Orc Tyrant

Chapter 854: Backhand (3)

"Of course we can."

Jackson's eyes moved westward along the highway line, and if they moved fast enough, they could cross the weak lines of defense and rush into the middle of their defensive circle before Oak noticed it.

Assuming that these Ok's troops are very small, he only needs to send a part of the troops to capture the warehouse, while the main force of the troops intersperses forward from the rear to the predetermined assembly point.

Jackson has prepared for the worst. Witlier may have completely collapsed. Now the road to Tyre is probably full of Ouke’s small units, and there may even be major legions.

If they can eliminate this group of enemies stuck in the road, they may be able to get rid of the harassment of too many chasing troops and successfully reach the scheduled assembly point.

The bright prospects are exciting, but Jackson still forced himself to remain calm and look for any obvious flaws in the plan.

He pointed to a series of obstacles and strongholds across the valley. The ghost knew what kind of mentality these Oks used to build strongholds here. Knowing that they were behind the enemy lines, they began to occupy the mountains as king.

"These may not be as easy to break as they seem."

"Those in front of you are just a piece of cake."

A certain staff member said enthusiastically that he had been a pessimist before that.

"Our ammunition is enough to deal with these fortifications, and if Greenskin empties the reserves there, why bother to spend so much energy on guarding it?"

It took so much manpower and material resources to protect several huts filled with ammunition, which made Jackson feel a little creepy.

These Ouke's behavior patterns seem to him to be a bit weird.

Idle war gangs rarely exhibit such purposeful behaviors. They seem to have put these postures in front of them under a kind of intentional or unintentional command.

But or is this just an illusion of his, a sense of self-persecution that arises because of just getting out of danger?

He still couldn't restrain the anxiety in his heart, and from time to time he looked back at the passageway that was gradually going away.

It was calm there, and the exit was blurred by the gradual fall of the night, like a looming huge mouth, Jackson didn't know what he was worried about.

The engineers must have begun to install explosives...

Maybe it really should be blown up completely?

"In my opinion, they have their own plans to build a defensive position in Taniguchi."

At this time, the Chief of Staff took the initiative to express his views and interrupted Jackson's thoughts.

"If our attack from the west successfully crosses the plain, a large number of small groups of green-skinned troops will gather in the valley, and they will definitely rely on the flanking fortifications to block our main marching route."

"It makes sense."

Jackson agreed with his point of view, he was relieved, and dispelled his previous doubts.

Of course, from the map, his analysis seemed to have some truth. Jackson calmed his breathing and tried to calm down to make a battle plan.

"Then, gentlemen, I think we have a way."

Of course, it is not that simple to make a plan. It took some time to deploy troops and deliberate the details of the entire operation, but this time luck was with them.

Green-skinned vehicles are rarely seen on the highway below, even less than they encountered near the dam. Only a few huge birds pass by, and they fly too high to make out what they are. birds.

But when they first saw a small team of Imperial fighter jets flying overhead, the team spontaneously burst into cheers. The belief that they would be home soon swept the whole team, even more than the prospect of victory. Can inspire everyone's spirits.

But no one took victory for granted, especially Jackson, but this feeling became stronger in his heart.

The battle they are preparing to participate in, even if it is not the last battle that everyone has to face, can ultimately determine whether this long journey can reach a safe end.

Of course, they all have a clear understanding of this point, but no one can predict what the course of the battle will be like.

Although there were various things that delayed the progress, the team was finally ready to go before the night was completely.

The scouts opened the way in the front, followed by the infantry, and a few vehicles guarded the rear and flanks, forming a solid defensive barrier.

After thinking about it, Jackson gave up taking the off-road vehicle and directed the attack on the main defensive position by himself.

The defense of the warehouse should be relatively weak. He thought it might be so, so he decided to personally direct the attack against the supply warehouse.

The operation was mainly initiated by two infantry regiments.

"You don't need me to restrain your hands and feet now."

He said to the young major that the newly promoted head was full of pride after hearing these words.

"You've been doing something like this before."

He hurriedly agreed with an almost impolite tone, apparently still immersed in the fantasy of taking all the credit.

It's really funny, the things that Jackson worries about are exactly what he is passionate about.

Jackson opened the window when he set off, enjoying the fresh air, and only when he was close to the target did he finalize the details of the action with the two captains.

It was a bright night, with plenty of moonlight, and it was very suitable for night attacks. Ouke would not expect them to be attacked, so the key to this action is to touch a close enough distance and make a fatal blow.

There will also be a small number of vehicles involved in this operation: a truck was empty except for the driver and the heavy weapons team, and an off-road vehicle carried the rest of the wizard team, including Elena followed like a loyal hound. behind.

Jackson tried to prevent her from acting together because he felt that this was a battle that only experienced fighters could participate in, but she was as stubborn as before, insisting that she was more likely to play a role than anyone else, and that she would also be able to play a role. He is indeed a powerful wizard.

Jackson had no way to refute the two reasons she put forward. In the end, he could only pretend to be reasonable and reluctantly agreed to join her.

"Does everyone know the whole plan?"

He looked around the nervous faces in the cabin. These middle-level officers were rarely directly given orders by a lieutenant-level commander. Jackson's actions were a little weird in their eyes.

Perhaps all the senior commanders in the empire are more accustomed to using telegraphs or communicators to give orders.

One of the leaders nodded.

"When the flares were raised, we rushed in, cleared all obstacles, and eliminated all purposes before they were regrouped."

"It sounds good to me."

Elena's cheerful voice as usual came from the communicator, and Jackson took a deep breath, although he was not very nervous now, after all, this was just a small cutscene compared to the battle at Mihir Hill.

"okay then."

He nodded and said.

"Let the action begin."

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