After leaving a dream space in her room as a cover, Lin Yudie brought Nashida to the streets of Mondstadt.

At this time, Mondstadt was devastated by the attack of the Wind Dragon, and the people of this free city were busy with post-disaster reconstruction.

Because of the previous battle with the Wind Dragon in the sky, most of the residents of Mondstadt now know the two sisters.

Therefore, now they have changed into a pair of black hair and black pupils, and under the cover of divine power, not many people will notice them when walking in Mondstadt.

"Let's go, Nashida, let's go find that drunk poet. He should still be in the city."

Lin Yudie estimated the current time point. It should be the time when Ying, Lisa, Kaiya and others went to those temples to destroy the power source of the Wind Dragon.

Therefore, the drunk poet should still be in the tavern in Mondstadt, cheating people with food and drink.

The two sisters wandered around in Mondstadt, looking for the trace of the drunk poet.

"Sister, look at the Wind God Square. Why are there so many people around? Let's go and take a look." Nashida pointed to the crowd in the distance and said.

"Okay, since we can't find the drunk poet for the time being, I'll take you out to play." Lin Yudie nodded, and then walked over there with her sister.

Pushing aside the crowd, the two sisters saw a young man in green clothes and a green hat standing in the crowd. The piano in his hand was emitting a melodious melody, soothing the people's anxious hearts due to the arrival of the disaster.

After a moment, a melodious song came from the mouth of the boy:

"The story I want to tell was born in the ancient times."

"At that time, the gods still walked on the earth, and the sky dragon descended from the sky..."

The boy surrounded by the crowd was plucking his strings and telling everyone about the life of his family, the East Wind Dragon Tevalin.

In the ancient times, probably not long after the end of the Demon War, Tevalin was born in the sky.

At this time, he was like a newborn and ignorant child, flying without worries, full of curiosity about everything in the world.

He kept flying in the sky, constantly seeking his own answers, but he couldn't understand the complexity of the world at all.

Until the God of Wind in the sky gently plucked his strings, and the beautiful sound of the Sky Harp answered him one by one.

Gradually, in the beautiful sound of the God of Wind, the wind dragon gradually learned the language of humans and learned to listen to beautiful poems.

At the same time, this beautiful poem also made the once unrestrained wind dragon fall in love with it, so he decided to stay with the best bard in all of Teyvat.

However, 500 years ago, the disaster from Kanreya soon befell the free land of Mondstadt.

The dragon Durin was created by the alchemist Reindort of Kanreya, and he deceived him and said: "There are beautiful poems and gem-like dragons on the land over there. Go there, and the people there will welcome you very much."

So, under Reindort's persuasion, the dragon Durin came to Mondstadt with full expectations, like a child without any thoughts.

However, what Durin didn't know was that when he was born, he was carrying the dark pollution from the abyss, which could be said to be a walking disaster. The reason why Reindort said this to him was because he wanted to use his power to attack Mondstadt.

So, when Durin came to this land, what greeted him was not beautiful poems, but weapons in people's hands.

But the power of the dragon was too strong. Even if he had no intention of harming these people, the dark pollution from the abyss he carried on his body was not something that ordinary people could resist.

At this time, the knights responsible for protecting Mondstadt also died in battle one after another, just as the young man sang in his poem:

"The lion's teeth are rotten, and the eagle's flag is not flying."

However, at this time, the wind dragon Tevalin, as a follower of the wind god, listened to the call of the people, descended from the sky, and started a thrilling battle with the dragon Durin.

In the end, the wind dragon Tevalin killed the dragon Durin in the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, and he himself fell into a deep sleep because he swallowed the dragon's poisonous blood.

Until recently, when he revived, he originally thought that he

will be praised by people.

But people had already forgotten him and regarded him as a monster that would destroy Mondstadt, hence the name of Wind Dragon.

The Wind Dragon stood in the distance for a long time, looking at the city he had once protected, and asked, "Why do people today hate me?"

However, due to the catastrophe in Kanreya, the God of Wind also fell into a deep sleep, so the Wind Dragon's question was not answered.

So, under the triple stimulation of Durin's poisonous blood, people's forgetfulness, and the Abyss Cult, the Wind Dragon became unconscious and attacked the city he had protected for a thousand years.

"Is that so? No wonder Tevarin, a follower of the God of Wind, wants to attack Mondstadt." Nashida whispered in the crowd.

She has always been kind-hearted and was very worried about Tevarin's current situation. If he was really attacked by the people of Mondstadt, how sad the drunkard poet would be.

"Nashida, I'll give you a little more." Lin Yudie looked at her sister and said calmly.

"Ah? Haven't you finished the story of the drunkard poet?"

"No, it's not about Tevarin, but about the dragon Durin. According to the records of the World Tree, until the moment he was killed by Tevarin, he always naively thought that Tevarin came to play with him..."

"What?" After hearing her sister's words, Nashida seemed very surprised.

"Yes, he came to Mondstadt because of the bewitching of his creator, the alchemist of Kanreya, Rhinedot."

"Five hundred years ago, it was Kanreya who came into contact with the abyss, which led to the law of nature having to take action to destroy them, and the reason why the World Tree was polluted by forbidden knowledge was also caused by Kanreya!"

When it came to Kanreya, Lin Yudie was very angry. If they hadn't come into contact with the abyss, her mother wouldn't have become what she is now.

It can be said that most of the disasters in Teyvat now are caused by this country that was destroyed by the law of nature five hundred years ago. If it weren't for them, the current Teyvat should be a better place.

Still talking about human pride, attracting the abyss, and bringing endless disasters to other human compatriots, is this the so-called pride?

"Hey, you are the ones who fought with Tevarin in the sky before." At this moment, a voice brought Lin Yudie's thoughts back to reality.

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