Orc Tyrant

Chapter 869: Tyre! (fourteen)

"Darry, Val, Brest, get rid of the green skins behind,"

Karel's roar suddenly sounded.

"Drian, follow me, I think the old Tassabas needs some help."

Then he lightly pressed the activation button on the sword, and then rushed to Ouke Fearless side by side with Drian.

The behemoth's attention was still focused on the harassment of the Wolverine Wizard, and it did not notice the attack of the Blurring Blade, and when it found it, it was too late.

Karel's sword and Drian's scimitar were inserted into its legs, and sparks spattered when its armor was dented.


It shook, waving its arms angrily and letting out a howl, but it didn't fall down.

Tassabas slashed at its head again, while Dion and Karel both raised their star darts and shot at the monster.

The barrage hit the target, and Oak fearless instinctively raised his arm to cover his face.

While its vision was blocked, Karel and Drian moved again and tried to cut this guy down with their swords.

Although the Spirit Bone Sword gained more on the basis of the damage he had caused before, the result was still the same, and he barely got kicked by the opponent in his rage.

On the edge of the empty field, the other members of the team were pouring out fire ruthlessly, forcing the greenskins to retreat into the jungle.

Darry's fragmentation grenade quickly solved a few farts, and Greenskin's shots at the suppressed soldiers became scattered and without precision.


As the enemy's firepower was all attracted elsewhere, the soldiers rushed out from behind the bunker and joined the fearless battle against the scrap iron.

Waves of missing bombs smashed into the monster's carapace without any threat, and the deformed warheads bounced wildly around the empty field, causing almost the same level of threat as the enemy's firepower that had just been weakened.

At the edge of the empty field, the Wolverine Wizard waited impatiently for the long sword to complete the enchantment. Due to overuse, the temperature of his weapon had reached a critical level.

Carrell and Drian tried to bring down Oak Fearless for the third time.

"You left me right!"

The two staggered past, leaving Wudaun not knowing where to start for a while, and then Karel made a fierce slash.


A crack in the monster's armor became open, and the sharp blade pierced into the material mixed with machinery and flesh and blood organs.

In an instant, black liquid came out of the wound, but Karel couldn't tell whether it was blood, or oil, or something completely different.

But when he wanted to pull out the sword and make it up again, he found that the sword was hooked, so when he turned and kicked back fearlessly, he had to give up the sword in his hand to barely avoid the attack on his head. .

Drian was not so lucky.

His weapon got stuck between the armor plate at the intersection of the opponent's calf and femur. As he tried to break free, he didn't notice the fearless wave of his left arm.


In the blink of an eye, it grabbed Drian in a huge fist and lifted it into the air, as if a sturdy adult was not much heavier than the robes he usually wore.

The fearless and huge square face of the scrap iron stares at the human being in his hand like a child looking at a new toy, not caring about the increased firepower of the humans around him.

After checking the hanging in the air for a few seconds, an expression that can only be understood as tiredness appeared on its broken face, and then it threw the Blur Blade several meters away.

"Do not!"

Karel's roar suddenly sounded, and he had anticipated what would happen next.

Drian fell on his back to the ground, the scrap iron bends his fist fearlessly at the wrist joint, completely exposing the three evil spikes at the end of the forearm, and then pierced his arm forward, piercing the fragile body.

Then Ok's fearless arm swung up, and Drian, who fell under the influence of gravity, was split into two halves along with the armor on his body.

First, there was a harsh noise of metal rubbing against each other, followed by two damp crashes of the soldiers being chopped off.

Dari and Val cursed and swore at the same time in the angry roar, but their firepower at the retreating greenskins did not weaken at all, although they were fearless with their backs facing the scrap iron when the same robe was killed.

"Karel, let your team stop chasing and come back to attack this monster."

There was a feeling of desperation in the wizard's voice.

"Tassabas? Is your dark sword ready?"


The voice of the Wolverine Wizard came. He held the blade with his right hand, cut his palm and let the blood drip from the edge.

The quaint long sword began to glow with ominous black light as the blood overflowed.

"If we don't kill this thing, we won't live for a minute."

"Carrel, take your team and retreat quickly."

Suddenly, a voice intruded into Karel's mind.

Judging from the look of other Blurring Blades tilting their heads, it is obvious that they can also hear this voice. This is the voice from the communication channel, from their immediate superior, Nutans.

"Why? Sir, we are on a mission..."

"Abandon the mission! Retreat!"

"Brest Castle is still waiting for us..."

"There is no more Fort Brest!"


"Guk is here, Fort Brest has fallen ten minutes ago, and quickly evacuated the area!"

Until this time, Karel finally realized why the defenders of the fortress appeared here, and looked very embarrassed.


Just as the scrap iron block fearlessly was in danger under the siege of human beings, and the surrounding boys had been dispersed, a roar resounding like a siren suddenly sounded.

Da Da Da~~!

A storm of bullets swept the woods suddenly, the thick-mouthed trees were broken, and they fell to the ground with crackling noises, and a few unlucky soldiers were directly beaten into blood fog.

"Holy Father..."

Amidst everyone's shocked eyes, a behemoth pushed aside the wreckage of the fallen tree and stepped into everyone's sight.

Its appearance was similar to the previous fearlessness, but it was a big circle. There were four swinging arms on the cylindrical body, and each of them was equipped with deadly weapons. One of the revolving machine guns was still smoking.

But the most conspicuous thing is a huge mechanical claw.


A thrilling roar was heard from the huge horn of scrap iron, and the silver metal bracket on the back shook.



"What news is coming from Beruf?"

Standing on the ruins of Fort Brest, watching Gerak happily executing the surrendered defenders, Guk suddenly turned his head and glanced at Batka, who was dancing on the sidelines.


"What did he say?"

"He said he is working hard to break through Xiami's line of defense."

Guk grinned, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Effort? Isn't he almost there."

"I didn't say, it seems it hasn't arrived yet."

He really laughed this time.

"Forget it, don't count on him anymore, I have to come personally for this matter."

Coming down from the collapsed parapet, Guk walked to Gracas and stared at the man.

"Tell me, is he ready."

"of course."

The messenger of Wendigo Church bent his knees slightly, then waved his big hand forward and said:

"The road to Tyre has been opened, Your Majesty."

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