Orc Tyrant

Chapter 817: Enlightenment

When the soul drinker laughed, Guke felt his brain start to oscillate, as if several sledgehammers were hitting him in several directions.


Guk’s throat itchy, and a stream of blood sprayed onto the soul drinker’s torso. Overwhelmed by the pain and shock, he staggered back, and the assassin stuck tightly to his body.

"We are alike,"

He said to Guk, the aura on his body gradually became more and more similar to Guk's waaagh energy.

"Under the skin, we are all the same."


As soon as the court guards looked down on them, they quickly wanted to rush over, but the turbulent energy had formed a vortex around the two. As soon as the other Ouke approached, they felt their own skull pressure began to soar, as if their heads would explode soon. same.

At this time, they would not enter or retreat, and the guns in their hands did not know where to go.

"Be destroyed by yourself!"

The immense power also brought terrible damage to the soul drinker himself, his skin began to burn, countless ghosts were wiped out in the pain, and those were the source of his power.

But the soul drinker is confident that no matter how powerful an opponent is, he will definitely be able to crush the opponent first.

"Destroyed by your fear!"

The secret is that he will dig into the opponent's mind and shake the opponent's will when confronted.

At this moment, it intends to do the same, and the mental tentacles pierce Guk's consciousness like a probe.

It was a raging and violent sea, and the soul drinker suddenly felt that he had become a flat boat in the waves. He had never experienced such a world of consciousness. Even the **** Ok, its form was just a fire.

"You think this is all right!?"

As soon as Guk gritted his teeth, he started to concentrate his anger even more crazily, pushing the waaagh energy to the limit. He didn't believe he would lose to such a monster.


The pressure came to the soul drinker's side, and the huge tear between the will and the flesh made it taste the aura of destruction for the first time in its life.

Worry appeared in his mind. Can the body designed for him by the master really withstand this pressure?

Along with the doubts, it was a beast that he had abandoned in the corner and should have been restrained on his back, the soul that it had not been able to digest and could not control.


A huge roar slammed his mind, and the probe that had penetrated into Guk's mind was snapped off instantly. A pair of strong green hands strangled his throat. He turned his head and saw the face exactly like his current appearance. .

"no no!"

The fragile balance was instantly broken, and violent energy poured out, blowing the guards flying like toys, and cracking the rock wall of the entire cave.

Guk released his hand, still falling to the ground by the opponent.

He felt that under the devil's body, there was another thing.

But why does it appear there?

"His Majesty, I am sorry for being late."

At this time, Glacas appeared in the shadow of the mine and bowed respectfully to Guk.

Guk glanced at him, then raised his hand to the monster squirming on the ground.


"A container, a container containing many truths, is now open to you."

Glacas spread his hands and smiled:

"It...is yours."

While they were talking, the soul drinker was faced with great trouble, and the soul of Ouke woke up, wailing in his heart like a wounded animal.

It thirsts for freedom, and in an instant, the soul drinker feels the same.

This is the most terrifying, and it means that Oak's thinking is gaining the upper hand.

He pulled the idea out of his mind, like pulling a curtain, but then realized that it was not that simple.

The soul drinker sensed a power coming from deep in his heart, and clung to the tail of the rebellious emotion.

Do not! Do not! Do not! Do not

He furiously rushed to a minecart that turned over and smashed his head in, making his fickle face instantly dripping with blood.

The failure of the confrontation with Guk resulted in terrible results. His special internal organs were almost completely burned, the special nature of waaagh energy almost wiped out his soul, and the feedback mirror built with many soul powers was completely disintegrated. Now he is just a drowning dog, a drowning dog with no resistance.

"Really, let me see."

Just as he tortured himself and tried to suppress the tumbling of those souls with pain, a huge palm squeezed his neck and picked him up like an animal.

"What the **** are you."

Guk grabbed his head and looked directly at its heart.

He doesn't have any mysterious means, but Guk has the ability to perceive the memory of the dead Ouke's remnant soul, and there is exactly one in this monster, and it is also linked to the consciousness of the monster itself.

In other words, through the Ouke in the soul drinker, Guke can see the past and present of this monster, as well as its true nature.

"Do not……"

Perceiving a ferocious will pouring into his mind, the soul drinker trembles violently, but his muscles were almost burned in the previous matchup, and it will take a long, long time to repair...

Lifting the veil of the fog, Guk saw a huge city shrouded in cyan flames. There were towering spires in the sky, countless distorted monsters, and a group of things that seemed to have no flesh.

Furthermore, he caught a glimpse of a dark space, and some whispers, but he couldn't understand it.

Continuing to dig, he witnessed a piece of land paved with flesh and blood. A figure was walking on it. Its appearance was similar to that of a soul drinker. The sky was a colorful and amorphous color. This was an extremely crazy world.

Then there are the indescribable emotional waves and surges, and many strange things.

But when everything was about to dissipate, Guk captured another scene in the glimpse of the light.

Three pillars of flesh and blood, a huge brass door, and countless demons and monsters gushing out from the inside. The base of the brass door is composed of countless corpses, including humans and... Grams.

He even saw the remains of King Mao's King Kong, which was disassembled into parts and put on some evil symbols.


Guk threw the opponent to the ground, then turned to Gracas.

"So this is what you want me to see?"

"I don't know what you will see."

Glacas shook his head.

"Your will is the decisive factor, and we can't influence anything."

Guk was silent for a moment, then walked to Grakas, looked down at him, and said:

"Don't be fooling me, tell me if anyone is going to put a lot of demons in."

"Yes it is."

"Who is it, where is it?"

Glacas lowered his head and took out a badge from his belt and handed it to Guk.

"You should be no stranger to this, worship blood religion."

Guk took the badge, just glanced at it, and crushed it.

"So, where is it."

"In the West, that piece of land that is gradually falling into chaos, the New California Republic."

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