Original God: Past Life Revealed, I Am The Human Body Of Tiga

104: Noah Personally Comes To The Rescue! The Chat Group Was Shocked!

[Wutao: What should we do now! This guy Beria is too hateful! 】

[Ningguang: Without the transformer, Zero can't transform into Ultraman.........]

[Black Tower: To be fair, this restriction is too big. 】

[March 7: This seems to be the weakness of all Ultraman. Once you lose your transformer, you cannot transform into Ultra...

[Kiana: Then now I can only watch helplessly and can’t do anything!]

[Thunder Mei: Nothing...can't be done...]

[Silver Wolf: The password is entered correctly, it looks like it is about to be blackmailed! 】

In the picture, Zero watched Beria recklessly hurt his friends and family, but he couldn't do anything. In despair... he couldn't help but shed tears of grief.

At that moment, Zero's tears turned into Mirror Knight's mirror, successfully broke through Belial's barrier, and rescued Ultraman Zero~!

And he also successfully helped Ultraman Zero regain his glasses!

With the forceful throw of the Mirror Knight, Lan's body was shot out like a cannonball, he accurately snatched the glasses back in mid-air, and then put them on his face!

The next second, Lan's body kept spinning in the air!

As the light blooms, Ultraman Zero makes his debut!

The moment he fell to the ground, Ultraman Zero immediately released his strongest light skill: Zero Beam Ray!

Destroy all the machines Belial uses to control armies across the multiverse!

Under the powerful light skill, Beria's control room instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire!

After doing all this, Zero slowly turned his head and glared at Beria.

Immediately afterwards, he angrily stretched out his right hand and pointed it at Beria, and slowly and firmly squeezed it——

"I will never forgive you!!!!"

And Beria responded: "I'll send you to hell!"

The next second, Sero rushed forward and launched a fierce attack on Beria!

After dodging Beria's cloak with a short body, Zero immediately turned around and launched a high kick at Beria!


A dull sound hit Beria's blocking arm, but he didn't move at all.

Seeing this, Zero kicked him several times in a row, but he was hit by Beria's daughter-in-law.

On the contrary, when Zero was exhausted, Beria used a fierce kick. Although he raised his arms to block, he still kicked him staggering and took a step back.

Immediately afterwards, Beria made another powerful and heavy kick!

He kicked Zero on the chest with a bang, and the powerful impact even made Zero take several steps back. He raised his head and looked at Beria in disbelief - as if he didn't expect that he would come back from the dead after being resurrected at night, and he would also change. Got to be stronger!

[Diluc: Beria seems to have become stronger. 】

[Navilet: Indeed. Beria is now even stronger than before. 】

[Mockingbird: Not only did he regroup and come back from the dead, but he also created the powerful Beria Empire, and his own strength has become stronger than before... Beria is really a terrifying existence. 】

[Himeko: He is indeed the most feared enemy of the Ultra clan. Such an enemy... anyone would be frightened. 】

[Kaia: I wonder if Zero can defeat Beria now...]

[Keli: Come on! Ultraman Zero! Keli believes you will not lose!!]

[Hook: Ultraman Zero is the strongest!!]

On the screen, the battlefield between Zero and Beria gradually moved outside the control room, and both of them landed on a broken rock.

After Sero rolled on the rocks several times, he barely managed to stabilize his body.

On the contrary, it was Beria who stabilized the balance from the beginning!

He pulled off his cloak and folded his hands on his chest. With a flash of scarlet light, Beria's claws became sharper!

It is the Claw of Caesar Belial!

Seeing this scene, Zero was immediately surprised!

But Cerro soon took countermeasures. After dodging Beria's repeated attacks, he immediately distanced himself and used his head dart to attack Beria!

After Belial waved his claws to deflect it away, Zero had already rushed forward and used the strongest kick at the same time: Ultra Flying Kick!

The flying kick burning with blazing flames went straight towards Beria and kicked hard!


Accompanied by a violent impact, the flying kick that was originally enough to cause a major blow to Beria was actually blocked by Beria. His body kept sliding backwards, leaving a shrill trace under his feet. of cracks!

But Beria was unscathed!

"This kind of trick is useless!"

He issued a challenge.

Seeing this scene, Zero was startled at first, and then he wiped his nose and let out a sneer.

The next second, the two rushed towards each other again and started a close confrontation!

Caesar Belial's claws and Zero's head dart collided with each other, and fierce sparks broke out. The two sides were inextricably fighting for a while, and they couldn't tell the winner!

But after all, the current Caesar Belial was better. He took advantage of an attack opportunity to fly away all of Zero's head darts, and then violently attacked Zero with his sharp claws!

Fortunately, Zero reacted in time and successfully dodged away!

Immediately afterwards, he quickly launched Emelim Cutting towards Beria!

Just when Beria dodged to avoid it, Cerro spun out from the massive flames and smoke, knocked Beria down, hugged his body from behind, and drove Beria into a pile. After raising it in a machine-like posture, it jumps high——and then knocks the enemy to the ground in one breath!

It is the new fighting technique that Zero learned from Red Lotus Flame: Zero pile driving and wrestling!


With a deafening roar, Beria's body fell heavily to the ground, denting a huge deep pit!

But even so, Beria quickly stood up and charged up his claws of Caesar Beria!

Dark red energy continues to flow on the claws, accompanied by dark lightning flashes┼instantly!

It’s the charging start of Belial’s killing ray: Disium’s ray!

Sero also pulled out the head dart again, installed it on his own colored timer, and issued a final declaration of victory: "This is the end!!"

The next second, Zero concentrated his energy and fired out the strongest single-kill ray: Liluo Double Ray!

And Beria also made a start, releasing the Disium Light!

The two huge energies collided with each other. After a stalemate for a while, Belia's Disium ray actually suppressed Zero's Twin Rays of Zero!

And it hit Zero directly, sending him flying away on the spot!


After receiving this heavy blow, Zero fell upside down and fell to the ground, with black arcs of Beria's light flashing all over his body from time to time.

[Liuying: Ultraman Zero... lost the battle! 】

[Mona: We have lost the killing ray, how are we going to fight now!]

[Kiana: Beria is too strong now! 】

[Silver Wolf: Beria, so terrifying! 】

Seeing that Zero was knocked to the ground by his own killing ray, Beria laughed victoriously: "The real terror has just begun!"

The next second, Beria suddenly flew into the sky, and then his body rotated like a top, and he suddenly got into the ground.

"Stop! Beria!!"

Sero struggled to stand up and continued to chase after him!

Soon, he chased the place where Beria disappeared and came to a place full of green crystal mines. Sure enough, he found Beria there who seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

The moment he saw Zero, Beria no longer waited, crossed his arms in front of him, and let out a roar full of power [The Emperor's Emerald Ore Energy was exploited.


"Belia! You...!"

The violent green energy even formed a storm energy field that even Zero dared not approach easily. He raised his hand to cover his eyes and looked at the almost crazy Beria.

Seeing this scene, not only Zero, but everyone in the chat group was also shocked!

[Keqing: Beria! Do you want to absorb all the energy of the ores nearby?! 】

[Gan Yu: So much ore energy...even Beria can't handle it, right?!]

[Vilvi: I can feel that Beria’s fighting power is soaring! 】

[Kingryu: For the sake of power, would you even go to this extent...]

In the blink of an eye, Beria absorbed a large amount of ore energy, and his posture also changed dramatically. His body became extremely huge, and Emerald Ore crystals protruded from his back!

The whole body also changed into a beast-like posture!

In his eyes, even Ultraman Zero is no different than an ant!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--!!!!!"

He let out a laugh full of malice [looking at Zero Ultra who was holding it in his hand] "The power deep in the body continues to emerge, so that all the universes in the future will be mine!"

Ultraman Zero, who was held in the palm of Belial's hand, tried his best to break free, but no matter how hard he struggled, he could not break free from Arc Belial's shackles!

Instead, the colored timer on the chest began to flash, symbolizing the embarrassment of insufficient energy!

"Asshole! What a powerful force!"

James Bert and the Mirror Knight wanted to step forward to help Zero, but were easily knocked away by Arc Belial with a wave of his hand!

He looked at Zero in his hand and mocked him knowingly: "Does it feel uncomfortable? Ah!"

Beria raised his hand and kept ravaging Zero, listening to his painful voice with enjoyment.

At the same time, Arc Belial also began to absorb Ultraman Zero's energy, and the colorful timer on Zero's chest flashed faster and faster!

Sero also realized this, and his voice became weaker: "The energy is dissipating

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha--!!!!!"

Arc Beria laughed loudly, watching Ultraman Zero die little by little.


Ultraman Zero's tone became weaker and weaker: "To think he would die here..."

[Funina: Oops! If this continues, Zero's energy will be exhausted! 】

[Xianyun: I didn’t expect that Beria, who absorbed the energy of the ore, would become so powerful! 】

【Padophilis: What should we do now!!】

[Mockingbird: Ultraman Zero...the timer on his chest is flashing faster and faster!]

0…Please give me flowers…

【Keli: Ultraman Zero, hold on!!!】

In the picture, there is a moment——

A blazing flame rushed from the other end of the universe and hit Beria's hand heavily, forcing him to endure the pain and let go of Zero.

Taking this opportunity, the owner of the flame also successfully rescued Zero!

After the flames dissipated, the one who revealed the lineup was none other than the Red Lotus Flame who had never known Zero before.

The red lotus flame not only saved Zero

And they even brought reinforcements!

But even so, the power of Arc Beria is still difficult for everyone to resist!

Arc Beria was seen destroying the surrounding buildings wantonly, and opened his mouth wide, as if he was accumulating power!

At the same time, the ore behind him also shone, and a large amount of electric light flashed from the ore!

Even the bloody mouth of Arc Beria condensed a huge and destructive energy!

The target is directly at Ultraman Zero and his party, as well as the planet behind them!

It is Arc Belial’s strongest light skill: Arc Disium Light!

call out----!!!!

A beam of light containing extremely powerful destructive power suddenly shot out. Zero and the Mirror Knight blocked the front in time, summoning an energy barrier to resist this powerful force!

"Asshole! Do you want to destroy the entire planet Esmeral!"


Even though the colored timer on Zero's chest was flashing and might go out at any time, he still didn't give up and tried his best to spread out the barrier in an attempt to block Arc Beria's strongest blow!

When Arc Beria saw this, he once again increased the output power and at the same time took a sudden step forward!

At that moment, violent sparks exploded! Arc Beria's energy beam was even more powerful!

Not only was Zero's timer flashing more and more rapidly, but even the barrier formed by the Mirror Knight became fragmented, and even several places were shattered, missing Arc Belial's beam!

The missed beam bombarded the planet behind them, causing a violent explosion and roar in an instant, and almost part of the surface of the planet was evaporated and destroyed!

This shows how powerful Arc Belial's beam is!

At the same time, the surface of the barrier was covered with violent spider web-like traces, as if it might shatter at any time in the next second!

But even so, Zero didn't give up and tried his best to maintain the last line of defense!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the chat group also cheered for Ultraman Zero and others—

[Funina: Come on! Ultraman Zero! 】

[March 7: Ten million! You must not lose!]

[Keqing: That’s right! Behind you are a whole planet of life, and you must not let Beria destroy them! 】

[Kiana: Ultraman Zero, you must hold on!!]

[Keli: Ultraman Zero! You can’t admit defeat!!!!]

However, Ultraman Zero, who had very little energy left, tried his best to resist the light of Arc Belial... and finally ran out of energy!

The rapidly flashing timer has also fallen into complete darkness at this moment!

Sero struggled... and used his last bit of strength to express the voice deep in his heart——


However, his eyes also lost their brightness, and his head... also gradually lowered.

It was as if he had completely lost consciousness.

[Alicia: How could this happen! Zero, he...]

[Yatae Shenzi: Isn’t the energy exhausted after all...

[Funina: Could it be that... is it going to end like this! 】

[Navia: How could it be! It’s obviously not easy to get here! It’s obviously not easy! 】

[Clorind: Beria... is still too powerful after all. 】

[Xiao Gong: In other words...this universe will still be unable to escape the fate of being destroyed...]

[Kamizato Ayaka: How could such a thing happen...】

[Kiana: Don’t do that kind of thing!!!]

Just as everyone in the chat group was falling into despair, suddenly, a golden light shone from Zero's companions.

This light is getting stronger and stronger and blooming more and more!

Then in the next second, it suddenly burst out and shot up into the sky!

Following this, came the second, third, and fortieth rays... and countless rays of golden light rising into the sky!

In an instant, it seemed as if the light of the entire universe was shining at the same time and converging here!

And in that grand light, Zero, who originally lost energy and died, miraculously recovered!

Even the colorful timer on the chest has regained its full energy!

He slowly raised his head and stared ahead.

With a flash of familiar light, a grand white halo illuminated the entire universe. From that light - a familiar and huge mysterious figure appeared in front of Luo!

The silver-white shining figure, and the huge pair of Noah's feathers behind it!

——It is the first light in the universe, the first of the four mysterious mysteries!

Exit Ultraman Noah!.

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