Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

103: Noah And Sero’S First Meeting? \"Super Decisive Battle!\" Belial Galactic Empire》

Just when everyone was worried about Zero's safety, the picture on the screen suddenly changed and turned into a peaceful universe.

It was as if nothing had happened.

It turns out that time and space have returned to the state before Raymond was sucked in, so everything has become a cause and effect like a dream bubble, and Zero and Raymond are naturally safe and sound.

The distorted dimension is restored to its original state, and peace is restored to the universe!

And Raymond and others, who successfully escaped from danger, also set sail back.

Above the universe, Ultraman Zero watched the Panlong leave, gestured goodbye to them, then raised his head and flew into the distance!

【March 7: Zero is still alive!】

[Silver Wolf: Isn’t this of course? Don’t forget that we have never seen a real dead Ultraman...]

[Alicia: But what do those words that Dark Lopusero said before he blew himself up mean? 】

[Coral Palace Heart Sea: Countdown to terror and despair...]

[Raiden Meiyi: I always feel a little uneasy. 】

[Funina: Yes, I always feel a bit oppressive that the storm is about to come! 】

[Zhongli: It’s like the calm before the storm. 】

"A countdown of terror and despair..."

Himiqiao murmured the warning words spoken by Dark Lopusero, and the cosmic-level crisis he had experienced appeared in his mind involuntarily!

That is a much more powerful opponent than the Mechanical Ultra Brothers and Dark Lopsiro, and it is also the old enemy that will make him hit the wall many times in the future - Arc Belial!

Along with Ji Qiao's memories, the picture on the screen changed again.

What comes into view is the dark Lopsero troops that have invaded the Kingdom of Light!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the chat group was shocked on the spot!

[Mona: Wait a minute, wait a minute! This is too outrageous! Dark Lopsero...troops?!]

[Wudao: It was already very difficult for Ultraman Zero to deal with just one Dark Lops Zero before, but now a whole army has arrived?!]

[Yin Lang: Just mass-produce it directly, wow Tian! 】

[Xiang Ling: How to fight this, this, this, this! 】

[Paimon: You can’t win, no matter how hard you think, you can’t win!]

[Kiana: What a foul! So many dark Lopsero! 】

[Xinadiya: However, these dark Lopuseros don’t look very powerful. 】

As Xinadia said, although the Dark Lopus Cello on the screen looks scary, it is actually far less powerful than the Dark Lopus Cello that Cell first encountered.

With the concerted efforts of Severn and Zero's father and son, they successfully wiped out all the Dark Lops Zero troops!

And they learned from the wreckage of Dark Lopsero that the core device they carried did not belong to this universe, but came from other parallel universes.

In order to find out who created the dark Lopus Zero, Ultraman Zero volunteered to go to the unknown universe to find out!

So, under the attention of all the members of the Kingdom of Light, Zero prepared to go to another universe to find out the truth about the dark Lops!

"Zero." Severn stepped forward.

"Dad." Sero looked at Severn.

Severn handed the Ottersero Spark to Cero: "Take it with you.

Zero stared at the Ottersero spark, and then raised it high. Suddenly the Ottersero sparks turned into a brilliant light, turned into an Ottersero bracelet, and was worn on Zero's left wrist.

"This Ultra bracelet contains special plasma electro-optical energy, and it will become a signpost for you when you come back.

"It can also be used as a reserve energy source," Severn explained.

Sero nodded and joked: "Dad is still so worried."

"However, this thing can only be used three times.

Severn reminded.

"Three times?" Zero looked at the bracelet and said confidently, "That's enough!"

[Silver Wolf: To be fair, shouldn't it be something like "This is a super bracelet, with it, you can defeat any sun monster"? 】

[Kafka: Thank you, Rabbit-Worker

【Silver Wolf:???】

Seven finally warned Sero: "Everyone and I are always thinking about you. You are not alone."


Zero nodded vigorously, and in a trance, exciting background music seemed to sound: "Then I'm going!"


Zero raised his head and instantly flew into the sky with a war cry!

All the Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light raised their heads in unison and stared at Ultraman Zero.

"Let's focus our light on Ultraman Zero!"

The father of Ultra said, taking the initiative to raise his right arm, and the light of time was given to Li Luo!

The other Ultraman followed closely behind, and in an instant all the light of the Kingdom of Light was focused on Zero!

Accompanied by exciting BGM——

[At this moment we will challenge fate and fate]

【Carrying light and justice】

【Walking towards the darkness】

[There must be someone somewhere, silently watching your work

【The Milky Way (acah) extending far away】

[The shining arms swear to fight for justice]

【Your name is--Ultraman Zero!】

Having crossed a long distance and broken through the shackles of the universe, with the power of all the members of the Kingdom of Light - Ultraman Zero finally entered another universe!

It is also the beginning of the multiverse!

[Wutao: Oh! What a spectacular scene——is this the real scene of the multiverse? 】

[Zhongli: The multiverse...is this what it looks like? 】

[Navilet: I didn’t expect that in addition to parallel worlds and parallel universes, there are also multiverses. 】

[Kiana: Multiverse? Does that mean there is another me in another universe? Or another Mei?]

[Alicia: Is there another Alicia? It’s really exciting! 】

[Nacida: Is it a multiverse? Although there are outsiders from other worlds in the Teyvat continent, the multiverse is even more distant than the parallel world... maybe even Sky Island I don’t know about this either. 】

[Black Tower: Multiverse, I didn’t expect Ultraman to be able to recognize and enter the level of the multiverse. It seems that the Ultraman species is stronger than I imagined. 】

[Silver Wolf: Although Ultraman is fighting on Earth because his expressiveness is too high, it can still be seen through Zero's story that Ultraman has explosive power in the universe. Traveling freely is not a problem. 】

[Liu Ying: And he can also travel through the multiverse with his body without any burden and without any side effects... Ultraman's physical strength is really abnormal level! 】

After entering the target universe, Ultraman Zero was surprised to find that he could not absorb the solar energy from this universe!

Soon the timer on his chest began to flash. In order to preserve his physical strength, he chose to possess Lan, a resident of the planet Anu, which could not only protect his life, but also allow himself to conserve his physical strength.

Later, through a meeting with Princess Emerana of the planet Esmeralda, Ultraman Zero learned the true identity of his enemy - the mastermind who controlled the mysterious enemy legion turned out to be the so-called " Galactic Emperor's Belial!

The evil Ultraman Beria, whom he once defeated with his own hands, was resurrected in this universe!

And he also built a powerful galactic empire and embarked on a journey to dominate the universe!

"It can't be wrong! That guy is Beria!"

Cero looked at Beria's evil deeds that harmed everyone in this universe, and felt extremely guilty in his heart. He clenched his fists [raised his head and asked: "Where is Beria! I'm going to defeat him now!"

With that said, he walked towards the exit regardless of dissuasion, planning to fight alone: ​​"Open the door!!!"

[Thunder Movie: Unexpectedly, Beria was not only resurrected, but also expanded his empire in another universe!]

[Mebius: As far as villains are concerned, he has really achieved the ultimate! 】

[Funina: Zero looks a little guilty...]

[Zhongli: Perhaps, Zero was blaming himself for not being able to completely kill Beria, so he allowed him to regroup and kill so many innocent lives in this universe. 】

[Nacida: Yes, if Zero and the others had been more cautious at that time, they would have been able to kill Beria completely. 】

[Wendy: However, it was precisely because of Sero's negligence that so many innocent lives in this universe were persecuted... It was precisely because of this that Sero became so urgent and wanted to find Beria settles the score. 】

[Alicia: However, the current Ultraman Zero cannot absorb the solar energy of this universe at all, not to mention that Belial has so many troops. Zero alone - there is no way he can be Bailey. Ya’s opponent!]

[Navilet: Indeed, even though it was the first battle with Beria, Zero finally succeeded in defeating Beria with the help of everyone...Now that Zero is fighting alone, if If you really go to Beria rashly, you will probably die in vain. 】

Not only everyone in the chat group thought so, but Lan's younger brother Xiao Zhi and Princess Emerana also thought so. They comforted Zero and told him that he must first find the Shield of Palagi before he could defeat Bailey. Asian opportunity.

Therefore, in order to crush the ambition of Emperor Beria, Ultraman Zero, who is of the same mind as Arashi, boarded a spaceship - the Royal Spaceship, together with Riku Asakura (X), Nao, and Princess Emerana. In the vast universe!

On the spaceship, the masters quickly became good friends and decided to go together to find the Shield of Palagi that could protect the entire universe from the terrifying Emperor Caesar Belial!

When he asked for advice from the pirates who knew about the Shield of Palagi and the underground resistance to Belial's army, he and their bodyguard Guren Flame were acquainted with each other. Because they also fought against Belial, they quickly became companions.

However, at this moment, everyone was attacked by Belial's army again. Due to lack of energy, Zero didn't know what to do when faced with the huge number of Belial's army.

[Desia: To be fair, if Zero has enough energy, even if he comes with more Belia troops, they won’t be enough to defeat him, right? 】

[Navia: That’s right. After all, why can’t Zero absorb the solar energy of this universe? This is too strange! 】

[Silver Wolf: This wave, this wave is a forced weakening! 】

Just when Cero had no other choice for a while, Red Lotus Flame volunteered to help Cero and his party break out. He told Cero that the Shield of Praji was on the Mirror Star and was going to find the people of the second dimension. Use sonic booms of flames all over your body to fill the cosmic ocean of nitromethane, allowing everyone to successfully break through!

After Ultraman Zero and others escaped from danger, they came to the Mirror Planet without stopping. After seeing the Mirror Knight who was contaminated by Belial, Ultraman Zero immediately transformed and helped the Mirror Knight purify Belial's body. Black air.

But at this moment, the pursuing Belial army attacked again, and the Mirror Knight took the initiative to choose

Choosing to go into battle to meet the enemy, Ultraman Zero and others went to the underground temple to find the Shield of Palagi.

So with the help of the Mirror Knight, Zero and his party finally entered the temple and met the legendary Ultraman - Noah!

Zero looked up and stared at the stone statue engraved with Ultraman Noah: "This is..."

Xiao Zhi walked forward and looked at the stone statue as well: "It's the legendary giant, Ying!"

Sero murmured: "Noah......"

"So, this is the Shield of Palagi?" Emerana looked at the Shield of Palagi under the stone statue of Noah and opened her eyes slightly.

There seemed to be some hope in his expression.

"Yes! There should be a place for the fragments to fit in!"

Xiao Zhi walked forward excitedly, took off the pendant in his hand, and placed it on the stone statue of Palagi's Shield.

At that moment, the Shield of Palagi seemed to flash with a red light symbolizing Ultraman Noah's awakening!

[Padophilis: Oh! It’s Ultraman Noah! Is Ultraman Noah going to appear too! 】

[Keqing: If it is Ultraman Noah, he should be more than enough to deal with Beria and his army! 】

[March 7: Not only is it more than enough, Noah is one of the four mysterious people in the legend! Of course it’s a slap in the face! 】

[Alicia: In this way, all living creatures in this universe will be saved!]

[Charlotte: But, aren’t Ultraman Noah... and Ultraman Zero both the past lives of Mr. Ji Qiao? Why can they still meet? 】

[Navilet: Maybe it’s because of the multiverse. 】

[Wutao: The multiverse is really magical! 】

[Liu Ying: Anyway, with the help of Ultraman Noah, there is still hope for this universe! 】

However, just when everyone was looking forward to Noah's rescue, the Paraji... turned into ashes in an instant!

Seeing this scene, not only the chat group, but also Xiao Zhi, who had been looking forward to the Shield of Praji, also broke his guard.

Keep asking why is this happening?

Just when Zero and Emerana were comforting Xiao Zhi, suddenly the entire ruins shook violently. It turned out that the Mirror Knight could not support the huge Belia army after all.

Was breached!

In order to save Xiao Zhi and Emerana, Ultraman Zero folded his Ultra glasses into a shooting gun and shattered the boulder, but his arm was accidentally hit by a falling rock, causing Ultraman to fall into a trap.

The special glasses fell down.

At the same time, the Mirror Knight's mirror barrier was completely shattered, Emerana and Xiao Zhi disappeared, and Zero also fell into a coma!

When he woke up, he suddenly found that he had been captured by Beria!


The moment he saw Beria, Cero could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and stared at him viciously.

Beria jumped in front of Zero and pointed at the scar on his face: "Look, this is the wound you gave me!"

"————Ultraman Zero!"

Zero roared loudly: "Fight with me!!"

"Hahahaha! What are you talking about!"

Beria laughed wildly: "You have become as small as an ant, and your energy is gone, right?"

"-Want this?"

As he spoke, Beria raised his paw, and on top of it were Ultra glasses wrapped in evil energy!

[Xiaogong: These are Zero’s Ultra glasses! 】

[Navia: I didn’t expect to be picked up by Beria!]

[Kiana: This is really adding insult to injury! 】

[Thunder Meiyi: It’s just adding insult to injury...]

[Silver Wolf: Beria not only saved Zero's life, but also helped him pick up his glasses... He really made me cry to death. 】

【March 7:?Ah? Can you still understand it like this?!】

Zero was surprised when he saw his Ultra glasses!

"——Just stay there and watch carefully."

"What do you want to do!" Zero roared.

The next second, Belia sent out one million Dark Lops in front of Zero's eyes to attack the Kingdom of Light.

He also made taunts in order to vent his resentment at his defeat at the Monster Cemetery. However, Zero was unable to transform due to the Ultra Glasses being taken away.

He could only watch this scene helplessly, which made him realize for the first time what it meant to be powerless!

PS: Here comes the first update, take a break to write the second update!

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