the tooth-like bone blade continued to grow, and the edge was stained with a layer of brown-gray.

Before the killer could get closer, Guk slammed his warhammer, hit the target, and knocked it out.

However, the force enough to smash a dirty car tank, but failed to destroy the creature, the soul drinker's skin rippled and bounced again the moment it fell to the ground.


The monster shook off the residual impact nonchalantly, and the layers of skin and flesh curled and peeled off the head like extra armor, and the gigantic grinning mouth was suddenly covered with saliva and pus.

Afterwards, the killer's sharp bone blade swept across and slashed cleanly on Guk's hammer handle.

The colliding weapon screamed and threw it out of Guk's palm with a violent twitch, and rolled into the shadow under the collapsed wall.

Guk stepped back quickly, feeling a little weird.

This is not due to how strong the opponent's power is, but something else is interfering with him, making his warhammer extremely slippery.

He is not unfamiliar with that kind of thing.

"It's you again!"

Guk roared, and immediately started a hand-to-hand battle with the assassin.

The huge mechanical claw collided with the opponent's organic bone blade to produce a large group of sparks, and each blow would cut off some sharp fragments. However, Gu Ke discovered that the opponent's weapon was repeatedly worn but its sharpness was undiminished.

And every time the slippery blade cuts deeply under the skin, the tooth-like substance secretes some kind of viscous venom, preventing the scabs of the wound from healing.

The soul drinker is gradually becoming crazy, and the muscles under the scarlet skin are releasing terrible brute force.

"Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!"

Its indefinite facial contour changes with every slash and block, showing old or young faces, all of which are full of anger and frustration.

"Your end is coming!"

Suddenly, it laughed loudly again, a trace of saliva stuck between its shovel-like jaws, and there was no trace of reason.

"Fuck you!"

At this moment, Guk's mechanical claws suddenly fell.

The soul drinker was unable to parry in an instant. This extremely aggressive and fierce offensive was unexpected. It could only barely dodge, but the tip of the claw blade still carved three marks on the killer's forehead, revealing bones.

Slender silky worms gushed out from the wound, and the exposed dim eyeball was dripping with pus, and the laughter of the soul drinker immediately turned into a howl of pain.


There is a fundamental sense of fallacy in this creature. Guk can feel from his bones that it shouldn’t exist in the world at all. No matter what kind of mixture of evil and abnormal flesh the creature is, its existence itself. It is a shock to reason.

Not to mention, Guk could already smell the strong smell of the devil on it.

"What kind of monster did you give birth to?"

Guk uttered the question in his mind aloud, and the other party's changeable face changed its appearance again.

"like you?"

The soul drinker raised his head, and the slime-covered double blade waved back and forth, flashing dim light.

"What kind of monster are you?"

He casually swung a clumsy attack at Guk, the tyrant easily blocked it with a mechanical claw, and then kicked the opponent into a puddle.

The sewage was accompanied by splashes of pus, and there were painful gasps.

"You will be wiped out!"

Leaping from the puddle, the soul drinker shouted with a sudden burst of fierce anger, that naked hatred rose from the depths of Yuying's heart.

"You will never see it again."

Guk shook his wrist and shot a rain of bullets at the assassin.

But the soul drinker did not dodge, but rushed to face him, dancing with his weapon to form an iron wall, barely blocking the bullets.

After that, it shot out like electricity, and its offensive was unabated, and it pierced the only weak point in Guk's defense-the head.

However, it was Guk who used this flaw as a bait, and he seized this opportunity with vicious pleasure.

At the moment when the fang-like brand-new bone blade burst out from under the surging skin, tightly gripping Guke's mechanical claws, a violent electric arc surged from Guke's body.

"Uh ah ah ah!!!"

The severe pain followed the panic that enveloped the soul drinker's phantom face, and the bone-blade arm began to tremble violently, as if it was firmly attached to the mechanical claw, unable to withdraw.

"Ha! Deal with you! I still have experience!"

Guk laughed and looked at the devil tumbling in pain under the waaagh energy. It was very comforting, but he didn't notice, and the soul drinker also began to laugh.

"Finally waited..."

The soul drinker's face changed rapidly, and it gradually became an Ouke's target.

"...Welcome to your doomsday, Guk!"

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