"By the way, Alice, will Totsuka Yahiko's dropping out of school have any impact?"

"No. After all, he dropped out of school on his own initiative. As for the compensation for the conflict with his family, that is something the school needs to consider."

"Isn't that also Uncle Sakayanagi's business?……"

"It doesn't matter. My father has seen a lot of things like this."

Arisu naturally heard the whole story from Hashimoto.

When she learned that Totsuka Yahiko said that she was a cripple, Arisu herself was not angry. Because she would not care about a life that has never been taken seriously.

And the reason why Higashikata did this was entirely because she had not protected Arisu enough in the past, and it was only because Chairman Sakayanagi arrived in time that the tragedy was prevented from happening.

Therefore, in the more than two years of hard training, Higashikata's state of mind was gradually stabilized by the obsession of protecting Arisu, because he had to do it, so he would never give up halfway.

Although it is a clear mirror and still water, it can also set off huge waves.

The purpose of wearing a mask has always been It is not to cover up his own scars, but to remind himself that while protecting Arisu, Arisu has also been protecting him.

Therefore, in Dongfang's heart, Arisu is the most important person. And this importance will be accompanied by the scars and mask on his face until his death.

Arisu can also understand Dongfang's anger. After all, she can ignore the dirty words around her, but the young master cannot be slandered.

Therefore, giving a mask is not simply to cover the other party's scars. But Arisu is also protecting the other party with his own actions.

Even if the effect may be minimal, Arisu's determination to protect has been conveyed to Dongfang.

With Arisu's intelligence, she naturally knows that Dongfang is Likes me. But due to his dignity, how could he confess to the other person casually.

And Higashikata has always believed that the person Arisu loves may not be him. Although he is determined to protect him, he has not taken action yet.

After more than two years of separation, the two met again. And the meeting with Ayanokouji may also be a fateful arrangement.

Hearing from Arisu that she has never had any intention of falling in love with Ayanokouji, Higashikata will never wait any longer.

However, although he was born into a prominent Higashikata family, Higashikata has a heavy academic and martial arts workload, so he has basically avoided the world since he was a child except for the necessary upper-class social interactions.

Therefore, he has become unexpectedly lonely Pure. One day, a silver-haired girl broke into his life and gradually changed his heart.

Friends? Dongfang thought he had a lot of friends. He was well-educated, intelligent, and had many mentors and helpful friends.

But there was probably no one who was beyond friendship, except for his immediate family.

The girl's name was Sakayanagi Arisu. Because Arisu was pronounced the same as"Alice", Dongfang later called her Alice.

She suffered from severe congenital heart disease and was even sentenced to death by many medical experts.

Chairman Sakayanagi went to the doctor for consultation and the answers he got were all: This child is estimated to live for no more than a few years. But how could he accept it?

"Goddess! No, devil is fine too! Please, please save Arisu! Let me take the blame for any sins! What did Arisu do wrong!"

When he could not find a doctor again and again, Chairman Sakayanagi cried out. Looking at his daughter in front of him, he once again felt powerless.

But finally one day, he heard from a friend that there might be a glimmer of hope for the Higashikata family. He immediately prepared generous gifts and visited them. Maybe the goddess heard the cries of Chairman Sakayanagi and finally responded, and Arisu was treated at the Higashikata family.

Although for a long time, Arisu could not be cured, not only could he not be subjected to great stimulation, but he also needed a cane to move slowly.

However, at least Arisu's life was saved. Since then, the Sakayanagi family has always been grateful to the Higashikata family, and they have become good friends with Higashikata Shouxin.

Classmate Higashikata can be sure Before he met Arisu, he never believed in the saying that beauty is envied by God.

Because the so-called envy of God is obviously an excuse. But he didn't see any shortcomings in Arisu except for her poor health.

The two gradually became familiar with each other, and Dongfang really liked studying and living with this girl. After all, the two people have similar brainpower and a lot in common. In addition, the other party is sometimes hard to guard against and the pranks are not excessive, which makes Dongfang a little funny and helpless.

Arisu also enjoys life with Dongfang. Because she has always envied people who can run freely, and often imagines that she can climb high and jump low happily.

Dongfang occasionally carries Arisu on his back and jogs in the yard. Although the speed is not fast, it is never bumpy.

"Hey, Alice. Just like this, you can run freely! I don't know when I can heal you, but until you recover, let me be your legs!"

Listening to the childish voice of Dongfang, Arisu just buried his head in his back and hummed slightly.

"Do you want to run another lap?"


In this way, the childhood of the two was warm and happy. Each of them became an important existence that could not be replaced by the other.

Therefore, when Totsuka Yahiko dropped out of school, Arisu had no reaction. All she had was the joy and sweetness that the young master had protected her again.

"Even if you don't do it, I will find a chance to expel Totsuka-san. After all, there are still many people in this class who are not needed."

"Eh? Alice, do you think the school has an exam specifically for dropping out?"


Arisu doesn't know if there will be such an exam. After all, his father doesn't object to the competition and elimination of the High School.

But if it is just a simple elimination, it may not happen.

However, if there is such an exam, it seems that those useless pieces should be screened out.

"Well... this is what Her Majesty the Queen has to consider."

"Yes. Then can you ask my Lord Knight to kill the rebels?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Ah~ That's hard work~"

Then, Arisu hung up the phone. Dongfang was also silently waiting for the second special exam.

But before that, he planned to go around the cruise ship. After all, he was traveling, and he couldn't just think about exams and peace.

The swimming pool of Class A was very lively at this time. A tall, muscular, yellow-haired student was slowly walking out of the swimming pool.

"Yo, long time no see!"

"Gaoyuan Temple! You actually quit the competition without saying anything. You caused us to lose 30 points!"

"We are struggling to survive, but you are here on vacation and playing in the water!"

Faced with the accusations from the students in Class D, Gaoyuan Temple seemed unconcerned.:

"Sorry, I'm feeling a little unwell, so I'm withdrawing due to health issues."

"You bastard!"

Sudo was about to step forward to argue with Gaoyuan Temple, but he saw Horikita Suzune standing beside him.


"Horikita-san is really something! She had a fever and withdrew from the competition on the last day!"

"That's right, if you don't quit early, you won't quit late! That's 30 points! Converted into personal points, it's 3,000 per person!"

"I...I'm sorry, everyone. It's all my fault."

Horikita Suzune also knew that she had been deducted 30 points because of her withdrawal, so she quickly apologized.

"No, our class got 49 points, so we must have been guessed as the leader!"

"But except for Class B, the other two classes are all at 0 o'clock."

"In short, Horikita, you must take responsibility!"

Faced with the accusations of Class D, Horikita Suzune had no intention of defending herself. After all, whether it was a cold or a fever or the key card being stolen, it was all her fault.

Thinking of this, she thought of Ayanokouji who she saw before she fainted, thinking that he might know something, so she hurried to look for him.

And Ayanokouji just stayed silently in the corridor on the third floor.

"I found you! What happened that day?"

Ling Xiaolu explained all her findings and actions about the entire exam expressionlessly.

"So, you replaced the leader of our class with yourself. Even so, we still got 49 points?"

"Ah, I'm not 100% sure about Class A, but I didn't see Totsuka Yahiko, so he probably withdrew from the competition. But Ryuuen was definitely on my list."

"In other words, someone changed the result you submitted? Damn... who is it!"

Ayanokouji looked at Horikita.:

"It doesn't matter anymore"

"Huh? What are you talking about? How can it not be important? There is a traitor in the class!"

"You say, this traitor is���Which class should I help?"

"of course……"

Horikita Suzune subconsciously wanted to say that Class B had benefited the most from this exam, but then she changed her mind and thought that if it was really Class B, then changing the leadership of Class C would be incomprehensible.

After all, the gap between Class B and Class C was not that big, so Class C should be weakened as much as possible.

"It couldn't be Class C, otherwise Ryuuen wouldn't have had to send a spy who could be discovered to steal the key card."

"Is it Class A? But why? What good does Class A get out of doing this?"

Horikita Suzune obviously couldn't understand this behavior.

"The other party wanted to suppress our class's score as much as possible. And the A and C classes were probably the other party's work."

"But if this is done, Class B will still benefit the most?!"

"Maybe it's because they think Class B is not a threat."

Ayanokouji said his guess:

"The current leader of Class A is the Katsuragi faction, and it is said that the Sakayanagi faction has always been at odds with them. Therefore, this incident is likely to be done by the Sakayanagi faction, which can not only weaken Katsuragi's power, but also suppress our growth."

Horikita Suzune didn't know what to say. In her eyes, since they are in the same class, they should cooperate with each other.

So she couldn't understand that there was a traitor in her class, and was even more shocked by the factional struggle in Class A.

"But...even so, how can you be sure that the traitor won't be used again?"

"Because the other party's goal has been achieved. This traitor is just a discarded pawn that can be abandoned."

Ayanokouji paused and said:

"And I think I know who the traitor is."

"Who is it?"

Ayanokouji didn't speak. He had noticed the undisguised hatred in someone's eyes when he looked at Class A.

And the ridicule when the other party heard that Class A scored 0 points. As someone who knew the other party's true face,

Ayanokouji knew very well that he had also seen this kind of hatred in the other party's eyes. That was the look of being furious when another face was discovered.

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