At noon on August 7, on the beach near the cruise ship of the uninhabited island, the three classes of ABD stood in a neat square formation. Although everyone looked very tired, they couldn't help but smile with happiness at this moment.

"It’s finally over!"

"I must take a good bath and have a massage."

"Me too, me too, I really want to eat the steak and pasta on the cruise ship now!"

As he was talking, he thought of Class C who gave up the exam just two days after the exam and returned to the cruise ship to live a happy life, and he was immediately furious.

"Those guys in Class C are really cool!"

"Isn't it? They eat, drink and have fun during the exam. When they have enough fun, they return to the cruise ship to continue their vacation! Unlike us, we have been eating wild vegetables and mushrooms for many days."

"But at least we got some points... Those guys in Class C were just enjoying themselves for a while."

The students in Class A couldn't help but talk among themselves. Katsuragi wrote down the names of Chihiro Shiranami from Class B and Suzune Horikita from Class D on the leader's guess list given by the class teacher, and then he slowly walked over.:

"That’s right, our class can get at least 400 points this time!"

"Four hundred points! Is this true? Katsuragi?"

The other two classes were also dumbfounded when they heard it.:

"Four hundred points? What did your class do?" There was a lot of discussion on the field. Ichinose seemed to have thought of something and glanced at the direction of Dongfang, but there was no change in his expression.

However, Hashimoto and Kito's eyes did flash a little bit of sarcasm.

"Four hundred points? Don't be ridiculous! Katsuragi!"

At this time, a beggar in ragged clothes with a foul odor came slowly from the uninhabited island.

"You, you are... Ryuen!"

"Didn't Ryuen give up the exam? Why was he here?"

"You, you lied to us?"

Beggar... or rather, Long Yuan, it was obvious that a few days of savage survival had turned him into a ghost. However, his ruffian appearance and his second-year syndrome-like speech still confirmed his identity.

"Haha, the first place this time is from our Class C!"

"Impossible, Long Yuan, even if you guess the leaders of the two BD classes, you can only get 100 points at most. Adding the gains from occupying the stronghold, you can never exceed 150 points!"

"Who said I only guessed their two classes?"

"Are you...are you going to break the contract?"

Hearing the word"contract" in Katsuragi's words, the students of both BD and Class were puzzled. Did AC form an alliance from the beginning?

"Contract? The contract doesn't say that our two classes are not allowed to guess each other!"


Katsuragi finally noticed the trap in the contract. Ryuen had intended to take over all three classes from the beginning. He was initially blinded by the cooperation Ryuen mentioned.

"No, how do you know the leader of our class?"

"Who knows? Not everyone in your class agrees with you!"

Katsuragi subconsciously looked at the position of Hashimoto and Kito, and found that the two were standing far away with the people of Sakayanagi faction.

The sarcastic smile on his face seemed to say: It was us who did it!

Katsuragi also glanced at Higashikata-san, but did not see any sarcasm in his eyes, but there was no surprise either.

Yes, this close friend could not betray the class! Yahiko's matter was their personal conflict, and Higashikata still knew the difference between right and wrong!

Then, Katsuragi felt better and stood there in silence.

But as he was silent, the most populous neutral faction in Class A erupted.:

"Katsuragi! Are you saying that we worked hard for a week, but the score is still not as high as the whole class of C going on vacation?"

"Katsuragi! Say something!"

"Everyone, I made a mistake this time. I fell for Ryuen's trick, but we can still get a lot of points."

The Katsuragi faction couldn't bear to see their style being criticized, and they all pointed their spearheads at the Sakayanagi faction.:

"It's these villains who betrayed the class! You should blame them! What did Katsuragi do wrong?!"

"Hey, hey, hey, we didn't do anything. The leadership this time is in the hands of Katsuragi-san, you can't blame us if you lose the exam!"

As the three major factions in the class each had their own opinions, the noise like a vegetable market made everyone cover their ears.

"Silence!" Mashima Tomoya couldn't stand it anymore and shouted at Class A in front of him.

"Look at what you look like! Do you still have the self-awareness to be in Class A? Go back and argue about class matters!"

After all, everyone admired Mashima Tomoya as a teacher, so they all quieted down immediately.

Ryuen also walked to the side of Higashikata and covered his nose completely without paying attention to the disgust of the people around him.

"The one wearing the mask, I told you, I will find a chance to bite you hard!"

"Ah, it's Longyuan"

"……Humph, you can pretend you don’t care, but I want to tell you, I win!"

"Oh, really? I hope you're happy."


Seeing that Higashikata-san didn't care at all, Ryuen felt like he was punching cotton, but he still used the method of mental victory and laughed as he stood in the position of Class C.

As the four class teachers finished counting the points of each class, Mashima Tomoya came forward with a megaphone in his hand.

"Congratulations. You have completed the first special exam of the first grade."

"Exam results are now published"

"It's coming!"

The students from the four classes listened attentively.

"The last one, to be exact, is two people, Class A and Class C, 0 o'clock"



"Hello, Katsuragi, did I hear you right? What? 0?"

"0 o'clock? Are you kidding? How can it be 0 o'clock?"

"Hey, Katsuragi, say something!"

Ryuen next to him was just as confused as Katsuragi. They no longer had time to think about the slap in the face. Now both of them wanted to figure out what happened. The

BD class was indeed cheering.���Come:

"Everyone is bragging so much, but in the end the two classes can't get 1 point together?"

"Is this the level of Class A? I feel like we'll be able to move up to that level soon!"

"Seeing Ryuen like that is such a relief!"

The three classes had completely different reactions, but Mashima Tomoya didn't give them any time to catch their breath.

"Second place, Class D, 49 points."

Class D, which was still shouting just now, suddenly fell silent. They didn't know what happened either. Yes, how could they know?

Ayanokouji's eyes shrank slightly. But unlike Katsuragi Ryuuen, Ayanokouji was just wondering which link had a problem when he encountered this situation.

Soon, he figured out the key point. 49 points, unless the leaders of Classes ABC were guessed wrong at the same time, and only Ryuuen was present in Class C, he must be the leader.

Ryuuen's name must be on the form he submitted. Therefore:"Traitor... well."

Since the results of the three classes have been announced, the winner of the first place is also imminent.:

"First place, Class B, 197 points"

"Adah! That's awesome!"

"We are the champions! Ichinose, we won!"

"Yes, Xiao Fanbo!"

The environment of the classmates in Class B is such that even if they get the last place, there will be no conflict, let alone winning the championship.

Although 197 points is not a lot, it is the result of the joint efforts of their entire class, and it is also the success that was achieved at the expense of Chihiro Shiranami!

Therefore, in addition to thanking Ichinose and Kanzaki for their leadership, they are also thanking Chihiro Shiranami who bravely sacrificed herself.

"The above is the final result of this exam. After confirmation, there is no error. Now all first-year students, get on the cruise ship and prepare for the next trip!"

Mashima Tomoya and the four class teachers left.

It can be seen that except for Hoshinomiya from Class B, the faces of the other three teachers were not good.

Especially Mashima Tomoya, he naturally knew that this was the result of infighting in the class. But he still felt very angry. After all, the previous A classes led by Qun had never scored 0 points.

Chabashira Sae from Class D also had a frosty face. She used her courage to provoke Ayanokouji to come out of the mountain, but in return she only got 49 points.

"Is there a genius like Ayanokouji? With Horikita, Hirata, and Kushida as his assistants, wouldn't this lineup be enough?"

Then, he took out a lady's cigarette, lit it, and smoked it silently. At this time, Ayanokouji appeared from behind.

"Oh, have you forgotten what you promised me?"

"Ah, how should I put it. I really took action this time."

"So, are you defeated?"

"Defeated? I was not defeated. Because there was no so-called opponent."

"How is that?……"


Chazhu Sae heard the result she least wanted to hear and took two puffs of her cigarette silently.:

"Do you know who it is?"

"I can't be sure."

Ayanokouji didn't know who the traitor was, so he needed some time to confirm.

"Really? Don't forget your situation."

After saying that, Chabashira Sae left. And Ayanokouji���

He stared at the other person's back with a calm gaze.

"So, Katsuragi, what did you do!"

"That’s right, Katsuragi, aren’t you very confident?"

"You have to take responsibility!"

Katsuragi thought about it but couldn't figure out the problem. The biggest winner this time was Class B, which had a cliff-like gap with other classes.

But how did the other party do it? Katsuragi was puzzled.

However, as the leader of Class A, he couldn't remain silent at this moment, so he bowed deeply.:

"I'm sorry, everyone. I failed your trust. I'll ask Sakayanagi to lead us when we get back."

"If possible, I hope everyone can give me a chance to stay in Class A and make meritorious contributions to my crime!"

Seeing Katsuragi's sincere look, everyone in Class A didn't know what to say. After all, they had already failed, and it would be useless to blame the other party.

Dongfang was not present, he was answering a call from the white-haired loli.:

"So, I completed my mission very well!"

"Yes, he is indeed a young master."

"So, Alice, that... the one you promised……"

"Ah~ I don't understand. What is the young master saying?"

"Tsk. Look, didn't you say before that as long as I complete the task, you will... well, reward or something?……"

Arisu found it funny to hear Higashikada's hesitation on the phone. But the devil's nature took over again.:

"Ah, but didn't the young master say that this was not for the reward? I thought you didn't like it, so I had to cancel it."

"Huh? Cancel? Alice, you can't go back on your word."

"Really? So you really want a reward, Master?"

Dongfang thought about this and felt that it was a bit strange.

"Ahahaha, if it's a reward from Alice or something... I still want it.……"

As the other person's voice got quieter, Arisu felt a strong sense of satisfaction.

"Please tell me what reward you want."

""Hey? Do you want me to tell you?"

No sound came from the phone, and Dongfang opened his mouth with shame.:

"Please... please Miss Alice, take me to the school's huge swimming pool... for a date"

"Eh? Inviting a girl to the swimming pool or something like that, you really have bad intentions~"


"So I can only reluctantly take a certain innocent young master to see the world~"

"Well, thank you, Miss?"


Dongfang smiled as she heard the sweet laughter from the other party on the phone. Being teased by Arisu and cooperating with Arisu in being teased by her were also things that Dongfang enjoyed.

"You win, miss. But let's get down to business."

"Of course, if they fail once more, the Katsuragi faction will collapse. And such an opportunity is right before our eyes."

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