457. Now, help Otto revive Kallen!

Hearing Jiang Yan’s words, Otto smiled. He understood that in this magnificent world of cultivation, in this mysterious Shushan

I have already revealed my face

What we need to do next is not to restrain our edge.

Immortal cultivators do not need to hide their edge. In other words, the more they show off their edge, the more they will be valued by the sect.

If Jiang Yan didn’t show his extraordinary talent as an innate Taoist, would he be taken seriously?

If Klee didn’t have a divine body, would she be accepted as the master’s true disciple?

In the world of cultivating immortals, keeping a low profile is what independent cultivators need to do.

The cultivators of the big sects have powerful backers, so they have to show off their talents.

Show your unique talent and value, and the sect will pay more attention to you.

Otto felt that he had shown some wisdom. Next, he could only hope that he could have good qualifications..

The more Shushan values ​​him, the more he will have a say and status, and this way he will be closer to his goal.

Not only resurrecting Kallen……

We also need to prepare more training resources for Kallen, and Theresa……

Otto has nothing else to fall in love with. After coming into contact with Xiuxian, his dream of resurrecting Kallen can be perfectly realized.

Now, his last thoughts are Kallen and Theresa.

Ji Zi’s words revealed a message: cultivating immortals requires huge resources.

Without resources, cultivation progress will be slow.

Otto will naturally consider Kallen and the others.

“During this time, I will organize the magic cultivation techniques and resources, and after the Seven Veins Martial Competition is over, I will officially lay out the Xuanming World.”

“Perhaps, when the events in the Xuanming World become more and more serious, the pressure on the Xiuxian World will be less. At that time, we can also return to the Xiuxian World to see the situation.”

Zhongli nodded in agreement, glanced at Otto, and sighed:

“It’s a pity… In this way, the Xuanming world will be destroyed.”

Countless demon cultivators are fighting against the Heavenly Demon Leader. It would be a miracle if the Xuanming World could be saved.

Jiang Yan waved his hand and said casually:

“Just a fallen middle thousand world, let it be destroyed, Shushan doesn’t need this middle thousand world.”

Hearing this, Zhongli and the others were familiar with Jiang Yan’s usual generosity, but Aiyin and the others couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

The Middle Thousand World that is comparable to the entire Tree and Sea World……

Destroy it if you say so……

It turns out that powerful immortal cultivators cannot be guessed by human thinking.

At the same time, I also understand more and more that in the eyes of immortal cultivators, the world is just a larger chess piece.

“Otto, you have made great contributions, what reward do you want?”

Jiang Yan retracted his gaze and stared at Otto. Theresa curled her lips, as if she could guess what Otto wanted with her toes.

After all, it’s no secret that this guy is obsessed with Kallen.

But in the final analysis, I am happy for Otto.

The dream of so many years is finally coming true

Otto pursed his lips and said softly:

“It is an honor for a mortal like me to offer advice and suggestions for Shushan. As a matter of common sense, I dare not ask for any reward.”

This attitude immediately made Xiao and the others look at Otto with a more favorable eye.

“But… the headmaster should also know that I have been planning for more than 500 years, and my life’s wish is to revive one person.”

“So… Otto dared to ask the master for the art of resurrection, one of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Techniques!”

As soon as the words fell, a huge murderous intent gathered, Xiao’s face was gloomy, and he glared at Otto.


“The Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Methods are the headmaster’s immortal methods! You haven’t even cultivated immortality yet, how dare you speak like that!”

Theresa was also anxious and looked at Otto nervously.

Asking for the magic directly, this is something Theresa never expected

That is the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Techniques, the legendary Erlang Zhenjun and many other Taiyi masters’ signature skills.

How can this thing be spread casually!

And they are not Shushan disciples yet!

“Master, Grandpa didn’t mean that. He was just too excited.”

Theresa quickly looked at Jiang Yan and pleaded for Otto

Jiang Yan remained calm and smiled gently.

“Do you know the origin of the Thirty-Six Tiangang Techniques?”

“Otto understands”

Otto was not afraid at all, and looked at Jiang Yan calmly.

“The legendary special skill of Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, the magic that only Taiyi Dasheng can master”

“Even, it is the magical power and method that is at the end of the Tao.”

“Of course, it is not something that a mere mortal like Otto can master, but I am confident that I can join Shushan.”

Jiang Yan smiled and shook his head

“Just joining Shushan is not enough”

“The reason why the Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang are called methods rather than techniques is that the origin of the Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang is not something that can be summarized by the immortal way.”

“The universe is full of myriad things, and the universe is full of changes. Three threes are endless, and six sixes are infinite. Thirty-six refers to the great way of heaven and earth, which means endless.”

“For this reason, the Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang can only be attempted if one truly stands in the process of the Tao.”

“Not to mention that you are not even a cultivator now. Even if you are a cultivator, if you have not become a golden immortal and have not understood the immortality of the Tao, it is impossible for you to use the thirty-six methods.”

“Even the most basic spells”

“Not only you, but even Klee and the others who were born with divine bodies are like this.”

“If you don’t become a Golden Immortal, you won’t even be qualified to look up to the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Techniques.”

As he spoke, Jiang Yan’s tone suddenly became somewhat noble, and he said calmly:

“If you don’t cultivate immortality, your understanding of the thirty-six methods is like a frog in a well looking at the moon in the sky. When you cultivate immortality, your understanding of the thirty-six methods is like a mayfly looking at the blue sky.”

“Only beings who are immortal in the Tao can try to touch the thirty-six methods.”

Everyone was shocked, and Otto was silent.

This is the first time Jiang Yan formally introduces the real thirty-six methods to everyone.��

Than they thought……

Much more terrible

“But, if that’s the case, Master, how did you master the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Techniques?”

Ji Zi looked at Jiang Yan with some doubt, and the latter chuckled.

“I am the innate Tao body. The so-called innate Tao body has no past or future, and only exists in the present.”

“I was born standing on the path, immortal!”

The words were calm, but the pride was extremely obvious.

To the Xiantian Dao 183 body, all the rules of the immortal cultivators are not rules.

Because they themselves are Taiyi who are accumulating strength.

Born on the path, as long as you replenish your strength, at least you will be at the peak of Taiyi.

Even, it is not without hope to look forward to the Daluo that no one has ever achieved. because……

The innate Dao body has never appeared before.

Otto smiled bitterly and sighed:

“is that so……”

Jiang Yan shook his head and said softly:

“You still don’t understand the meaning of the 36 Tiangang Methods. Do you know that the great goddess Nuwa and the supreme Daluo”

“Even when she molded people out of clay and created the world, she used the thirty-six methods of the Heavenly Gang to mediate the creation.”

“The limit of the 36 Tiangang techniques is not Taiyi”

“This method is also the most commonly used method by the well-known Daluo Supremes.”

“Therefore, you don’t have to think too much about the Thirty-Six Methods of Tiangang”

Hearing this, Otto smiled bitterly and nodded.

“Thank you for your explanation. After listening to your words, I realized that I am like a frog in a well.”

“Otto is reckless”

Jiang Yan shook his head and continued:

“I know what you desire. In fact, it is not necessary to use the Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang to achieve this.”

“The suggestion you put forward this time will be of great help to Shushan in suppressing the Heavenly Demon Territory.……”

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment, then slowly raised his hand. A glimmer of light shone brightly, as if it had merged the most brilliant light in the world.

“I will help you revive Kallen!”.

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