How strong is Ayanokouji? Ryuen probably doesn't know. But he also knows a little bit about how strong Ayanokouji's physical fitness is through the running race in the sports festival.

This guy is definitely not weaker than the student council president. Although he can't beat the guy in the mask, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, Ryuen's initial plan of three on one justice was abandoned. Instead, he used traps and props to fight three on one.

Although it was despicable, why would he care about these false reputations? As long as he can win, any means can be used.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Ayanokouji never replied to the message, or showed any intention to come.

But the clear"read" on line showed that the other party must have seen the message.

Gradually, it was not only Ryuen who was a little irritated. Even Yukimura and Hasebe were a little anxious. They didn't want Ayanokouji to come, because then Ryuen's evil plan would succeed. And Ayanokouji was his friend, and he didn't want him to get hurt.

But on the other hand, they hoped that Ayanokouji would show up, which would not only protect Sakura's secret, but also prove that they were not mistaken and that their friendship was real.

Sakura Airi was just praying that Ayanokouji would take her away from Ryuen again, just like he saved her from that perverted maintenance man.

An hour passed... and still no news. Ibuki couldn't help but complain.:

"Hey! Ryuen! We've done so much, what if he doesn't come?"

"What's the hurry? It doesn't matter if he doesn't come. These three guys won't trust him that much. If this matter is publicized, I wonder how a guy who abandoned his friends can survive in the class?"

The trap has been set, the ambush has been completed. Just waiting for Ayanokouji to come in. With such a tight net, he can't escape even if he has wings!

Ryuuen curled his lips, but he himself did not want this kind of scene to happen. It is important to defeat Class D, but if the only strategist who can arouse his interest is only at this level...

And what is Ayanokouji doing at this time? He is looking for the help of Horikita Manabu and Chabashi Sae to prove that if any violence occurs, he is not the first to start.

Although Horikita Manabu has abdicated, he is an upright former student council president after all. If he comes out as a witness, it will be very convincing.

And why did he save these three people? It is because he is afraid that this incident will affect his invisible status in the class.

If this matter falls into the hands of others If he uses the excuse that a student is not the first to attack, the whole class will be hostile to him, and if there is an exam in the future that requires sacrificing a student to pass, he will definitely drop out.

Therefore, he had to agree. In other words, Ryuuen's move is another vicious conspiracy.

Horikita Manabu knows the importance of Ayanokouji to Class D, and he also knows that he is an indispensable friend for his sister's growth.

After guaranteeing that Ayanokouji will produce evidence that he was not the first to attack, he is willing to protect Ayanokouji from being held accountable by the Student Council.

Not to mention Chabashi Sae, anything related to Ayanokouji is a big deal. Although the other party said before that he would no longer contribute to the class, he is his only hope after all.

Therefore, the three of them came to the activity building. Ayanokouji went to the meeting alone

""Be careful... they should be well prepared."

Horikita Manabu warned Ayanokouji. The latter nodded and walked upstairs.

As soon as he reached the second floor, he found Ishizaki waiting at the stairs. Seeing Ayanokouji, Ishizaki's eyes lit up.:

""Hey! I thought you didn't dare to come!"

The voice was so loud that everyone in the room heard it. Long Yuan smiled grimly.:

"But he finally came!"

Yukimura and the others were excited and happy that Ayanokouji really came to save them. They really didn't make a mistake about him, Ayanokouji was a good friend!

Then they were full of worry about the latter, and at the same time, they felt a little guilty for doubting whether he would come.

Outside the door, Ishizaki was confronting Ayanokouji.

"I'm here. Didn't Long Yuan say that he could let them go?"

""Don't be so proud! If you want to see Brother Ryuuen, you have to get past me first!"

After saying that, Ishizaki rushed towards Ayanokouji... and after 0.5 seconds, he was hit hard on the back of his head and passed out.

Ayanokouji pushed open the classroom door in front of him, and a bag of flour fell down. He reacted quickly and kicked the flour away, but he didn't expect that the bag would explode after being hit hard.

The flour that spread everywhere due to the rupture of the bag blocked Ayanokouji's vision.

At this time, Albert also approached Ayanokouji and suppressed him with his physique, which he was best at.

But how could Ayanokouji not realize that something was approaching him, and he used his flexible body to avoid the hug and throw from Albert.

One wave has not yet subsided, and another wave has risen. Before Ayanokouji can stand firm, Ibuki's attack has arrived. The swift chain kicks forced Ayanokouji to retreat again and again, and the latter also felt a chill...

Ryuuen will never tell you about a fair duel. What he is best at is It's like hitting someone from behind.

Ayanokouji tried to dodge, but there were enemies in three directions. The other direction was not so much safe as it was... they left it for him on purpose!

So, facing that empty space, Ayanokouji didn't fall for it and chose to break through head-on, targeting Ibuki, who seemed to be the easiest to deal with.

Although he suffered internal injuries, his punches were still very fast. Ibuki couldn't resist for a while and was surrounded by Ayanokouji...

But at this time, Ryuen showed a hint of pride on his face...

It turned out that Ryuen had taken Ibuki's defeat into consideration, and the direction Ayanokouji broke out was exactly where another trap was.

Because of the high-speed movement and stepping on the waxed floor, it was difficult for Ayanokouji to keep his balance. Ryuen also threw a box of round steel balls to the position where the opponent was standing.

Even Ayanokouji fell to the ground because he couldn't dodge.

"What? Is this all you have?"

Ayanokouji still had a gloomy expression on his face.

"……Tsk, they are really good at pretending. Bring them here!"

Ishizaki stood up at some point and brought Yukimura, Hasebe, and Sakura, who covered their mouths, into the classroom from outside.


"Ayanokouji! Are you okay?"


Ayanokouji looked at the three people and it seemed that no one was injured. It seemed that Ryuen did not do anything to them.

"Long Yuan, you must be looking for me. What do you want to say?"

""Oh, you're just pretending. Don't you know why I'm looking for you? I originally thought that Suzune was the strongest person in Class D, but later I found out that I was wrong. That stupid woman is not even as good as Kushida Kikyo!"

Ryuen looked at Ayanokouji, he wanted to see a trace of fear and nervousness in the other's eyes, but unfortunately, there was nothing in Ayanokouji's eyes.

"Later, I thought that the strategist was the weirdo, but he was obviously the same kind of person as me, and he wouldn't care about the life and death of Class D. As for you... I admit that I cared too much about Suzune at the beginning, and just treated you as an insignificant mouse."

Ayanokouji didn't care what Ryuen was saying. He was just thinking about how to deal with the guy in front of him. Ryuen might also be a good tool.

This kind of person cannot be used unless he deeply realizes fear, but if he uses force, the things he has hidden for so long will have to be known by the three people in front of him.

But fortunately, after what happened today, the three of them will trust Ayanokouji immensely. Secrets can also be exposed appropriately, and Yukimura is also a tool that can be used.

"So what exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to know... are you afraid now?"

Long Yuan stared at the guy in front of him, and he burst out with all his violent aura, but the effect was minimal.

"Ah. How should I put it? I don't have any fear. Or rather, I don't have any emotion."

"You bastard!"

Long Yuan was a little angry at the moment. He had done so much, but in his eyes, it was just a child's play and could not arouse his interest?

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