Lou Brown Coffee Shop is located in the northern alley of the Beech Shopping Center.

The owner is humorous and his specialty is the blended coffee made from seven kinds of carefully selected coffee beans.

As soon as I opened the door, I found a bald man who was as conspicuous as a light bulb sitting on the sofa chair inside, and greeted Ying Yi.

"You came quite early.……"

Yingyi greeted the boss, ordered a cup of blended coffee, and sat down opposite Katsuragi.

"After all, it is I who needs your help... Besides, I have actually been in this commercial street area the whole time."

The two of them showed extraordinary insight when they just started school, and Katsuragi was full of admiration for Yingyi, so they quickly became friends.

Although the so-called close friends were mostly Yingyi's ridicule of his forgetfulness for the sake of beauty, and the prank-like ridicule from Arisu.

However, Yingyi also felt from the bottom of his heart that Katsuragi would be a good friend. He was practical and steady, and would go through fire and water for his friends. He was capable, but not particularly utilitarian.

So, if he could really help him, Yingyi felt that he could agree.

"So... what exactly do you want to mail?"

Katsuragi took a sip of the coffee in front of him.:

"Actually... I wanted to give my sister a Christmas present... I usually spend Christmas with her, but I feel sorry for not being with her this year."

Katsuragi's attitude towards his sister is completely opposite to Horikita Manabu's. One is caring and loving, while the other is deliberately hitting and spurring the other to move forward.

No matter which one, it can be seen that they love their sister and are responsible as brothers.

But what Katsuragi is going to do is clearly against the rules, and it cannot be changed at will because of his personal feelings.

"Gifts... In principle, this is not allowed. Even if I am the student council president, I don't have such power.……"

Katsuragi felt a little disappointed after hearing this... He has also worked in the student union for a long time, so he naturally knows that the more he is a student union member, the more he cannot break the law.

But... if his sister doesn't receive a gift, she may not be unhappy. But as a brother, he will mind it for a long time.


Katsuragi, who had been looking depressed, immediately regained his spirits when he heard that things might turn around, and stared into Yingyi's eyes.:

"But what? As long as I can do it……"

Because the voice was a bit loud, everyone around looked over, and the boss also made a gesture with his finger to keep his voice down.

Katsuragi scratched the back of his shiny head, stood up and apologized to the others. Then he looked at Ying Yi

"Don't get excited... Normally this is against school rules. But... if you use points……"

Hearing this, Katsuragi also understood. Points can be used to buy everything, including things prohibited by school rules. However, the number of points required to do this is estimated to be extremely terrifying.

"So... how many points do I need?"

Yingyi himself gave this method, but it was really uncertain how many points were needed.

Because the students of this school always have some strange ideas, even if the school has been constantly improving the school rules for so long, there will always be some loopholes.

Regarding the application to mail things out, there have been cases to refer to in the past, but the amount to be paid has never been stipulated, and only a rough range is given.

"Two million... If you can pay two million, and say that what you want to mail is a necessity, then you can mail it through a special channel on campus."

Katsuragi was a little distressed. He didn't have two million, so he could only borrow money.

But as for borrowing money... there was no one richer than the friend in front of him, but he was too embarrassed to ask for such a thing.

And Yingyi had already agreed to be with Sakayanagi to protect Katsuragi's classmates. If Sakayanagi got angry with Yingyi again because of helping him, he would feel very guilty.

Yingyi saw from Katsuragi's embarrassed look that he probably wanted to borrow money, but he was too embarrassed to ask, so he laughed softly a few times.

"Katsuragi, it's okay. I can lend you points if you don't have enough. We are friends, aren't we?"

‘Friends... Yes. But because we are friends, I don't want to cause you any trouble... But now I don't have any good solution.

Katsuragi was moved and trusted this friend even more.

"Well... then thank you, Dongfang. I will definitely remember your kindness!" He even stood up and took the initiative to shake Yingyi's hand. The serious tone in his words made the latter confused.

"Ah... But a mere two million is not a big favor, right?……"

"No! Two million may be just a small amount of money to you, but to me, it not only helps me, but also proves the friendship between us!"


Yes, Katsuragi is a sentimental person. Otherwise, he can't be the only one who still misses Totsuka Yahiko every day.

"Ah. Anyway, it's fine as long as I can help you. By the way, have you bought the gift?"

Yingyi didn't want to immerse himself in this strange atmosphere... He always felt that the eyes around him were a little strange.

Katsuragi also regained his composure. In fact, the closer the person is, the less he knows what the other person will like.

Obviously, he also knows that as long as it is given by him, his sister will like it very much. But since he has given it, he must give the best one.

"Actually... this is the second favor I want to ask you to do for me. Although I have given her some gifts before, as a boy, I don't know what girls like. I thought that since you and Sakayanagi are in a relationship, you might understand girls' psychology better."

"Oh, that's it. Let me think about it.……"

Ask me? Are the things Alice likes really representative?

Yingyi has given some formal gifts to the sisters in the family before. But they are all the same things, nothing more than jewelry, clothes, cosmetics, etc.

If I want to say what I have really given with my heart, it is probably a chess set carved by Alice herself.

"Have you ever thought about making something for your sister?"

Katsuragi nodded. Of course he had thought about it. And although he looked like a strong and tough guy, Katsuragi was actually a very clever and warm man.

"I have thought about it. In fact, I have made some gloves, scarves and the like before... but now I don't have the time, and I also want to give other things as gifts."

"Then... how about jewelry? Girls generally like it, right?"

This inspiration comes from the 10,000-dollar hairpin that Ichinose gave to his sister.

"Hairpins... maybe she doesn't like them very much."

Katsuragi shook his head.

But this also made Yingyi a little distressed. After all, she was someone else's sister, and he knew nothing about it.

"How about something edible? Chocolate and the like are both suitable for transportation and preservation."

Katsura City was slightly tempted. However, he did not speak, but just calmly drank the coffee in front of him.

Unconsciously, both of them had finished their coffee. Seeing that Katsura City had not figured out the reason, Yingyi took the lead and invited:

"Why not go out for a walk... maybe you'll get some inspiration along the way?"

""Yeah. That's fine. Anyway, thank you, Dongfang."

Katsuragi nodded and walked out of Lubrun with Yingyi. The winter sun was very dazzling, but bathing in the sun also made one feel peaceful.

The two of them walked all over the campus.

Suddenly, Katsuragi had an idea.:

"Got it!"

"Hey? What good idea did you come up with?"

"I think we should take a picture of this school. No, maybe it would be better to draw it! I want to show her what this school looks like."

I have to say, this is indeed a good idea. Being confined to the Highly Cultivated Middle School for three whole years, so that the sister can also see what kind of environment her brother lives in.

It is indeed a very special commemoration.

"Good idea, Katsuragi!"


Katsuragi was also happy that he could come up with this idea. If Yingyi hadn't suggested taking a walk around the school, he would have found it hard to imagine that the school itself was a gift.

"Anyway, thank you for today! I have to go back and prepare a gift, so I'll leave you now! I'll treat you to dinner another day, Dongfang."

Yingyi waved his hand to show that he didn't care. Seeing that Katsuragi's steps became lighter as he left, he also felt better.

‘But what should I give to Alice?……’

Yingyi was in a dilemma...

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