Luo Mu rubbed his eyes and found that he was not mistaken, Solas was indeed standing not far away.

What the hell is going on? Hell?

On the other side of the line, Solas pointed to a restaurant not far away, then turned to leave.

The intention is not difficult to analyze, and I basically want to have an in-depth communication with you.

Such a good opportunity, Luo Mu naturally will not miss it.

But he has more important things to do now.

By offering to the sacred tree, he received a full 2,500,000 Mora.

Luo Mu's daily life has always been relatively frugal, and this money is definitely a huge amount of money for him.

But then again, since the money comes from "Sumeru", of course, it must also be used for "Sumeru".

After a brief discussion with Sino and Collet, Luo Mu planned to distribute the money to the ordinary people present.

Because compared to the scholarly families and religious aristocracy, these common people are really miserable.

They were born with a fixed class, and the lower castes did not even have the right to Xi.

There is no hope of class crossing, and you can only engage in manual labor for the rest of your life, from generation to generation.

Luo Mu divided Mora and gave the money to the people in simple clothes with a smile on his face.

The inferiority complex in the bones of the lower castes can be seen at this time, even if it is handed over, they do not dare to accept it easily, for fear of paying a terrible price.

In this regard, Luo Mu just patiently explained, so that they could take it with peace of mind.

After a brief encounter, most of the civilians gradually revealed their hearts to him.

For example, the girl in the corner, her name is Ada, she fled from Nata to Sumeru, she is dressed in loose linen clothes, and now lives in a welfare home in Sumeru.

Another example is the old woman under the tree, her name is Aliya, her children were dragged by the Sumeru army to the border to build sand fortifications, and her granddaughter was taken away by missionaries and has not returned.


After talking to these silent majority, Luo Mu suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

The war in Nata caused countless tribes to flee, and many refugees died in that land of war, and only a handful escaped in the end. And even if they escape, they will only become refugees from other countries like Ida and Vanessa.

Alia's story is actually the epitome of the low caste of Sumeru, the children were dragged into conscription by the military, and the granddaughter was taken away by the missionaries, even if she did not die, she was afraid that she would no longer be invisible, and she would become a test subject under the hands of the doctor.

The story of Teyvat has always been written by a few people, and with their visions, they are like the brightest stars in the sky, making people can't help but look up and sigh with envy.

But is that really the case? Not necessarily.

A kingdom without a god can develop well, and civilians without a vision can have their own splendor.

All men are created equal, and we can live our lives even when we are not under God's gaze.

Luo Mu handed over 100,000 Mora to Collei and asked her to take Aliya to buy some daily necessities and find a nurse by the way.

He also handed over 100,000 Mora to Cyno, and asked him to take Ida to buy a new dress, and asked at the diplomatic agency if he could help Ida find a simple job.

Luo Mu's act of kindness soon attracted the attention of the surrounding scholars, who did not understand why he should give the precious blessings of the sacred tree to those "untouchables".

Because in the hearts of many scholars, they have always been superior beings.

Now that he has met an alternative that he can't afford to provoke, how can he not make them feel irritable?

Luo Mu doesn't want to pay attention to these people at all.

If the time weren't ripe, he really wanted to hang the religious aristocrats who had been oppressing the people on the street lamps and let them copy Marxism-Leninism by hand a hundred times.

The time quickly came to evening, and there were not many people around the sacred tree by this time.

Of course, 2.5 million Mora is a lot, but when it is really sent, it is actually only one afternoon.

Luo Mu used this afternoon to get the support and support of many low-level people.

A spark can start a prairie fire, and religious dross and knowledge monopolies will eventually be burned out by the scorching flame.

But now, it's not the time.

Luo Mu took Paimon to another restaurant first, and ordered all the delicious and satisfying things.

Since it was to meet Solas in person, of course it was better to go alone.

After Paimon had eaten and drunk, he quickly disappeared into the air, presumably going to sleep.

Luo Mu finished settling the bill, then tidied up his clothes and walked briskly towards the restaurant that Solas hinted at.


As the name suggests, the Grass God Restaurant

was established to commemorate the first generation of the Grass God.

The paintings on the walls record the deeds of the first grass god and his contribution to Sumeru.

Luo Mu played with the wine glass, and wanted to laugh a little, because the painting by the window actually painted Solas as a fat brother, which was the kind of feeling that at a glance, he knew that this person was one meter six tall and weighed one hundred and sixteen.

The box was not large, and only he and Solas were seated.

There are some simple dishes on the table, but it seems that most of them are cold dishes, and eating too much may not be good for the stomach.

"Why did they paint you like this?" Luo Mu asked, pointing to the painting.

Hearing this, Solas smiled and scratched his head, seemingly embarrassed.

"After all, the information related to me has been erased by Akatsuki, and most of the descriptions that are still handed down are left by Morax.

"He is not good at words, but he always likes to use flowery words to describe my 'deceased' old friend, and after a translation by Sumeru's historians, he translated it into the painting.

With that, Solas smiled bitterly, looking very helpless.

Luo Mu has always been interested in the story of the first seven gods, and now that one of them is sitting opposite, he can't ask properly!

"Has Barbatos always worn white silk, and how is his strength?"

"Hmm...... Actually, he also wore black silk, but Barr said it wasn't for him, so he didn't wear it again...... In terms of strength, it's average, it's stronger than me.

"Who is better looking, Balzebu, or

Balzebu?" "In terms of appearance, of course, it is Balzebu, at least I think so." But in terms of the amount of alcohol, it is definitely Barr, who is second only to Barbatos in terms of alcohol.

"So, what is Morax's affection for the end of the Dust Demon God? Did he mention it to you?"

"The Dust Demon God...... The girl with the big sleeves always likes to pin the glass lily on her head, and her face has always revealed confidence, and she only becomes overwhelmed when she meets Morax.

As for emotions, I can't really give an accurate answer to things that I haven't fully figured out.

But I don't think the Dust Demon God would have snuggled up to Morax's shoulder now, the latter would never push her away.

Because only if you have lost, you will know how to cherish it. "


After clarifying the doubts in his heart, Luo Mu suddenly felt that the first generation of seven gods was not so "distant".

Although they are the ruling gods, they are actually a group of "ordinary people", with love and hatred, petty fights, and many ordinary stories.

After sighing, Luo Mu asked the last question: "Soras, everyone thinks that you have died in the calamity five hundred years ago, are you dead now, and why are you in front of me?"

Hearing this expected inquiry, Soras's calm face did not have a trace of emotional fluctuations, which made people unable to see joy and sorrow.

After a while, he raised his wine glass, put it down helplessly, and laughed at himself: "Death is definitely dead, otherwise she would not have become what she is now!" "

As for appearing in front of you, it is a means of faking death, the power is transmitted to Bull, and the soul is hidden in the thousands of leylines in Sumeru, which is as strong as the red moon, and it is absolutely impossible to find out."

"What you see now is actually a projection of the embodied leylines, and when it is all over, I will eventually dissipate between heaven and earth.

"But before I do that, I have something to do, both a request and a harmless piece of counsel to you.

Seeing the solemn look on Soras's face, Luo Mu's sitting posture was not adjusted a little, "You say."

After a moment of silence, Solas slowly spoke, "You must not allow the Fatui Executive to step into the Forbidden Island and the Void Realm.

"Why?" Luo Mu was puzzled.

Solas pondered for a moment, then responded,

"Because there...... There's something I haven't destroyed yet...... Those things that are enough to subvert Akatsuki's rule ......".

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