After the final exams, the second semester is almost coming to an end, and the most important thing is the upcoming winter vacation. And since we are talking about winter vacation, we can’t help but think of Christmas!

Christmas is a very important festival in Sakurajima, so whether inside or outside the school, you can clearly feel the atmosphere of the holiday.

Although Christmas was originally to commemorate the saints of Christianity---The day of Jesus' birth, however, has experienced thousands of years of development, and the religious significance has become increasingly diluted, while the atmosphere of the festival itself has become increasingly relaxed and joyful.

Although Christmas is still a few days away, the school is filled with Christmas trees and small colored lights, perhaps to promote consumption, or perhaps because of the self-suppression caused by being locked up in the school for many years. You may not feel anything near the teaching building, but once you enter the commercial street, the festive atmosphere immediately envelopes Yingyi and Yusu who are holding hands.

"Ah, Christmas. Although I won’t be spending Christmas with my parents this year, it will probably be the happiest Christmas I’ll ever have!

Ying Yi smiled and looked at Yui beside him, but he got a pretty eye roll.

"You always say this every Christmas. It seems like the happiest time is always next year."

"You can't say that. At least last year and the year before, I was definitely not that happy."

What was the reason for the unhappiness in the past two years?

The two walked and came to a jewelry store. Arisu suddenly turned her head to look at her boyfriend, her brows sometimes furrowed, sometimes relaxed, as if she thought of something, and walked in alone.

Yingyi couldn't figure out what she wanted to do, but since Arisu chose to go in alone, he had better wait outside honestly.

At this time, a sneaky figure peeked at the door of the cake shop.


"Ah!!!! Don't catch me, don't catch me!!!"

Ishizaki turned his head slowly and saw Yingyi's familiar and frightening face:

"that....Student Council President...I didn't do anything bad....Can you please let me go?"

Ishizaki is a famous lackey in Class C. Usually, wherever he appears, it means that Ryuen is plotting something again. But this guy really didn't do anything this time......

"Then why did you snoop into the cake shop?"

"What peeping! Even if you are the student council president, you cannot insult my innocence like this. As for what I am doing, I, I, I think it is completely my freedom, and you have no right to control me!"

Ishizaki thought of the fact that he himself was not out to do bad things, and he instantly felt confident. However, no matter how he denied it, his behavior was essentially no different from peeping, so he had confidence, but not much. It's no wonder that Yingyi thought too much when he saw his strange look. First of all, he didn't buy a cake for himself, otherwise with his personality, he wouldn't have been standing here peeping.

It doesn't seem like he bought a cake for Ryuuen either. As for why, this is Yingyi's own imagination. The possibility of Ryuuen liking to eat cake is as impossible as Arisu suddenly growing one centimeter taller one day!

At this time, in the jewelry store, Arisu, who was carefully choosing a gift, felt an inexplicable anger.

‘Could it be that someone is thinking something bad about me?........Young Master?"

Hey, this is a supernatural power, right? Besides, if someone is rude to you, why do you think it was Yingyi who did it?

But Yingyi continued to stare at Ishizaki, wondering what he was doing.

"I said, President, if you like to stare at me, I'll let you stare at me another day, another day, but I really can't do it today!!!"

Ishizaki suddenly became anxious, which aroused Yingyi's interest. Following Ishizaki's line of sight, Okakura Mako and Shiranami Chihiro from Class B were walking out of the cake shop.

This made sense. Ishizaki, you were spying on Class B......What the hell!

"you....Which one of them do you like?"

Ishizaki seemed to have been suddenly hit on the point, and quickly shook his head and hands:

"No, no, no, no, how could I like them? What's so good about those little sheep in Class B?"

"Ishizaki, the concentration of tsundere in your C class is a bit high......"

I really don't know if it's a coincidence or if this is also the basis for class division. From Ryuuen to Ibuki, and now there's Ishizaki, do you guys know that tsundere is outdated!

"What is tsundere?"

"Go after any girl you like.....Being a pervert who peeks here will attract the discipline committee member!"

Ishizaki, as a person who can only play a minor role in a book. No, it should be a minor role of a minor role. He has always followed his big brother Ryuen with trepidation.

Even when he was forcibly conquered by Ryuen with violence at the beginning of the school year, Ishizaki knew that this big brother was a really capable person! Under his leadership, not only can you get a lot of points, you can even be promoted to Class A and achieve a class leap!

Therefore, as long as it is the request of big brother Ryuen, he will execute it without any second thoughts. Although his ability is not outstanding, he is loyal. Moreover, in order to save him, big brother Ryuen even signed a contract with the devil in Class A and paid a monthly cost of one million.

Ishizaki deeply doubted life at that moment. Is he worth it?

So after that, Ryuen was no different from his adopted parents. For big brother Ryuen, I, Ishizaki, can do anything!! Cheating, framing classmates, as long as I can help him.....

However, during the sports festival, a girl from Class B walked deeply into his heart. The girl had an angelic face and a soft personality that made people want to protect her.

Shiranami Chihiro, what a nice name. But Ishizaki didn't dare to tell others that he couldn't think of such a girl.

A bad boy, doing despicable work as a lackey all day long, with an ordinary appearance, ordinary ability, and ordinary personality. How could a guy with so many debuffs like this be qualified to talk about love?

Not to mention that the other party was a gentle and kind person.....After that, Ishizaki decided to just watch her secretly. Fortunately, Ryuen elder brother currently has his sights on Class D, so Ishizaki worked even harder to prevent this lovely girl from being hurt when his elder brother attacks Class B.

When talking with some friends in Class B, he also heard about what Shiranami Chihiro did in the uninhabited island incident. He not only had a longing for her, but also had a deep admiration for her. Even if he was watching from afar, Ishizaki wanted to personally give some gifts to the other party at Christmas. Even if he didn't plan to write his own name, he would probably just write a few blessings, no, just two sentences.

"Come on, Shiranami Chihiro!......"

In order to understand her preferences, Ishizaki has been secretly following her these days after confirming that there are not too many tasks. Although this behavior is disgusting,....I really want to see more of this girl in my spare time, even as a small character, even as a disgusting delinquent who can only be regarded as a background board!

"Student Council President, I just want to stand here and watch for a while, please leave me alone, okay?"

Yingyi didn't have any position to say anything about this matter. It was his freedom to like whoever he liked. And from a personal standpoint, Ishizaki was just a bad boy who ran errands. He had no ill feelings towards him, but his loyalty to Ryuen earned him a lot of points in Yingyi's heart.

It could barely be considered........The badness of loyalty

"Well, but I am also a person who has been through this......If you really meet a girl you like, and you think she is very important to you, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't put aside your obsession and take the initiative to pursue her."It may be that I was inspired, or it may be that I have seen too many unrequited loves.

If I hadn't entered the advanced training, if I hadn't taken the initiative to ask Arisu, I'm afraid I would regret it for the rest of my life.....

I don't know if what Yingyi said touched Ishizaki, but he suddenly asked without any warning:

"Even a small person like meCan this be done?"


"Even if I am the object of others' disgust, am I qualified to pursue my own happiness?"

No wonder, not to mention Yingyi, even the people in Class C have never seen Ishizaki's deep look, because he usually looks like a heartless background board. Few people care about his feelings.

"Ah, that's what I think. No matter who you are, you have the right to live happily. No matter if you are a big shot or a small shot, only you can choose your own life."

Ying Yi didn't know why he suddenly turned into a life philosophy teacher mode.

"I....Student Union...No...Dongfang, can you teach me? Even if it's just once, even if I'm likely to be rejected, but, but, I have to do it for myself! I like Bai Bo. Do you have a girlfriend? Can you teach me?"


Ishizaki's sudden change made Yingyi a little confused. It seems that he really fell in love? But he actually fell in love with Shiranami.

Yingyi also wants to share some experience related to love....But how to say it?....He himself has never pursued a girl from scratch.

It took nearly ten years to hone Arisu's favorability, but right now, Shiranami's favorability towards Ishizaki is likely to be negative.

"What are you guys talking about?"

At this time, Yusu also came out of the jewelry store, holding a beautiful bag in her hand.

"ah....I have something else to do, President, let's talk tomorrow!!"

This Sakayanagi who suddenly appeared is a guy who must not be provoked. If she knew about his ridiculous dream, he would be laughed at mercilessly. No, maybe the whole school would know about it.

Therefore, Ishizaki chose to run away. However.....

"Ah, actually, this Ishizaki wants to pursue girls and wants to become my apprentice."

Yingyi sold Ishizaki out without hesitation. Arisu almost dropped the bag in his right hand as if he had heard something horrible.

"Don't be like that. Even if it's Ishizaki, he has the right to love......."

"Please don't get me wrong, I'm not worried about this. I'm just curious, Master, are you good at pursuing girls?"


Shadow One was sunk, but Arisu was still outputting:

"Ah~ After all, I am just a little girl with a poor body and a skinny figure. As the future heir of the Dongfang family, the eldest young master has many children......"

The more Arisu spoke, the darker her face became, as if she had already imagined the future, with Yingyi hugging people on both sides, and then she knelt on the ground and wiped the floor.

"I said......You are too imaginative.......What branching out or something?...."

"Woo woo woo,"

"Hey, you are pretending!!!"

Ying stretched out his hand to touch Arisu's face.

"I don't care, woo woo woo."

But the other party dodged.

"Tsk......Who invented the word"wu"?"

He simply reached out and hugged her, since Arisu couldn't run anyway.

"Ah! Could it be that Master Sword Saint can no longer play?"

"There is no sword master? Now there is only the big brother of the Dongfang family who wants to teach the little girl a lesson!"

"You just said the word"little"! Humph, you don't think I'm a little guy who will be considered a miracle if I grow one centimeter taller tomorrow!"

"Hey, hey, hey, how did you know?"

"Haha, I was wondering why I suddenly felt a surge of anger."

After a while, Arisu seemed to be tired and handed the bag in his right hand to Yingyi:

"Open it and take a look."

Ying Yi took out the red and green gift bag, reached out and touched it, and felt that it was something like a hat. When he opened it, a red Christmas hat appeared in front of him.

"This isn't a Christmas present......"

"Of course not. This is my Christmas present. Sakayanagi Arisu hereby orders! Higashigeki, on Christmas Day, you must always wear this hat!"

Arisu made a second-year pose, but it was cute no matter how you looked at it. In this situation, of course, Kiyoshi would choose....

"Yes, Your Highness!"

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