Orc Tyrant

Chapter 872: Tyre! (17)

"Don't panic! Don't panic! Everyone passes the inspection in an orderly manner! Everyone passes the inspection in an orderly manner!"

The loudspeaker was connected to a car, and a radio was broadcasting to order soldiers to organize an orderly evacuation operation. Twenty infantrymen formed a cordon beside the car.


Julia turned her head and grabbed the apprentice wizard's hand anxiously.

Alex knew that the other party was worried, but in such a crisis, he couldn't control that much.

Obviously, compared to facing the terrifying monsters behind it, it is much better for the two of them to be arrested, and then he loses his work or residence in the library and is taken away by Duke Hank.


He smiled and said.

"They don't have time to identify identity verification. They are only identifying whether each person is or not. You know, if it is a human, you just lower your head and they will let us pass."

He didn't know where his self-confidence came from, but he still took Julia to move on.

In the front, two soldiers are questioning a middle-aged man.

Alex's stomach aches from fear, but he is still trying his best to think about countermeasures.

See the soldier's eyes? Or not looking into their eyes at all? Can it not be noticed by them?

He suddenly thought of the beautiful clothes on his body that were incompatible with the upper class, and then he noticed that his gray coat was splashed with a little dark red liquid, which could only be the blood of a dead person.

The same is true of Julia's elegant blue coat. Alex noticed that the other's mother left to her-a ruby ​​necklace with protective power was also missing.

He didn't know if the necklace was secretly hidden by Julia or if it had already been stolen.

Then they lined up in front of the soldiers.

Alex could feel the opponent's sharp gaze, which walked carefully around his body, trying to find any non-human damage or mutation.

But soon they passed the inspection, and the two quickly passed through the isolation belt composed of soldiers.

After arriving in a free and safe neighborhood, Alex was a bit at a loss for a while.

There are also many refugees here, some are laughing, some are crying, some are spinning around in circles, and some are just sitting on the side of the street holding their heads.

There were also onlookers nearby, who curiously speculated about the reason why the soldiers gathered here.

Listening to their discussion, Alex realized that the people here did not see any monsters. The rumors from their guesses and imaginations grew like snowballs in your conversation between you and me, just like Ou outside the city. The army of Kremlin became a kind of irrelevant existence.

The two quickly passed through the crowd, and Julia also realized that Alex seemed to have some idea.

He pulled her into the most crowded crowd until no soldiers could see them.

Then, he took her hand again, and the two of them ran.

They ran so fast, they just wanted to leave here quickly.

Soon, the couple came to a dark alley, and just now felt that the escape was purposeless, Julia was surprised to find that they had reached their destination.

On the dilapidated brick wall, a fire escape winds down, and from here can directly reach the aristocratic mansion in the upper city. Julia has never realized that the place where she lives is not so far away from ordinary civilians.

Alex is a bit exhausted, this date is not perfect, but only in this chaotic situation, he has the opportunity to meet her, before the two have only been able to communicate through letters.

At this time, the two people avoided each other's eyes, as if it was a farewell.

After a while, she spoke in a very flat voice.

"I should go now. Uncle Rick will worry about where I am going. Maybe he has sent a patrol to find me."

With that said, she boarded the ladder.

Alex looked up, looked at the ladder that had disappeared into the darkness, and then spoke.

"I should go with you."

He reluctantly said:

"It's just a little far away."

"No, I can go home by myself, it's not far here."

"Now... it's chaotic," Gunter said.

"I'm not a pretty girl who can't do anything. Don't forget that I taught your invisibility technique. You should also go home. Can you find a way home to bypass those soldiers?"

"Of course."

Julia turned around and started climbing the ladder, and Alex's heart flew up to the sound of the ladder going away.

He was not ready to leave her, he couldn't bear the loneliness.

"I am sorry."

He blurted it out.

She stopped suddenly and looked at him condescendingly.

"I should have protected you."

The young wizard said falteringly:

"I should have done something."

"Do not be silly."

Julia smiled.

"What could you do?"

"I do not know."

The wizard stretched out his hands.

"I should do something... I really have no use there, I mean I know what to do, but I can't... I can't do it."

Julia climbed down the fire escape step by step, patted his head with her hand, and gently curled Alex's black hair with her fingers.

"Think about the fate of the one who provokes."

"It's just that I always think, if in this case, I should..."

"You got it right, you took us to escape."

"You know, many years ago, when I was fifteen years old, I wanted to join the army. My friends were all selected to join the army. They all left me... I think, I think I can Become a useful person, but all the teachers rejected me. They must know... If it weren't for meeting--"

"If someone made a mistake."

Julia interrupted him.

"That's my fault too!"


"I am the one who brought the two of us here."

"But you can't even think of... I mean, ghouls, this kind of monster would actually appear here."

"This is not without reason, don't you think why the soldiers are in place so quickly?"

Alex frowned.

"Do you think of them?"

"I think they were sent to patrol this area. I think they knew they might be in trouble, Alex, I heard what my father said... Uh, I don't know what he is planning, but I Something is wrong, some...something happened outside the city."

They stared at each other, and Julia saw the same thought and the same fear in Alex's eyes.

"They feel..."

She finally spoke gently.

"Uncle Rick and the others, they feel that something has happened outside the city. This will not affect us now, but maybe we will be in disaster."

"Can I see you again?"

Julia laughed.

"Of course you can, and I will contact you soon."

She leaned down again, embracing Alex's shoulders with one arm, and before he could react, the two of them kissed together.

The boy's reason melted suddenly, and he felt Julia's breath with the fragrance of floral perfume and the warmth of his arms.

But this soon ended.

Julia stepped back abruptly, then continued to climb the ladder and left Alex.

And Alex was silent. He knew he couldn't stop her anymore at this moment.

It will be fine.

He repeated in his heart, but he had no chance to say the most important thing anymore.

But I should have given her the ring.

He thought to himself, letting go, letting the ring fall into his trouser pocket

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