Orc Tyrant

Chapter 849: Torrent (2)

This is not Mihir Mountain, there is no such solid offensive and tunnels, and now they are fighting a positional battle with Ork, facing the furious Ork with a tired division.

I haven't seen Guk's battle flag yet, but Jackson believes that it won't be long before the pale tyrant will bring his most elite butcher to kill the prey that is about to escape, and perhaps the giant machinery.

"If you want to open the sluice safely, it has to take that long. You have to block Ouke before I open the sluice."

"We will work hard."

Jackson gritted his teeth and said resolutely, trying to cover up the despair that was about to crush him.

"Are you sure there is nothing to speed it up?"

"I'm pretty sure not."

The witch replied. She pointed to a device on the longboard, which was covered with flashing meters for recording information, but Jackson knew nothing about it.

"If I'm right, this place has been unattended for several weeks. Various systems are very unstable. One carelessness can lead to catastrophic consequences."

"The catastrophic consequences are undoubtedly better than death."

Jackson said that an unformed idea suddenly came into his mind.

"What do you mean by that catastrophic consequence?"

"Are you sure you can understand me?"

Elena's voice became a bit rough, obviously irritated by Jackson's arbitrary intervention, and then she pointed to a row of lights emitting hellish red lights.

"The electricity that keeps this place running is all generated by the turbines at the bottom of the dam. When the electricity is not exported, it is stored in a capacitor. Since Oak’s invasion, no one has exported this electricity. This means that the capacitors are actually overloaded and have become extremely unstable. If we do not stop the generators before opening the sluice completely, they will explode like bombs. Can you understand that? "

"I understand very much, thank you."

Jackson turned around and hurriedly left the auditorium. The Night Blades followed me as usual, and he immediately activated the communicator when he was outside.

"Edwin, how long will it take you to turn the cannon muzzle?"

"One minute is enough."

The commander of the artillery regiment replied that he didn't seem to understand Jackson's intentions, but he still trusted the judge's judgment.

"What is the new goal?"

"The sluice gate at the bottom of the dam."

Jackson's voice was very calm.

"Can you press the barrel to such a low firing range?"

"If we can't, we will raise the gun mount."

He assured Jackson, and immediately understood the intention of doing so.

"Are you planning to give the greenskins a bath?"

"I hope it's not just a simple shower."

When he was standing in the open air, the cold wind in the mountains hit him mercilessly, reminding him that his shirt was still wet, but there was no time to worry about it now.

Jackson hurried to the edge of the square, where Edwin was directing the artillery to turn the direction of their heavy artillery, and there was a steady stream of swear words in his mouth.

This time only ten cannons were brought out from Mount Mihir, but they were taken apart and brought out. There were not many shells. This was their only heavy weapon.

"It's almost done, sir."

The artillery maneuvered the rotation of the gun carriage slightly, trying to aim the long gun barrel at the water rushing from the bottom of the dam.

"Green leather is coming up."

As soon as the voice fell, a crackling sound and the crisp roar of heavy weapons fired, preparing to welcome the first batch of green-skinned vehicles coming from the other end of the dam.

Most of them are motorcycles, and they are easy targets even at this distance, and their counterattack firepower is as outrageous as people expected, only hitting a few people.

Two cars wanted to rush across the causeway to charge humans. The soldiers used a portable rocket to turn the front car into a bright fireball.

The car behind hit the burning wreck, jumped into the air, rushed over the fence, and while falling, the rider clenched the handlebar until it landed on the spillway and turned into an ugly stain.

"Block the road."

Jackson gave orders to his troops, and the heavy mortars fired uniformly, and fire and gun smoke emerged from their barrels at the same time. The preset heavy machine guns immediately fired a deadly rain of bullets.

From where he stood, they looked like they were in the center of a small but very intense thunderstorm.

The defenders who broke away from the Mihir Hill position poured all their anger on the green skin that was crowded with the entire narrow road on the opposite side, and with the same enthusiasm, they smashed the vehicles and passengers to pieces, no doubt let them do Choose to overtake on the highway to the front of your partner instead of crossing the car below

I regret the act of entering the battlefield in the open land.

This reminds Jackson.

He looked down and found that the bottom of the valley was boiling, and there were green skins wherever he could see. They were like maggots crawling over the bottom of a bowl under the sun.


The sub-commanders also gave orders. He tried to maintain his composure in this situation, while the soldiers poured firepower down the **** with their light weapons.

There is no doubt that a human army must reconsider its attack plan in the face of such a situation, but it seems that such fierce firepower only angered Ok.

Accompanied by the "Waaagh!" who was full of enthusiasm to thwart everyone's bones and ashes-although to be honest, Jackson had already listened to the roar, the green-skinned boys gave up their vehicles at the bottom of the **** and started climbing the slope. .

And this brings another advantage. Their heavy weapons can’t exert all their firepower in a short period of time, but if the gunners stop to deploy the heavy weapons for fire support, it will cause humans to suffer more casualties than they are now. But of course Oak couldn’t think of this.

They have given up their vehicles and launched a terrible and unstoppable offensive together with their companions.

"Shoot! Remember to hit the head! Or kick!"

They fell under the guns of humans one after another, but they still steadfastly launched a charge forward. Driven by the desire to get closer, the boys trampled on the injured companions under their feet, and completely ignored their own safety. .

Jackson thought that, apart from the mindless flesh and blood machinery of the Trust Council, probably no human army could sustain such an assault.

On the one hand, these green monsters are brutal and ruthless slayers and predators, but on the other hand they are also perfect soldiers—at least if they have a basic command structure.

The **** of the dam is so steep, but the green skin rushing to it is like crossing a sports field, almost unaffected by the slope.

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