Orc Tyrant

Chapter 852: Backhand (1)

More than 2,000 soldiers who died in action could only be buried in a hurry, and more wounded soldiers became the biggest problem Jackson had to face.

Jackson's view on this is simple

"Leave them there, how can I bear it?"

Although the leader of the night blade did not agree with this behavior in his heart, he still nodded.

In order to prevent the whole conversation from becoming a cliché, Ye Jian pointed at the group of wounded soldiers.

"How long will it take to set off?"

"It will take about an hour."

The Medical Officer Connie, who was in charge of the field hospital, pointed to the lightly wounded waiting in line outside. The end of the line was still sorting the wounded and shrugged tiredly.

"We are now treating patients with less severe trauma. Most people can go into battle after a full meal and a rest."

Then he nodded towards a stretcher, as if to indicate that he would pass soon.

"We now have more than two hundred seriously injured people, of which 80 are still life-threatening. I will talk to Gianfuni and transfer the person with the most stable injury to another car before setting off, so that we can better Effectively treat those patients with the most serious injuries."

"Good job."

Jackson calculated these numbers quickly in his mind.

In addition to the two thousand people who have been killed, it means that they have lost nearly one-sixth of their viable strength.

This kind of battle damage is not bad compared to the entire Ouke unit, but even so, it obviously weakens the team's strength, and Ouke's loss may be minimal.

Deep down in his heart, he even suspected that all the soldiers would be lost before reaching the destination.

Of course, if the ammunition runs out, no one can help.

After giving some encouragement to the medical staff, Jackson made up his mind to leave the temporary field medical station and immediately went to Colonel Mudfahan, who was in charge of logistics, determined to clarify the problem.

The corps stayed where Jackson was expecting to find him. In the middle of the logistics unit, his argument with the artillery commander was exactly what Jackson was worried about.

"You can only redistribute the remaining shells equally to each mortar."

Mudfahan said fiercely:

"Our ammunition cart has only one shelf of ammunition that can be divided, and that is all your ammunition! By the way, I will tell you the good news that the heavy artillery battalion has been exhausted except for the artillery itself."

The news overheard inadvertently made Jackson's blood clot.

During his service in the artillery regiment, he was familiar with the details of these weapons, knowing that there were only a few artillery shells left in the artillery.

If the desperate plan just now requires more shells to destroy the dam, they will probably fail.

"Well, that's great."

The artillery commander was obviously very dissatisfied.

"It looks like we have to save ammunition before we can resupply."

"The situation will not last long. If, as the chief thinks, the tunnel leads to the expected place, we are only 20 kilometers away from the rear."

"I don't know what's going on in that area, there is still Tyre."

The artillery commander looked very melancholy. He had a lot of heavy artillery and a lot of strong artillery, but now only these little rags are left.

"Do you want to bet it wasn't looted?"

So far, the news they have got is that Oak has sent a partial army out of a direction that shouldn’t be there, and is heading towards Tyre.

Once they cross the mountains, they will enter the plains between Witlier and Tyre. There is currently no definite order for the troops to go to Tyre. The radio communication has frequently failed since they left Mount Mihir. .

"Then we can only take it back."

Jackson interjected, forcing himself to maintain the stability that a commander should have been.

The two chatting officers saluted him immediately, their expressions a little embarrassed.

"How much fuel is left?"

Jackson asked after waiting for the artillery commander to leave.

During this evacuation, they also carried a few vehicles, mainly used to transport ammunition and materials. If the fuel ran out, the issue of ammunition shortage would be irrelevant.

Faced with such a problem, the officer reluctantly smiled.

"We still have enough fuel."

His tone clearly warned Jackson that he would not want to know how tight the remaining fuel would be.

The empire lieutenant understood what he meant, after all, he was an expert in this area.

"I guess you heard about the heavy artillery shells."

Jackson nodded.

"He's speechless when he gets emotional."


At this time, there was a loud metal impact in the air, which resonated with the vibration from the rock underfoot. It was obvious that the engineering team had just successfully removed the first filter grille.

"The situation is really serious."

Mudfahan nodded.

"The good news is that we still have a lot of ammunition for light weapons and support weapons. If those are not enough, we can also use green-skinned weapons and ammunition."

Although the green skins were washed away, many of the weapons they used were still left on the battlefield, many of which were modified by human weapons.

Although there have been rumors that humans using green-skinned weapons will have a high probability of malfunctioning or exploding, but at this time there is not much choice.

"What about the food?"

"There is no problem supporting it there."

Mudfahan assured Jackson, but he never thought it would cause any trouble to the troops.

"But before you give all the water to Green Skin, you should let us replenish the fresh water first."

The logistics supervisor smiled, with a hint of humor in his tone

"The Father teaches us to have a generous heart."

Jackson quoted a famous saying, and he laughed loudly after listening.

"Well, there is no shortage of water where we are going."

This prediction was quickly confirmed.

After carefully traveling for several hours, the journey in the aqueduct was unexpectedly smooth.

They can travel tens of kilometers in a few hours under the mountain, which is farther than the journey of a day over the mountain without the disturbance of green skin.

In this case, Jackson also began to feel that he could relax a hanging heart.

Even the vehicles ran very smoothly in the tunnel. The light beams emitted by the lights shone on the mist seeping from the rock wall. When the vehicles passed by, there was an echo in the passage.

From time to time, he could catch a glimpse of the auxiliary engineering pipelines and some equipment that he didn't recognize embedded in the wall and the hatch at the entrance, and he was vaguely disturbed. He had never heard of this project, and it was strange everywhere.

After a while, he was greeted by the smell of a mixture of fragrant body odor and the aroma of coffee.

Jackson took the cup gratefully, feeling the warmth spreading between his fingers.

"Thank you, Elena."

The witch just smiled at him, then filled her empty glass like a trick.

Jackson took a sip, let the rich smell diffuse in his throat, and then whispered:

"Where are we?"

"We have walked nearly half the distance, sir."

Elena's fingers swayed lightly, and a map floated into the air and then opened. A shiny red dot on it marked their location.

The icons arranged in a line are like prayer beads for chanting, and the car they are in is close to the center of the line.

Although the possibility of green skin in the tunnel ahead is minimal, Jackson’s paranoid tendencies are still at work. The closer he is to a safe place, the more he seems to worry that he may fall short, as if good luck is running out and disaster is imminent. Will fall on the head.

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