Sitting on a public bench in the shopping street, Ying Yi was thinking about what to prepare for the proud princess.

If he wanted to express his feelings, a Christmas dinner would be enough. But he wanted to do something different, after all, this was the first time they spent the holiday together as a boyfriend and girlfriend.

""Oh, President, you are here."

Ying Yi looked in the direction of the greeting and saw a cute girl with long pink-gold hair.

"Ichinose, are you coming out alone?"

"Ahaha, actually I didn’t go with everyone because I was thinking of preparing some Christmas gifts."

Given Ichinose’s personality, I’m sure he would give a gift to everyone in Class B, as well as everyone he knows in other classes... It sounds like it would be very hard... But after all, it’s Ichinose.

"I see... Is there anything I can do for you?"

""Eh? No no no no... How can I trouble you?"

Ichinose looked embarrassed. But at this moment, she didn't want to trouble the other person, but she didn't want to be followed by the other person. How could she prepare a thoughtful gift if that happened?

"It's no trouble. I don't have anything to do anyway... But if you don't need me, I'll leave first."

Ying Yi was more polite to her friends. If it would cause her any trouble, there was no need to help her.

"No...ah...actually, if it's convenient for you, can we take a walk together?"

Ichinose shyly invited Yingyi to take a walk.

Just because of her shy personality, and the fact that she had been saved by the person in front of her...therefore, Ichinose has never invited Yingyi to do anything alone.

Although it is very distressing, it doesn't matter if she delays for a while, she thought so.

However, ever since the rumor that Arisu might be with Yingyi, Ichinose could not remain calm. She didn't want to regret her hesitation for the rest of her life.

Although she asked Arisu, the news she got was always that Ichinose was overthinking, but her intuition told her that it was not that simple.

Yingyi stood up and stopped at the invitation.:

"Oh, all right. Where do you want to go?"

"Just... just take a walk... okay?"

Yingyi could see from Ichinose's expression that it was a shy girl. Even though he was slow to react, he probably understood that Ichinose might have a crush on him.

In order to avoid any harm to her in the future, he might as well make it clear today. Although he didn't know why Arisu always denied their relationship in front of her, but……

"Of course. Let's go."


Ichinose laughed happily, and that kind of gentleness was like lighting a fire in the cold winter.

But Yingyi didn't care about it. A gentle and cute girl is good, but he already has a cute enough princess.

The two walked side by side towards the playground...

Speaking of the playground, the most impressive thing is the sports festival.

"Time flies. I can still vividly remember how Higashi-kun defeated all the students in the school.

Ichinose changed his name from president to Higashi-kun without realizing it.

"Indeed. It's already the end of the year, and now when I think back, it seems like the beginning of everything was just yesterday. Three years is not long, but not short either."

After the two chatted about school for a while, Ichinose made up her mind and said what she wanted to say the most:

"Do you still remember the story that happened last summer vacation?"

"Ah, in fact, I only remembered it after talking to you on the deserted island. No wonder, compared to you at that time, no one would associate that crying little girl with tears in her eyes."

Yingyi's casual teasing made Ichinose blush slightly. If possible, she didn't want to look ugly in front of the other party.

"Dongfang Jun is really a bad guy. You obviously know why I......."

After talking about the latter part, the girl recalled her bad behavior, although she had comforted herself many times in her heart. But when the two of them talked about the past again, they were always filled with shame.

Seeing Ichinose's distressed look, Yingyi smiled and shook his head:

"I say. If you had read the letter I left for you later, you should have let it go. Even I, the victim, have forgiven you. Do you really want to restrain yourself for the rest of your life?"

"Not really....Just thinking of people like me...As expected, there are some thoughts that overestimate one's own capabilities."

Ichinose laughed at himself. But now that the decision has been made, there is no time to delay!

"East....Dongfangjun, do you have any plans for Christmas Eve?...I want to prepare some delicious food to thank you for saving me."

Ichinose stumbled over her question, but it looked like a question, but in fact, anyone could hear the invitation behind her words.

A girl took the initiative to invite a boy to spend Christmas Eve, so it must be that, right?

Yingyi turned to Ichinose and told her the fact she didn't want to hear the most with a serious expression:

"Ichinose. Actually, I have a girlfriend."........................

Yingyi also knew that this would cause great harm to Ichinose. Although failed confessions are very common, no matter who it happens to, it is indeed difficult to accept.......

It was over before it even started. She tried hard to hold back the tears in her eyes, even though she knew she shouldn't speak now, or else she would be seen crying again by the man in front of her.......but......

"fruit...Is it Sakayanagi-san?"

Ying nodded without saying anything. He could hear the disappointment and sadness in Ichinose's tone, but that's how love is. If you know you only like one person, then don't give hope to any other girls. Ichinose was trembling all over.....Why? Didn't I predict this result a long time ago? Why did I react so strongly now? I had clearly decided that no matter what the result was, I would not cry in front of this person again......

"Can I ask when it started?"There was only one thing she wanted to confirm now, was it because of her own indecision that she got the upper hand, or was it because of.....

"We confirm that the relationship is the end of the preferential treatment....But I really like her....It's been many years."

When Ichinose heard the first half of the sentence, she was still blaming herself for not telling him her feelings earlier. But the next second, she also understood that she had no chance from the beginning.......

Ichinose's tightly controlled tears finally broke free. She didn't want to lose her composure. The ice and snow were hitting her face, but why was it her heart that felt the cold?

Yingyi looked at the girl in front of him. Whatever he said now would only hurt her more, so he could only wait silently by the side.....I hope Ichinose can get out of this predicament.

Kamuro Masumi also sent all of this to Arisu, but never received the next instruction from him.

After a long time, Ichinose's trembling body on the ground gradually calmed down. He slowly stood up, and the gentle smile like a fire appeared in front of Yingyi again.

But this smile seemed a little forced, and the other party's two slightly red and swollen eyes made her look more haggard.

"Sorry. Dongfang-kun, I made you see my embarrassing appearance again. Hahahaha"

"Ichinose, although this sentence may hurt you. But you are a really gentle girl, but I already have someone I want to protect for the rest of my life. Remember what I said before? Gentle people should also be gentle to themselves. No one did anything wrong today, so you don’t need to force yourself to smile in front of me."

The girl slowly restrained her fake smile:

"Ahahaha, I've been discovered. How embarrassing. Well, I have something else to do. I'll leave now. Goodbye, Dongfang-kun."

Ichinose left without looking back, and his pace became faster and faster. In the end, he almost ran away from Yingyi's sight.......

"Ah, goodbye."

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