Chairman Sakayanagi suddenly looked at Ying Yi with a strange expression.......... stare............. stare.............

"that.....Uncle....Can you please just say what you want to say?"

Ying Yi felt a little uncomfortable being stared at, and his words were a little halting.

"How come you are gone from that majestic look just now?"

Chairman Sakayanagi also put away the smile that always hung on his face, and his serious questioning tone made people feel unusually majestic.

"Isn't that the time to face outsiders? Besides, I can't stand listening to the things he did."

"Oh, outsider? What do you mean by outsider?"

"outside....Outsiders are....yes..."

Arisu couldn't stand the father bullying her boyfriend anymore, so she tapped the ground with her cane, but it made a heavy sound.

""Father, please don't bully Yingyi, okay?"

Chairman Sakayanagi originally just wanted to tease the boy she had watched grow up, and didn't plan to do anything, but her daughter was so impatient that she turned her elbow outward.

Don't say that I was just testing your boyfriend. Even if you two are married, you can't be so elbow outward!

So Chairman Sakayanagi, who was pretending to be angry, is really angry now. Arisu has always been a very well-behaved child and has always listened to his old father, but now........well...

Seeing his father, who had been standing tall, suddenly slump down, with his back bent, Arisu asked with concern:

"Father, are you feeling unwell?"

"!!!!!!you...." At this time, Sakayanagi's father was speechless.

Yingyi knew very well what this situation was, because if he had a daughter who took sides for a boyfriend, he would do the same.....It would be good if this boyfriend knows everything about him. If something unexpected happens, it would be good if he doesn't suddenly attack.

"Alice, the uncle may be tired, let him sit down first"

"You are obviously tired, so don't use your extra energy to bully our own people.....He's such a worrying father....."

Alice, please stop talking. Even if the uncle has a good temper, he can't bear it any longer....

Chairman Sakayanagi slowly sat down on his chair and looked at the two of them:

"Yingyi, I know you quite well. I have no objection to you and Arisu being together.

Although I knew that this uncle would not object to their relationship, it was still a pleasure to hear the approval from my girlfriend's father.


"but...You know what Arisu is like....There are some things that cannot be done. You should know that there are some things that cannot be done...."

Arisu's face suddenly turned red, and she asked coquettishly:

"Father, what are you talking about? ? Who would do what! ?"

"Eh? Don't we usually take care not to get too tired when we go out for a walk? Can't we do some psychologically stimulating horror activities and strenuous exercise?"

Yingyi looked at Arisu strangely. He didn't know what this girl was thinking.

Chairman Sakayanagi also agreed with Yingyi's words and felt very puzzled by his daughter's sudden reaction.

"Yeah, Arisu, what's wrong with you?"


Arisu looked at the two men's bewildered expressions. Could it be that she was overthinking? In front of her own father???

Where Arisu couldn't see, Yingyi and Chairman Sakayanagi looked at each other and made an expression of understanding. Uncle Sakayanagi also nodded in appreciation.

No matter how much she likes to play pranks, isn't she a pure young lady? No matter how aggressive she is, it is very easy to capture a girl without any defense..

"Are you two whispering something?"

"Of course not, Alice. How could that be?"

"Yes. But speaking of private matters, I have something to tell you in advance.

Uncle Sakayanagi got down to business, and the two of them quickly sat down and listened attentively.

"You all saw how Ayanokouji-sensei reacted today. He can't just let Kiyotaka go, so he will definitely use his own methods to make him expel. And what I'm worried about is that he might resort to any means to achieve his goal and mess up this school."

Yingyi and Arisu also thought of this, but what they didn't understand was that the chairman of the board and the student council president were both on their side, so how could they make Ayanokouji Kiyotaka expel?

"Uncle, if you want to expel a student, he must violate the school rules or pass a special exam. But the specific content of the special exam is also decided by you, and the student union can also make certain changes to the punishment. I can't figure out what he can do."

After taking a sip of water, Chairman Sakayanagi said:

"He can't reach the student union, after all, as the president, you have all the authority of the student union. But I am not sure about this position."

When Arisu heard that his father might be dismissed, he also showed a little worry:

"Father, are you saying that he wants to do something bad to you? But with Uncle Dongfang's support and your other friends, he probably can't do it. Otherwise, no one would have thought of threatening you through me."

"Hahaha, don't worry. I won't have any problems. I think they will probably use some legitimate litigation methods to investigate me."

Ying Yi also nodded. Indeed, if the other party used legitimate means, the Dongfang family would not be able to interfere. Dongfang Shouxin would not violate the order of this society.

"So, he will take this opportunity to bring in a new chairman?"

Uncle Sakayanagi nodded.

"Oh, since you are fine, then it doesn't matter."

After hearing that her father would be fine, the little girl was once again leaking air, and she just sat there obediently without asking any questions. What else could Chairman Sakayanagi say? His daughter cared about him, but she only cared about one thing.

She just said that she should pay attention to not messing up the school, but she pretended not to hear anything, right?

"In addition, the other party must use reasonable means to expel Qinglong. In other words, your special exams will become more difficult in the future, and the punishment will be more severe."

"However, if the other party is really messing around, the Student Council can also modify the punishment.

Chairman Sakayanagi nodded:

"This is the second situation I want to talk about. Among the new students next year, there will definitely be assassins from the White Room and those trained by Mr. Ayanokouji."

"I remember that."

Ying nodded. Anyway, what he wanted to do was not to stop Ayanokouji Kiyotaka from dropping out of school. What he wanted to do was to stop the other party from wantonly expelling Ayanokouji from school. However, when he thought of this, a figure appeared in Ying's mind.

"Haha, it's a good thing that Nanyun didn't become the student council president. Otherwise, he would have dropped out of school at will, which is exactly what he did. If two of them were in cahoots with each other, it would be hard for the school to be in chaos."

Chairman Sakayanagi also knew Nanyun Miyabi. This student was very capable, but he had some problems with his moral character. He was stubborn and self-willed, and he had had ambiguous relationships with many girls. This was why Nanyun was assigned to Class B because of his ability.

"By the way, the school has approved your proposal for joint scoring. You can register it on the notice board later, and the school will also send a text message notification to every third-grade student."

"That's really good. Horikita-senpai is also very concerned about this S class that has been recorded in the school's history."

"Indeed, before you, he was the best student I had ever seen."

So, the white room itself is a problematic pressure cooker. Throw a bunch of beef chunks into the pot, and try your best to add seasonings into it. In the end, the other beef either has a ruined shape or the taste itself is not good enough.

And only one piece of beef can be considered qualified in both shape and taste. Then this group of people boasted that the pressure cooker is better than any other pot.

But is Ayanokouji really perfect? He just meets the perfection in Ayanokouji Atsuomi's mind. He has outstanding abilities, but his efficiency in executing orders is extremely low, and his humanity has been obliterated.

In other words, the white room can only be called a factory, not an education.

After Chairman Sakayanagi gave a few more instructions, he sent the two away. In his mind, Yingyi is already the most perfect candidate for son-in-law. He has a prominent family background but does not have the airs of a young master. He has outstanding abilities but is not utilitarian. He treats Arisu wholeheartedly, and the most important thing is that he can really give his heart to Arisu.

So Chairman Sakayanagi did not say anything about treating his daughter well, nor did he need to say it.

On the other hand, the two people who were driven out

"Has the earthquake stopped? Young Master.

As soon as Arisu went out and drove the two of them in, Yingyi, who was feeling uneasy, made a joke to make excuses for himself.


""Hey? What does this mean?"

Yingyi didn't answer, but reached out and picked up Arisu, causing the latter to exclaim:

"Ah! What are you doing? My father is in there."

"So what?"

Yingyi no longer cares about the threat from his father-in-law.

"So what does the young master want to do to me, a princess who is so helpless?"

"of course...Take you on a date!"

Yingyi held Arisu in his arms and strode towards the commercial street.

Arisu's face looked a little strange again. Don't you like to take advantage? You want to take me on a date for this opportunity? Is that all you can do?

Seeing that the person in his arms looked a little strange, Yingyi stopped:

"Alice, do you want me to do something to you?"


Before Arisu could even have a chance to defend himself, Ying kissed him straight on.


After a long time, the two slowly separated, with a crystal thread of silk at the corners of their mouths. Yingyi looked at Arisu's pale and slightly red face, smiled slightly, and continued to walk towards the commercial street.

As for what Arisu was thinking about......

I've already told you, you bastard! Why! How could you do that!!!

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