"What does it mean to subvert the rule of Akatsuki? What did you see back then?" Luo Mu was a little excited, and immediately asked.

However, it was not the answer that responded to him, but a wry smile.

Solas looked out the window, his delicate face as if to tell melancholy, his voice was not loud, but it was very intriguing: "There is a world beyond the world, and the throne is not the throne." Hearing

this, the corners of Luo Mu's mouth twitched slightly.

Why do the people of Teyvat always like to tell riddles?

" Is it that you can't reveal the specifics, and then these are the only two sentences that can tell me?" Luo Mu pondered for a moment and confirmed.

"Hmm. Solas nodded slightly.

"That passage has been punished by God, and anyone who blurts it out or reiterates it in his heart will invite her arrival. There's only so much I can say, and I'm sure you'll understand what that means. Hearing

this, Luo Mu didn't want to ask anything, so he had to analyze these words in his heart.

"There is a world beyond the world"...... This is not difficult to understand, because the primordial god Phanes used "eggshells" to isolate the world of Teyvat, so it seems that there should be other continents outside the world.

As for "the throne is not the throne"...... This is a bit confusing, isn't the Akatsuki Goddess really the one who maintains order? There are other gods behind her?

Seeing that Luo Mu stopped talking, Solas slowly withdrew his gaze, "This is the specific thing, that island is too dangerous for outsiders to set foot in." "

Don't let outsiders enter?" Luo Mu shrugged, "The dean of the Akademiya has been developing that island before, and many scholars have also gone up, and my mentor is among them.

"It doesn't matter. Solas didn't look surprised, as if he already knew.

"They've only found a few skins, but it's not enough to kill them, and now there's an enchantment there, so it shouldn't go unnoticed by the Fatui anytime soon...... But it's hard to say later.

With that, Solas picked up the wine glass in front of the table and took a sip.

Luo Mu doesn't like to drink, so he has no intention of touching a glass.

He tapped the table lightly with a spoon, and wondered, "Are you asking me out, is that all?"

Solas nodded, and his figure became unreal.

Looking at this posture, it should be possible to dissipate at any time.

Luo Mu was shocked in his heart, and immediately got up, "Wait, the last time we met, didn't you ask me to help you get back your strength?What kind of existence is that Boole?Will she pose a threat to Xiao Jixiang

?" "Two consciousnesses, together as one, how can there be a threat?" Solas smiled and continued:

" During this time, I also thought clearly, since I passed on my power to her, then now I should continue to be a bystander, this world belongs to you new blood, Morax and I are old.

Solas's voice grew weaker and weaker, and his body became a little more illusory.

Before disappearing, he waved his hand at Luo Mu and said softly, "Remember to settle the bill." Then

, Solas disappeared into the air.

There was still half a glass of wine left at the table.

In this way, Luo Mu was the only one left in the box.

He rubbed his temples and said to himself, "Why don't the gods like to take Mora?"


After leaving the Grass God Restaurant, Luo Mu quickly returned to the Akademiya.

It is worth mentioning that he discovered that scholars of the Epistemic School were discussing the feasibility of teleporting runes.

"By carving teleportation runes on the cornerstone of magic, and then placing these cornerstones in two places, you can achieve long-distance spatial teleportation. So

said the scholars.

Luo Mu quickly became interested, because these things are the same as pocket anchors, if he can master the construction skills, then he will not have to go back and forth to the Seven Kingdoms in the future.

Upon further study, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the project was actually led by Althea.

You must know that Athea's previous graduation thesis was passed, and Luo Mu spent a lot of time tutoring.

If there is such a relationship...... Thinking

of this, Luo Mu immediately changed into clean clothes and rushed to Aithea's research institute.


The Institute of Intellectualism

, Althea, looked at the letter in front of her uneasily, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"The hateful Fatui have attacked the Nata tribe again, I don't know what they are thinking. Whispered

doubt, slightly worried.

At this moment, the half-covered door was blown open from the outside by the wind.

Luo Mu's hand that was about to knock on the door stopped in mid-air, and finally had to cover his eyes, and said with a smile: "Aithea, I'm in, you shouldn't be changing clothes or anything, right?"

Hearing this, Aithia immediately put away the letter on the table.

She first straightened her dress, then curled the ends of her curls with her fingers, and when she was satisfied, she cleared her throat and responded, "Ahem, come in, remember to close the door."

"Okay, okay. Luo Mu directly locked the door and found a place to sit down.

"How's it going?" he asked casually.

Aithea's eyes wandered, and after a moment of silence, she shook her head slightly, "Not good...... Something happened in my hometown, and the Fatui attacked Mom and Dad's clan. "

Then what should I do?" Luo Mu's heart seemed to be pinched, "Is it that your tutor won't let you leave the hospital?" I'll look for him immediately, if he doesn't approve, then I'll go to the dean." With

that, Luo Mu got up and prepared to leave, as if he really wanted to do this.

"Luo Mu, wait. Aithea immediately got up and stopped Luo Mu.

"Although I would like to go back too, I can't do it, the tribes in my hometown are weak, and the rest are basically old, weak, sick and disabled, and if I go back now, without funding, their lives will be in trouble.

Aithea's voice sounded very helpless, she came to Sumeru alone to study, and she had to use the small amount of Xi to support her hometown tribe.

It's hard to imagine that the girl in front of her has such a responsibility.

Luo Mu was suddenly a little embarrassed to speak, after all, it was not easy for people to live, how could he be embarrassed to plagiarize other people's research projects?

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