458. Kallen is resurrected, but Otto retreats

Over the long five hundred years, Otto has made many efforts to revive Kallen!.

Finally, he came up with a concept

The world allows consciousness to match containers, but does not allow containers to collect dissipated consciousness.

With this, Otto used his soul steel body to live for a long time.

But this is not what he desired

Later, Otto discovered that in the branches of the imaginary tree, in countless parallel time and space, the death of some people was destined.

This is called destiny……

But he was unwilling to accept this fate, so Otto was a man who fought against fate all his life.

Only Kallen’s death could create a wise man like Otto.

But Otto wants to correct this fate and use the self he created after Kallen’s death to reverse the past and revive Kallen.

It sounds ridiculous, but he does it.

Even at the cost of his life, in Otto’s opinion, this might be the best outcome. but……

Now, he has a new direction, new possibilities.

Kallen is about to be resurrected by the immortal cultivator

The immortal cultivators themselves are the ones who can change fate and laugh at it. so……

Kallen is coming back now!

Otto doesn’t care whether Kallen is resurrected by himself or not. All he needs is for Kallen to ignore her fate and continue to live.

Looking at the ball of light in front of him, Otto’s eyes trembled a little.

The dream he had longed for for more than five hundred years was finally going to come true!

Kevin, who was standing by, had mixed feelings, with a hint of envy in his eyes.

If it was him who just said these plans, maybe……

But soon, Kevin put away this thought.

He needs to revive not only one person, but also the thirteen heroes of the past, Mei……

There are many, many friends

Just a plan, it’s not worth it for Jiang Yan to help him revive so many people

He is different from Otto. He has to rely on himself.

The ball of light gradually expanded, and the others looked at Jiang Yan expectantly.

This was the first time that Jiang Yan had seen the resurrection technique in action.

But for everyone, this is something that you dare not even think about.

Especially Zhongli, he couldn’t wait to get in and take a look. After all, now that he has mastered the art of refining his spirit and reversing the void, he will soon start to revive his old friends.

Use the Qingyuan Magical Mantra to invite Erlang Zhenjun and use his power to revive

The same Tiangang Thirty-Six Methods were used.

Although he would not remember any of Erlang Zhenjun’s spells when he was not summoning the gods, but……

Take a look, what if there is something you can gain?

The ball of light gradually spread to the size of a person. Somehow, something illusory was summoned from all directions.

Even Theresa had a tiny light spot floating on her body.

Otto’s epiphany

That must be one of Kallen’s soul fragments.

After all, Theresa was the most unique life she had created. At one point, she thought Theresa was the reincarnation of Kallen.

Theresa, who possesses all of Kallen’s good qualities, may indeed carry some of Kallen’s soul.

Theresa looked at Otto in confusion, and the latter said softly:

“How do you feel, Theresa?々¨ ?”

“It feels like… not……”

Theresa shook her head, and Jizi also patiently checked it out. Apart from finding that Theresa’s soul was more dazzling, there was no harm.

Now, Otto felt more relieved.

Now it seems that I have raised a part of Karen’s soul as my granddaughter for many years?

It’s amazing

A blurry body slowly condensed in the light ball.

Under the light, I can’t see the face clearly

But to Otto, that was someone who was so familiar that he couldn’t be more familiar.

We haven’t met yet, but the holy light that touches the depths of my soul seems to be the same as before, unchanged

Unconsciously, Otto’s eyes were tearful and trembling.


This was the first time that Otto showed his emotions in front of others.

This surprised Yulandel and the others, and they also understood how much Otto was obsessed with Kallen.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Yan lightly tapped again, and the light point floating in the air merged into the body in the light ball.

The pulse of life made Otto’s heart, which had been dead for many years, boil again.

Gradually, the ball of light began to disperse, and from bottom to top, the saint in purple nun’s clothes appeared in front of everyone with her eyes closed.


Otto couldn’t help himself and clenched his fists tightly to prevent himself from doing anything rude.

That brow, posture, demeanor……

Even a strand of hair is a symbol of Kallen.

Five hundred years have passed, and Otto has not forgotten Kallen’s appearance. Instead, it has become clearer.

He forgot a lot of things, but only Kallen, even a strand of her hair was clearly remembered.

Feel the joy of your own soul, the cheers of every cell in your body

This is what happens only when you are with Kallen and are infected by the pure soul of the saint.

Five hundred years……

He finally felt it again

For a mortal, five hundred years is too much to endure.

But Otto knew it was all worth it.……

He staggered towards Karen. The saint floating in the air with her eyes closed was the meaning of his life.

And now, he will also touch the ultimate of his life and dreams.

Otto raised his hands tremblingly, tears in his eyes.

This scene made Ningguang and others sigh.

Although it is not clear who Otto is,……

Now it seems that it is really infatuated enough

The saint was right in front of him, and he could touch her with just a lift of his hand. But suddenly, Otto felt���, but it seems so far away

He stopped and stared at his hands.

Jiang Yan had no means to stop Otto from approaching, but he just couldn’t move forward.

This is his heart’s resistance

He looked at his hands, those hands full of dirty blood and darkness, his soul stained with endless betrayal and tragedy.

How can one touch that holy lady who is pure and spotless?

He would not allow himself, a miserable sinner, to defile the saint in the slightest.

He didn’t even dare to let Kallen see him now.

Otto clearly understood how disappointing his actions would be to Kallen.

At this moment, Otto’s face was filled with fear for the first time, which made Theresa feel distressed.

He failed the great inventor that Kallen called him to be. He should have been good and beautiful under Kallen’s guidance.

But she was full of sins because of her

This is a betrayal of the saint.

In Otto’s mind, he is now a dirty thing close to Kallen.

He would not allow himself to get even a little bit closer to Kallen before reversing all the tragedies he had done.

“¨. grandfather……”

Theresa looked at the stiff Otto and whispered

Otto suddenly came back to his senses, looked away, not daring to look at Kallen, and lowered his head to look at the ground.

The five-hundred-year-old Archbishop of Heaven’s Fate seemed a little embarrassed for the first time.

“Theresa… help grandpa……”

After a long silence, Otto called out in a hoarse voice.

“Help grandpa, take Kallen away and take good care of her……”

“Don’t let her see me like this.……”

“This is grandpa’s only request, please… Theresa……”

Theresa sighed, nodded, stepped forward to lift Kallen up, and asked Himeko and others to separate Otto and Kallen.

Walter looked at Otto quietly, wanting to mock him, but……

Now might not be the time to buy

Let’s just say this is an opportunity for a sinner to face his own light and begin to reflect on himself.

Walter could not make any mockery of Otto in terms of infatuation.

Otto took a deep breath, suppressed his urge to look at Kallen again, looked up at Jiang Yan, and bowed deeply.


“Thank you, Master……”.

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