Orc Tyrant

Chapter 873: Tyre! (Eighteen)

Alan glanced at Ge Yi's body one last time, then turned around and looked around. In addition to barrels of blood, he also found many fingers scattered everywhere on this lawn that was trampled by panic footsteps.

These are the fingers of women and young children, a pair of hands held above their heads in vain and self-defense.

In the flowerbed next to him lay a whole intact hand, a small child's hand.

Alan recognized the mark on the ring.

He recognizes the child to which this hand belongs, and he also recognizes the father to which this child belongs.

The defector felt a cloud of blood burst in his mind.

A ghoul in the same uniform as him rushed towards him silently and intently.

Griffith, his comrade-in-arms, twisted the rifle, hooked the opponent in front of him, and then used a bayonet to leave a gully on the monster's face.

The original company now has only four soldiers left.

Alan, Griffith, Lehn and Blom.

The company commander is still missing, perhaps dead, lying in the mud with other soldiers, or becoming the flesh and blood in the abdomen of these thirsty monsters.

This betrayal was so sudden and **** that the Fifth Division of the Defense, which was originally stationed on the outskirts of the city, suddenly changed from a familiar comrade-in-arms to a hideous monster.

A whole division, with more than 20,000 soldiers, turned and rushed towards the defenseless city.

Alan's regiment was the first to bear the brunt, but when the soldiers of the Fifth Guard Division rushed over, they thought that these hapless men had suffered a surprise attack from Ouke and were defeated.

They even took the initiative to let go of the fortifications, wanting to gather as many "broken soldiers" as possible.

However, a **** feast is waiting for everyone.

When the officers and soldiers of the Fifth Division showed their fangs hidden under their closed lips, many people still seemed to be in a dream. They didn't realize that they had been attacked until their limbs were torn and their internal organs were chewed.

These human-transformed monsters are not only extremely powerful, but they also act very quickly. The most important thing is that they are not irrational. On the contrary, they still maintain most of their sages, and they will be crazy only when they are hungry.

"Damn... it's not in the plan."

Although the darkness of the night obscured most of the sight, Alan could still smell the strong blood.

The smell of hot copper drenched in the cold evening breeze, and it was so strong that it was unbearable.

He can also smell the scent of Geyi's internal organs, he can smell the scattered liver and gallbladder of his compatriots, the ruptured stomach sac, the fat in the abdomen, and the fleeting heat of life.

Alan understood that it was time to get out.

There was also a wounded soldier, Yavin was sitting on a sandbag, the stomach of the ghoul's claws almost cut open—just a little bit.

As the fifth person in the company, Alan thought for a while before deciding to take him.

"Hear me out."

Alan whispered.

"Ok is coming soon too, they will kill you, tell me, do you want me to use a gun to liberate you now?"

"No, I want to live."

"Then can you walk?"


The wounded soldier said nervously:

"Just don't leave me here...I'm afraid of the dark."

So he reached out and pulled the wounded soldier up, and the opponent groaned suddenly.

"what are you doing?"

Blom shouted.

"Leave him!"

Alan frowned. Blom should understand that it was not that Alan wanted to run around with the wounded, but that he had to.

No one will bring a burden to life, but once he appears in front of you, you can't ignore it-not to mention that they were people who had fought in a trench.

The identity of a defector is enough to make oneself sick.

Alan couldn't leave Yawen here, just as the ghoul couldn't refuse to start the killing at midnight.

"Hurry up, they will only increase."

Lehn walked over to help Alan support the injured man.

The previous station was already burning, and the Milky Way full of stars was filled with thick black smoke like a broad river.

The ghouls hadn't killed and eaten everyone, and the sharp howls of pain and sorrows still cut through the cold wind like arrows.

The team ran away along the edge of the camp, but the drag of the wounded made them stagger.

Griffith and Blom followed, striding across the ground full of corpses.

Blom got a spear from somewhere to replace his broken rifle, and a few ghouls followed suit, leaning down like a hunting dog in pursuit.

Running on all fours, they are more like some kind of beast at the moment.


Griffith and Blom turned to meet the enemy when they heard the heavy gasp approaching again.

Griffith's war knife chopped the leading enemy to the ground, and the sprayed blood drew a five-meter-long arc. That war knife was the iconic equipment of the Black Legion. Griffith used a gamble from the tavern. The boss got it.

Blom's spear pointed straight at the other ghoul, tearing his cheeks like a cloth bag, and falling teeth splashing around like corn kernels.

The enemy collapsed, covering his face, Blom then smashed his head with the handle of a spear.

"Eat! Eat!"

The rest of the ghouls quickly surrounded them, avoiding Blom's spear stabbing.

Alan asked Ren to support the wounded soldier and turned around.

"Go away! You corrupt bastards!"

He screamed and rushed past Blom, using a whirling scimitar to chop off the upper half of the head of a ghoul.

The fierce battle broke out from this.

Even with the threat of a spear, the ghouls attracted by the blood rushed forward.

They tried to block the oncoming spear with their arms, but one of them was immediately penetrated through the chest. In front of organized soldiers, they did not have a completely overwhelming advantage. Of course, a sudden attack was another matter.

The tip of the iron spear made a crisp sound like a dead branch when it drove straight in, and the guy immediately vomited blood.

However, the spear was stuck, and the weight of the ghoul's corpse pulled the weapon out of Blom's hand.

He staggered back, leaving only a knife to defend himself.

But the ghouls are not bare-handed, some of them are still holding rifles that they have used, although there are no bullets in them.

Griffith used a war knife to cut a rifle and the arm that held the gun, and then hit the opponent's neck severely, slashing the ghoul.

Immediately he turned around and used his blade to parry a bayonet, but the enemy was tall and strong, and Griffith stepped back under a series of fierce and merciless slashing blows.

"Why don't you have this strength to kill Green Skin!"

Alan, who was completely ignited by anger, still maintained his momentum. His charge solved two more enemies. One of them was lying on the ground bleeding and the other was unconscious. Then he came to rescue Griffith in time and used himself. The tip of the scimitar in his hand pierced the big man's spine.


Alan ripped the scimitar out with a roar, and the ghoul immediately fell to the ground.

Blom was also killing his opponent, stabbing a knife full of anger into the enemy's body again and again.

The ghoul injured Blom at the beginning of the fight, but then failed to keep a distance from the blade in the warrior's hand. This was a fatal mistake.

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