The two of them were so busy, and the two of them were so busy.

"Hey, you are the ones who fought with Tevarin before." Wendy looked at the two sisters, full of doubts.

Wendy could feel the unique aura of the world tree from the two demon gods in front of him, but they were different from the Great Compassion Tree King, at least in terms of age...

At this moment, Wendy's feelings and reactions when seeing the two sisters Lin Yudie and Nashida were exactly the same as Zhongli's before.

"Hi, Barbatos, this is probably the first time we meet. My name is Lin Yudie, and this is my sister Nashida, who is now the Grass God of Xumi..."

Then, Lin Yudie simply told the whole story, just like she did to Zhongli in Liyue.

After hearing the girl's words, Wendy also rarely restrained his usual free and easy look. He looked at the two sisters and said:

"So you are the daughters of the Great Kind Tree King, the gentle God of Wisdom, I didn't expect her to silently endure so much."

After listening to the two sisters' words, Wendy was filled with emotion. Although the gentle God of Wisdom did not directly participate in the battle against Kanreya and the Abyss five hundred years ago.

But if she hadn't risked her life to protect the World Tree, the power of the Abyss released by Kanreya would have directly eroded the entire Teyvat.

Among the seven gods now, he and Zhongli were the two who experienced it firsthand, so they naturally knew the horror of the abyss power from outside the world.

The power of the abyss, or the power of the void, is the opposite of the entire Teyvat. It lurks in the dark, and as long as it has a chance, it will attack the entire Teyvat, just like a venomous snake lurking in the dark.

Wendy stood in the square, looking at the tall statue of the wind god and thinking for a long time, then he retracted his thoughts and looked at the two sisters and said:

"Well, you want my God's Heart to save her, right? Here, I'll give it to you!"

As he said that, a cyan light bloomed from his chest, and a cyan crystal like a chess piece was thrown to Lin Yudie by him.

"Alas, is it so easy to get a God's Heart?" Nashida looked at the God's Heart in her sister's hand and said in surprise.

Why do other gods seem to care little about the God's Heart?

Before, when she was in contact with Zhongli in Liyue, Nashida also had a similar feeling. The Rock God valued the contract, not the Rock God's Heart...

At this time, Nashida was full of questions in her heart. She planned to ask her sister when she had time to clarify what was going on.

"Thank you, Barbatos. Since you are so generous, I will not take it for nothing. Here, this is the wine brewed by my mother. It has been stored for a long time and no one drinks it. Now I will give it to you."

As she said, she took out five bottles of wine from the dream space and threw them directly to Wendy.

Well, these wines were all made by her little feet under the coercion of her mother. She didn't like to drink them, so now it was just right to give them to this drunkard poet.

Originally, she was very resistant to the idea of ​​using her feet to make wine, but she couldn't resist her mother's coercion and inducement.

In the words of that hateful mother, "The wine made by the feet of a beautiful girl is the most delicious!"

Lin Yudie would never believe such nonsense, it's nothing more than the lack of tools to crush grapes in the world tree space!

The hateful stinky mother will squeeze her lovely daughter.

After the matter was done, Lin Yudie also drank some of the wine she stepped on, and the taste was no different from ordinary wine. Her mother was the best at lying!

Now, looking at these wines, she thought of the days when she was forced by her mother to make wine. She was so angry that she simply gave a few bottles to the drunkard poet.

Of course, she also kept some, because she was angry with her mother, she hadn't tasted it properly.

"What did you say, this wine was actually brewed by your mother, come on, let me taste it!"

After listening to Lin Yudie's words, Wendy's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to open one of the bottles and started drinking.

"Hmm, it's really delicious. Apart from a slight change in taste, it's basically the same."

"Oh, I didn't expect there would be another chance.

Drink this old friend's wine. The last time I drank it was when the Seven Gods gathered. But now... things have changed... Alas!"

After a brief moment of happiness, the face of the God of Freedom showed sadness again.

"Alas, Wendy, is this wine really so delicious? Why do I think it's just so-so?" Lin Yudie looked at Wendy and said with some confusion.

"Just so-so? Let me tell you, your mother, the Great Compassion Tree King, has the best winemaking skills in Teyvat. In order to drink her wine, I begged her for a long time in Xumi, and she gave me a few bottles. "

"Is it really that amazing?" Lin Yudie was a little confused. After all, her mother had never told her about this kind of thing.

"Of course, wait, as her daughter, didn't she teach you the winemaking technology? "Wendy looked at the girl and asked in surprise.

This old fox who had lived for thousands of years obviously had other purposes at this time. He seemed to be trying to trick the ignorant girl.

"Well, it seems that I have learned it."

Lin Yudie recalled that when the unscrupulous mother forced her to step on the grapes, she seemed to have told her a lot of knowledge about winemaking.

However, she seemed to be angry at the time and put the matter behind her.

Then, she looked at Nashida who was playing happily in the Fengshen Square, thinking that she might as well let her sister step on the grapes and make wine.

But soon, she looked at Wendy's expression, seemed to react, and said with some vigilance: "So, you don't want me to help you make wine, right?"

"Hey, good sister, can I, can I, can I? "

At this time, Wendy looked at the girl in front of her with a pair of innocent big eyes.

If he faced other girls, he would probably fall for him, but Lin Yudie didn't buy it. She smiled at the drunk poet in front of her, and then said three words gently:


"Don't do this, big sister..."

"Stop right there, that little thief who stole the Sky Harp!!!"

"Damn, where did he go? Find it for me, it belongs to the old man Fengshen!"

Just when Wendy was about to continue to coax her, a shout came from the church group in the distance.

"You should do your business, Barbatos!"

Lin Yudie looked at Wendy with a smile on her pretty face. After hearing this, she naturally knew what was going on.

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