Orc Tyrant

Chapter 853: Backhand (2)

After ten hours of marching, the team stopped shortly before night to rest. The gray gleam of the day that was about to pass penetrated through the swirling patterns engraved on the richly decorated gate. Behind the gate is the one mentioned by Elena. The ramp at that entrance.

Like most people, Jackson would sleep intermittently for a few hours while passing through the mountain tunnel. Those very experienced veterans would do this almost everywhere, but when he dragged his body from off-road When I came out of the car and tried to meet her, I still felt stiff and exhausted.

Somewhat unexpectedly to Jackson, she also walked around in the open space in front.

"right here."

When Jackson approached, she raised her head and looked up at the door to the commander.

It is far less impressive than the grille at the entrance of the mountain, and the ramp is also very narrow, but it still seems to have enough height and width to allow vehicles and artillery to pass smoothly, which dispelled Jackson's previous worries about this.

"After opening this place, we're done."

Of course, we may face the green-skinned army that may have already put Tyre on fire, but Jackson would rather not think about this problem first.

"it is good."

Elena summoned her wizards and placed a small copper plate on the tripod. One of them sprinkled a handful of foul powder on it and set it on fire, while the other handed her a small bottle of hornwhale oil. .

Elena took it and made a gesture and then rubbed the oil on the door. The direction she rubbed was completely random in Jackson's view, but there is no doubt that there are some things that are not known to outsiders for wizards. The mysterious meaning of.

She muttered to herself as she painted.

After a while, the witch looked up at Jackson.

"It will take a while to complete this ceremony."

Suppressing the idea of ​​blasting the door straight away, Jackson nodded solemnly and returned to the command car.

He didn't know why he had to use the ritual of witchcraft to open a door, but this time Elena had done so much to retreat, and he couldn't forcefully ask the other party what to do.

"The meeting point from the last telegram should be here."

Once back in the car, the chief of staff leaned in and pointed out its location on the map.

"We can get there in about an hour. If it goes well, it may not take that long."

"It also requires the greenskins not to bother us."

Jackson added that although this may be minimal, after all, they may have just discovered now that the besieged humans have slipped away.

"Maybe we should send a patrol first. If there are no signs of enemy activity, we will set off immediately. If there is any accident, we will lurch here and discuss countermeasures."

"Hide like a mouse in a sewage pipe?"

To be honest, Jackson didn't like this at all, and if Guk found them trapped here, they could only wait to be slaughtered.

The only chance at the moment is to gather troops to leave here quickly before the battle begins.

The chief of staff nodded after hearing Jackson's thoughts.

"I appreciate your suggestion, but if they didn't know we were here at first..."

"Our current situation cannot take any risks."

Jackson pointed this out.

"I think we should be ready to act when we receive their return. If no enemy is found, we will go directly to the assembly point. If there is an enemy..."

He shrugged.

"We can only solve them by the way."

"Well, this trick seems to have been effective so far."

As a result, Elena opened the door without much time. About half an hour later, the door slid to the side smoothly, opening the way to the ground.

The three off-road vehicles immediately rushed out of the outlet like rats in the drain pipe rushing out of the drain.

At this time, the yellowish sunlight suddenly shot into the tunnel, uplifting everyone's spirits, and Jackson suddenly felt a strange claustrophobia.

He walked up the slope, and Ye Jian followed behind him as usual.

When he arrived in the open air, he immediately squinted his eyes to look at the surrounding scenery.

Since the reconnaissance team did not hear any sound of firefighting when they set out, he was sure that it was safe, and the commander of the scout confirmed this guess after a while.

"Woodpecker One report."

The voice in the communicator is very clear.

"No enemy was found, we went straight to the destination."

Jackson asked the Chief of Staff to process the information, watching their relaxed conversation on the communicator while enjoying the gentle and clean air.

Located on the edge of the coastal plain, the temperature is much wetter, and everything around is refreshing, in sharp contrast with the humid and cold tunnel.

"Bring them all out."

Then Jackson gave the order to stand aside, clear the way for the roaring vehicles and troops from the inside of the mountain, and began to observe the surrounding environment carefully.

They were on a gentle **** half a mountainside, and there was a road extending downwards. It was strikingly similar to the one they had used to reach the reservoir. The road passed through the mountain to the main entrance of the highway a few hundred meters away.

The road starts from a flat two-way road and spreads out in sequence. It is obvious that this is a main road in peacetime.

After a period of observation and thinking, Jackson was able to recognize that it was a main passage that runs through the entire gorge to Tyre, maintaining the business activities of the Gramatia and Aksum provinces in the peaceful and prosperous past.

Leaving the canyons and peaks surrounding them, the troops can reach the scheduled meeting point along the highway, and the terrain in the distance has gradually changed from undulating mountains to flat coastal plains.

Raising the telescope that the adjutant handed me thoughtfully, Jackson found that he could even see the flat and shining open water in the distance.

"We have reached the beach."

He couldn't believe it was true for a while.

Of course they still have dozens of kilometers to go before they really soaked their feet, let alone Datyro, but he never really expected to go so far, and seeing the open water made him feel Somewhat at a loss.

Ye Blade nodded behind him, obviously as excited as Jackson was to approach his destination.

"We will be there soon."

He said.

When the investigators reported back, the team had once again formed a column, and the logistics supervisor had sent some soldiers to fill the reservoir under the drain to replenish the water.

In view of the fact that it has entered a safe area, the team no longer maintains a battle formation, but converted into a normal marching queue. From the analysis of all the signs of activity seen, it is concluded that Oak is still far away.

Jackson once wanted to order the engineers to completely destroy the tunnel behind him, just to ensure the safety of the rear, but the possibility of green leather trailing is as usual, and the explosion is likely to attract the enemy’s attention, thereby destroying the intention of hiding. .

More importantly, he was not sure whether this passage would be used again in the future, so he decided to let the engineering troop use small-scale blasting to seal the passage.

Jackson was standing outside the Chimera command vehicle, enjoying the hot drink and the bun with the steak that the guards did not know how to get him.

Suddenly, a call came from the communicator.

"Woodpecker No. 1 report, we found some movement. There is a warehouse where the enemy is stationed. It seems that their defenses are very weak when viewed from this direction."

"Can you be more specific?"

Jackson hurried back to the car and came to the front of the map. The Chief of Staff was busy marking the location of the enemy.

The commander of the investigation team cleared his throat.

"We are reporting the coordinates of all the enemy units we can see. They are strengthening the defense facilities, and the number is small."

In other words, they are not a serious threat, they are probably just an infiltrating team.

Such squads are numerous in the Witlier Gorge, generally composed of twenty to fifty green skins. They are like annoying little insects, appearing from various incredible terrains, and constantly infiltrating the rear of the human defense line, involving A large number of mobile forces.

Generally speaking, such squads, or organizations called war gangs, are poorly equipped and do not have the ability to confront the regular army.

"We can take them down easily."

The chief of staff stared at the map and said boldly, Jackson had to admit that he was right.

It was no effort for them to get rid of it. The warehouse itself was some distance from the road, and it was located in a depression in the last valley on the only way to the coastal plain.

Obviously they thought it was impossible for the imperial army to go around behind them and attack from the south, so they didn't have any defense.

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