Orc Tyrant

Chapter 848: Torrent (1)

"I don't want to know."

Jackson agreed, and turned around to leave the room.

"Let's do our own business."


A platoon leader was waiting outside the door, and a night blade stayed beside him abnormally.

"We have a new discovery. It looks like an underground storage room."

There is the storage room, and the thick isolation door is enough to explain everything.

But it has obviously been forcibly broken. The traces left by the energy weapon are undoubtedly used to break the gate. Obviously there used to be an elaborate locking device on the gate. Now it has been turned into **** by the heat that swallowed everything. .

However, they did not find any clues to guess what was inside, and only empty metal shelves were left in the storage room, reflecting the lights on the ceiling alone.

"We have wasted enough time here."

After a cursory glance at the few corpses on the ground, Jackson made a decision.

"We are going to open the sluice now, and then evacuate here as soon as possible."

"I raise my hands in agreement."

Elena agreed, and afterwards they hurried up the elevator and left the cemetery full of dead bodies without looking back.

Obviously, all the night blades breathed a sigh of relief.

Jackson secretly remembered everything he saw in his heart. Perhaps he could not find any clues, but Yuhijin must know all this very much.

When they returned to the hall full of soft lights, Jackson felt an uncertain and depressed feeling rising from the depths of their souls. They went straight to the elevator, and now everyone's thoughts were all focused on the current priority. on.

The other search teams did not find any hidden enemies, so Jackson can stay with the witch temporarily, in case she needs help in the control room later.

However, the newly-emerging sense of security did not last long. Almost as soon as Jackson’s boots stepped on the ascending pedal, there was another hissing sound from the communicator.


The battalion commander of the investigation battalion reported.

"Ok is here."

At the beginning, Jackson firmly believed that only an Oak's investigative team found them, but the illusion of self-deception did not last long.

Elena led them to the control room on the upper floor, where there was a wide, clear window through which you could see the valley below, which was undoubtedly used to observe the dam and reservoir.

Ignoring the long row of brass instrument dials and countless switches embedded on the wooden boards, Jackson hurriedly found a piece of glass and looked outside, and his heart suddenly raised his throat.

"There are thousands of green skins there."

The chief of staff said next to him, and this time Jackson had to admit that he was not exaggerating.

The entire valley mouth was jammed with bumpy vehicles, and it was full of roaring green skins, gathering towards their position like a swarm of irritated bees.

When they crossed the funnel-shaped canyon mouth, the absolute number advantage hindered their progress, but they quickly arranged the order of passage in a consistently cruel and effective way.

The most aggressive of them, the heavily armed guy, has overtaken and rushed to the front of the team.

Now is the best time to attack Greenskins, but Jackson was shocked that he noticed that a large number of Greenskins did not intend to compete for positions on the road, but fanned out and passed through the wide valley floor. They have confidence in the sturdiness of the vehicle they ride and their strong physique.

The Oukes are passing through this open field at an incredible speed.

Jackson was just about to order the artillery to fire, when a sound that was obviously mortar sounded outside told him that his men had decided for themselves.

The artillery fired three rounds of shells one after another, all hitting the middle of the swarming enemy group, but the full effect of the shelling was like throwing rocks toward a pond, and the surging green waves of death did not slow down. He rushed straight towards the dam.


When the roar that had surrounded them for several weeks sounded again, many of them seemed to be back on the nightmare battlefield of Mount Mihir.

"How much time do we have?"

Jackson immediately called the commander on the front line, and standing behind a piece of glass observing the situation outside was far less reassuring than facing Oak's gaze directly.

"The first wave of green skins will rush to our army in about twenty minutes."

The commander stationed on the front line reported to him in a particularly calm tone.

"Their cars can't get up without going through the causeway on the dam, but we are vulnerable to infantry who climbed up the slope."

"Well, this does require us to be more prepared."

Jackson could see Oak's actions from this position, but just as the teacher said.

"If the artillery can block the enemy's convoy outside the causeway, we will be able to free our hands to repel the climbing greenskins."

Although somewhat unrealistic, it is still necessary to figure out the absolute number of green skins.

Looking at it from here, all the trailing green-skinned troops should have merged into one unit, and the number was at least twice the current strength of Jackson's hand.

If they still sent half of their troops to ambush at that pass, the human side would definitely not be able to rush through, but Jackson had to admit that no matter which one he chose, the situation at the moment was not optimistic.

He turned to Elena and said:

"How long will it take to drain the water from the tunnel?"

"I do not know."

Her voice was a little absent-minded. At this moment, she was looking at the console in front of her, completely ignoring the appalling sight outside the window with almost superhuman self-control.

"It depends on how long it takes me to open the sluice. This operation is quite simple, but it will take a while for me to complete it by myself."

She looked around the room, looking a little at a loss.

"If I were a brake, where would I stay now?"


Through the communicator, Jackson tried to make his voice sound less impatient.

"Send a few engineers who know machinery to come up right away. Our lady needs help."

The witch nodded, but still a little dazed.

"That might help."


The lieutenant of the empire said as calmly as possible that this is a pretty remarkable achievement in such a critical situation.

"If that works, how long will it take to drain the water from the tunnel?"

"About two hours."

Elena's voice is not hurried or slow.

"Of course it starts when we open the sluice. If we can start it cleanly with only one attempt, then it will take less than an hour to open the sluice."

"You only have less than 40 minutes left before we are flattened by the greenskins."

Jackson expressed this fact patiently as much as possible, hoping that such wording would not cause the inevitable counter-effect.

"In less than two hours, we will all have to die... as fast as possible, okay."

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