"You bastard!!!"

Ryuen didn't plan to do anything to Class D at this moment. He only thought about how to scare the guy in front of him!

After pulling away from Ayanokouji, Ryuen took his own fighting stance:

""Haha, come, let me see if your face is really as hard as you show it to be!"

Soon, a new round of battle preparations began, from a righteous three-on-one to a four-on-one, but for Ayanokouji, it didn't matter how many guys like Ishizaki who couldn't be considered as fighting power came. On the one hand, he might have been careless because he was ambushed by the opponent just now, but more importantly, Ayanokouji was testing. If he really fought with Yingyi, Ryuen would have no chance to use his trap.

Soon, as Ryuen's vanguard, although he knew that he was not a match for his opponent, Ishizaki also rushed forward. He attacked alternately with jabs and swings, but unfortunately Ayanokouji didn't intend to waste too much time here. He circled behind Ishizaki at lightning speed and kicked him away.

Albert and Ibuki saw this and naturally couldn't slack off anymore, and surrounded Ayanokouji from both sides. However, the weaknesses of these two people It is also obvious.

Albert is too big. Although his offensive power is sufficient and his speed has become very fast due to years of training, the big man's body coordination is destined to be inferior to that of the small man. Ayanokouji can ensure that his opponent's attacks will never hit him by just squatting or turning sideways.

Although Ibuki is a disciple of the Taito-ryu melee school, she is somewhat immature. In fact, for a sixteen or seventeen-year-old to get the initial transmission catalog, she has surpassed most martial arts students. Unfortunately, her opponent is a transformed warrior Ayanokouji. The attacking moves are flexible and powerful, but she lacks experience. Judging from the fact that Ayanokouji has been fighting in the white room for so long, Ibuki is still a child who has never been beaten.

All the moves pay more attention to form rather than simply knocking down the opponent.

Therefore, the two of them were quickly defeated by Ayanokouji and fainted on the spot.

"I admit that you are indeed very capable. Even if I were to fight in person, I would probably not be your opponent.......But, your indifferent look at everything really makes me feel extremely angry!"

Ryuen's fighting ability is definitely not the highest in Class C. It can even be said that it can only be ranked in the top three, but he can conquer the entire class with violence, relying on his unique characteristics.

One is that he will never give up, and the other is that he will never be afraid.

Yes, like Ayanokouji, Ryuen is also a guy who will not feel fear. And this trait has even been shown since he was very young. No matter whether it is a poisonous snake or any beast, he will never be afraid of facing them.

Just like this, he was knocked down by Ayanokouji again and again. He got up again and again and continued to punch. Finally, with his unremitting efforts, he pressed Ayanokouji against the wall and strangled his opponent's neck with both hands.

"Are you scared? Are you cold? Are you regretting it now?"

Ryuen shouted while staring at Ayanokouji's face. Unfortunately, he was disappointed again. Not to mention fear and regret, there was no reaction on Ayanokouji's face. He was like a puppet that could move.


Ryuen's repeated struggles left Ayanokouji speechless. In his eyes, being knocked down meant that continuing to work hard was futile. What on earth was this guy insisting on?

Ayanokouji finally exerted his strength again, pushed Ryuen away and knocked him down with a punch. The latter wanted to get up and continue, but this time, Ayanokouji didn't give him a chance.

Riding on Ryuen, punching Ryuen in the face again and again, Yukimura and the other two were terrified, but they didn't dare to make a sound.

Whether it was Ryuen or Ayanokouji, what happened today was far beyond their imagination. They never thought that the dull Ayanokouji would be the legendary strategist of Class D, the person behind Horikita Suzune.

They also didn't expect Ayanokouji's skills to be so good. All the people in Class C who could fight couldn't hurt him at all, and were instead pressed to the ground like a dead dog. What surprised them the most was the fierceness of Ayanokouji's attack. Seeing Ryuen beaten into a pig's head with blood all over his face, Ayanokouji's fists never stopped.......

Ryuen used up his last bit of strength to ask,"You must be very proud now! You won, are you happy?"

But Ayanokouji still had that stiff expression on his face.

"I've said before, I don't have any emotions, whether it's fear or excitement, I don't feel anything."

Then he punched Ryuen again and knocked him unconscious. He seemed to be thinking about something before he passed out, but no one knew.......

Ayanokouji slowly stood up from Ryuen, took the rag out of Yukimura's mouth, and untied the men.


"Long Er......you......"

Ayanokouji looked at these three people. His hidden strength was partially exposed, so it was normal for them to feel surprised. Then the next step should be to make these people trust him completely and not betray him easily.

"Ah. I'm here to save you."

"Ayanokouji-kun!!! Woohoo~~~"

Sakura Airi was the first to throw herself into Ayanokouji's arms and started crying, while Yukimura and Hasebe knew that this was not the time to question their partners. After all, Ayanokouji saved them from Ryuuen, and no matter what secrets he hid, he was still their partner.

Ayanokouji looked at Sakura Airi indifferently. If it were anyone else, they might have comforted this girl, and the two of them would probably have developed a beautiful relationship because of today's story.

But unfortunately���This is Ayanokouji. He may fall in love with a girl one day, but it seems that this girl is not Sakura Airi.

After Sakura's emotions gradually stabilized, she found that she had thrown herself into Ayanokouji's arms in front of others and started crying. She suddenly left his arms and stood aside with a blushing face. Yukimura was not a person who liked to make trouble. Hasebe also knew the character of her best friend and just smiled faintly. She thought that the two people in front of her were very suitable.

One was shy and timid, and the other did not show his edge.

But now is not the time to discuss these things. Looking at Ryuen and others lying on the ground:

"them...what to do?"

"Just leave them here, someone will take them away."

It was obvious that Ayanokouji was the core of the team. Since he said not to worry about it, Yukimura and the others didn't have to worry about it.

Moreover, they had originally agreed to watch a movie, but he almost became the star of a movie about school bullying, which made him feel very bad and he couldn't wait to leave here.

When Ayanokouji and the other three came outside, they found that in addition to Horikita Manabu and Chabashi Sae, there was another person waiting here.

Considering that Ryuen dared to blackmail without fear, he must have gotten the other party's tacit consent.

"President Higashi! Senior Horikita! And Mr. Chabashira! Why are you here?"

The one asking the question was obviously Yukimura.

"The two of them were invited by Ayanokouji to help. To prove that if there was any violence, Ayanokouji was innocent. And I came here because I heard that Ryuen took everyone from Class D away from the cinema."

Horikitika Manabu and Chabashira Sae also nodded and acknowledged what Yingyi said.

"Is that so?....Then President Dongfang, I want to report it! Ryuen has behaved improperly towards us, and even violent incidents have occurred. I demand that they be expelled immediately!!"

Ayanokouji sighed in his heart. Dongfang appeared here most likely to defend Ryuen....It is very likely that he told Long Yuan that he was a strategist......Although it is still unknown, they must be connected.

"Is that so? Then Yukimura-san, do you have any evidence to prove what Ryuen did to you? Or what is the evidence of the violent act just now?"

"Huh? President, what are you talking about?"

Yukimura's temper flared up again. This student council president only needed to do a little research to know that Ryuen threatened us! Evidence? Will you protect our rights only after we are really harmed?

"Well....I think you can ask Horikita-senpai about this. If you can't produce evidence, you can only sue unilaterally. It may end up like the previous Sudo beating incident."

Horikita Manabu felt something was strange, but what Yingyi said was completely correct, so he nodded silently:

"Indeed. If there is no evidence, you can only initiate a lawsuit, and then both of you will provide evidence, and finally the student union can make a ruling."


Evidence? There was evidence originally, but Ryuen deleted it, so where did the evidence come from? But it was also true that he was taken away openly. When he was about to agree to the lawsuit, he was kicked by Hasebe.

He was about to speak, but he saw the other party pointed at Sakura cryptically.

Indeed, Sakura's secret was still in Ryuen's hands. Rushing to sue would most likely hurt his companions, but could this matter just be left like that?

"Since everything is fine, can we go now?"

Ayanokouji asked the three people, or more precisely, asked Ying Yi

"Ah, of course."

After receiving the affirmation, Ayanokouji took the two girls, Yukimura and Hasebe Sakura, who were still unwilling to give up, and walked away. Only Kageichi, Horikita Manabu and Chabashira Sae were left on the field. Chabashira

Sae originally thought that since the matter was resolved, she had nothing to do, but she heard Kageichi sigh without warning.

"Speaking of which. Although most of Nanyun's theories are ridiculous and pathetic, I still agree with him on some of his views."

This sentence made Horikita Manabu feel cold all over.......

"I think that if there are conflicts between students, they should be encouraged to resolve them by themselves. After all, the purpose of our school is to cultivate students' autonomy. So if there are conflicts occasionally, we should release our nature and have a little fight.....That's normal, right?"


"Dongfang, you don't mean to say that violence is allowed from now on."

Horikitaka looked at Yingyi coldly. The two most powerful people he had ever seen were Yingyi in front of him and Ayanokouji who had just left. Maybe he himself. However, this approach would already aggravate the students........

"Senior. Even if I don't make a decision, there is no guarantee that no one will make the same decision next time. I just announced it in advance.......Since I am the student union president now, I think it is not a big deal to pass this school rule. Besides, there is the student union to supervise......If it is really one-sided abuse of violence, wouldn't it be enough to just punish them?"

From what he just said, Horikita Manabu learned several pieces of information. First, there might be some changes in the school next, and the only person who has the power to change the school rules is the president......Chairman!

Second, Dongfang is indeed the chairman now, and his opinion is irrelevant. It doesn't matter whether he agrees or disagrees.

"Dongfang, you'd better remember your promise. This school will not become a hell for some students."

Yingyi nodded. He never thought of poisoning any students. What he wanted to do was to gain some advantages after the school reform in the future.

Chabashira Sae pretended not to care on the surface, but she naturally heard what Horikita Xue analyzed. And Yingyi did not avoid her, which meant that changes in the top management might come soon.

"That's it. We'll talk about the specific rules when the next semester starts. As for Ryuen and the others inside, I'll be responsible for taking them away."

Horikitika Manabu nodded and glanced at Chabashira Saeda beside him. The two of them left the activity building together.

Yingyi went up to the second floor with Kito who followed him.

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