Orc Tyrant

Chapter 868: Tyre! (thirteen)

"So you didn't see the thoughts of Prince Shadow?"

An ordinary question questioned every member of the Blurred Blade team. After a moment of silence, the last member of the team, Karel, answered this question.

"It's not that he doesn't want to evacuate these refugees, but he can't."

His low voice echoed around the dark room shrouded by the Sacred Bone Tablet.

Drian, Val, Brest, and Dari all turned their helmeted heads towards their captain. Since the disappearance of the lord commander Silas, the remaining Blurring Blades have started to fight each other until the Shadow Prince. Use special means to gather them again.

But after the gathering, there were only fifty-five people left in the entire Blurred Blade, and Diego organized these fifty-five people into eleven teams, under the temporary command of Nutans.

Now, these eleven teams are making the final fight for Tyre.

Until the moment when the soldiers came to the city, the imperial government finally began to evacuate the people stranded in Tyre in a planned way.

First, workers, then various technicians, and finally soldiers.

Farmers and proletarians were placed at the very end of the evacuation plan. They could only guard at the wharf or city station anxiously, but due to Guk’s sudden crossing of the Witlier Grand Canyon, the land leading to the West The road no longer works, and the voluntary evacuation of the people becomes even more impossible.

"Once Gramatia fell, the empire was like a farm that had burned its granary. It was easy to raise twenty people, but now... ten people can't afford it. There are millions of refugees. With millions of mouths, the empire has no way to settle them anymore."

"The empire now has a population of only 25 million, and losing one-fifth of it at once. Will the price be too great?"

Darry couldn't help but question

"Do you know the 200,000 troops and nearly 100,000 reserves that the empire will deploy on the Annan Plateau (the war zone between the East Benedict Empire and the Trust Council), how much food will it consume every day, Darry?"

Val retorted that he had understood Carell's thoughts.

"Now the empire is perilous. Attacks may come from any direction. Trusts, greenskins, and traitors. The prince is not wasting the lives of the people of the empire. He must think carefully before making a decision. Except for Gramatia, other provinces of the empire The land in China is not considered fertile, and the grain produced is very reluctant to maintain self-sufficiency. Did you know that some provinces have begun to levy 60% of the grain tax on farmers?"

The members of the team nodded in recognition.

At this time, the alarm sounded loudly, suggesting that he was bathed in a purple flash, which was a signal that the Holy Bone was ready.

Everyone was seated in the center of the darkroom. All five people were back to back, their weapons loaded, and they were ready for the upcoming battle.

"This is not the time to discuss those distant economic issues."

Karel raised his voice to silence the countdown that had already begun.

"Nutans left us as a reserve team for a surprise win. If the battle at Fort Brest does not develop in our favor, then we have to try to reverse the situation, and we will become a weapon of revenge... After all, isn't revenge the way the Blurred Blade works?"

After a blink of an eye, there was no one in the dark room, but his voice still echoed in the room, no one answered


When the metal walls were suddenly replaced by the dense green vegetation and blue sky on the outskirts of the city, the sound of the police siren still echoed in Carell's ears.

His sensory center began to adjust to adapt to the new environment, and he was breathing the breath of the battlefield.

As his eyes observed the situation in the battle area, he found a lot of useful information.

The smell of burnt plants, the smell of overheated chemicals, and the smell of blood mixed with the smell of rust are mixed with the foul smell of dirty green skin and the almost imperceptible smell of adrenaline.

This is Fort Brest, actually a small town, located ninety kilometers southwest of Tyre. It was originally a fortress stationed with soldiers. With the expansion of the empire, the fortress gradually became deserted, but it was outside the fortress. A new town was formed.

But due to Ouk’s invasion, the fortress was re-armed and stationed an imperial regiment and a militia brigade.

The task of the team is to support the fortress and wait for the opportunity to behead the leader of Ouke.

In the long-term battle with Ouke, they have discovered that these creatures are not without weakness.

One attack on the boss can effectively dismantle an offensive.

Of course, the high-level bosses are fierce and are not easy targets that can be cut off, but the Blurred Blade team specifically selects those war-gang level bosses for decapitation, and they usually assume the task of forward command.

Although the beheading of the small boss will not stop the whole offensive, it can disrupt the pace of Ouke's frontline attack and allow the defenders to sustain it longer.

In this way, they have successfully delayed the Ouk army's offensive for a whole day.

Although they didn't know whether they were facing a certain army of Ouke, the main force led by Guke himself, or a group of mobs.

Da Da Da~~~!

Before completely breaking free from the trance of teleportation, a roar of firearms made Karel suddenly awake.

In front of him, seven green-skinned men in crude armor were holding trash-like guns, firing at full fire at the soldiers concealed on the other side of the empty field behind them. More than a dozen farts were using crude automatic weapons. They provide fire support.


The Oukes were shooting and howling, speaking in a language that no one understood.

Two soldiers in black armor lay down on the muddy ground, while the third one twisted and fell to the other's feet.

An officer fell to the side of a destroyed tree stump, blood seeping through the cracks in his broken armor.

He was still alive, but his breathing was weak.

Karel recognized him, the third company commander of the 185th Infantry Regiment stationed in the fortress, but he did not know why he appeared here.

Because the officer has lost his ability to move, the wizard is now commanding the firepower of the company, but only nineteen guns are pointed at the enemy's position.

On the other side of the battlefield, Tassabas, the wolverine warrior that Karel also knew, was at war with a crazy Ork machine. The behemoth waved his arms savagely, while the robe-clad warrior shot a shot. Then he rolled to avoid its retaliatory slash.


Half of the mechanical square face had melted and slipped in the flames of witchcraft, and the beast imprisoned in the steel cage let out a low, almost constant, painful growl, as if it had suffered a stroke.

Although every righteous shot of the Wolverine Wizard hits the target, the size and power of the Ouke engine is so huge, all his efforts are more like distracting and annoying little tricks that can't cause any substantial. hurt.

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